Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 197 There Is One Eye, Glowing With Blue Light! (2 Updates Please Subscribe)

When Tang Wan talked about what happened in the studio, there was more panic and confusion on his face.

Jiang Ye looked at her, pushed the hot drink brought by the waiter in front of Tang Wan, and said, "Ms. Tang, have something to drink.

Logan held the cup of hot drink in his hand and said thank you.

The girl Xiaoyou on the side looked at Tang Wan carefully, then looked at Jiang Ye curiously, and finally frowned slightly.

"Ms. Tang, according to you, your pet dog kept barking at the studio that night. But you were outside and saw yourself in the studio. Do you remember that there was a shadow of you in the studio? ?”

Jiang Ye asked, and Tang Wan replied: "Yes, I clearly saw a shadow, and there was also a figure in the mirror [on the tenth floor], as if there were several more of me!"

"What about your pet dog? You wanted to take it away. Why did it keep ignoring you? Was your pet dog obedient before?"

"It is very obedient. Basically, it will do whatever I want it to do."

"Well, then I understand, you continue."

Jiang Ye smiled and continued to drink. The girl Xiaoyou also wanted to drink, but Jiang Ye asked her to hold it by herself. Anyway, she was not included in the shots taken by the mobile phone.

Tang Wan took a sip of something and couldn't help but glance at the rain curtain outside.


The two muffled thunders seemed to be responding to her, making Tang Wan shrink his neck involuntarily.

"The weather that night was probably the same as today. Thunder 803 wanted to hear the rain very loudly. Adi was unwilling to follow me, so I ran away because I was too scared. I went to the garage to pick up the car under an umbrella. I drove aimlessly in the rain."

"At that time, my mind was completely blank. I didn't know where I should go or where I should drive the car. Anyway, I just looked at the light and drove wherever it was. I drove on. , I arrived at this hotel, and I was sitting in the lobby.

"The waiter asked me, so I asked her to book a room for me. But I didn't dare to go into the room. I was afraid of that kind of closed space, just like I couldn't escape from my studio. So I have been sitting in the hotel lobby, oh by the way... I was sitting in your seat when I came that time.

Jiang Ye couldn't help but said in surprise when he heard this: "That is indeed such a coincidence."

"Yes, what a coincidence."

"What about the way you came here?"

“On the way here……………….”

Tang Wan seemed to be lost in thought, or Xi was influenced by Jiang Ye, who was slowly recalling the journey that night.

Suddenly, her body couldn't stop trembling, and she said: "No, I didn't hit anyone, really... I really didn't hit anyone that night!"

"Hit someone? Did you hit someone while you were driving on the road?"

"I don't know. It feels like I hit someone, but I got out of the car to check. There was no dent in the car, and I didn't see anyone behind the car or anywhere. But while I was driving, I really felt an impact, and I vaguely saw a person flying past the front of my car.”

"Are you sure there's nothing in the car after you get out of the car and check it?"


"Then did you check inside the car?"

Logan's eyes suddenly widened and he shouted: "Inside the car? How is that possible? It was raining heavily that day and all my windows were closed. How could he run into the car?"

"Then when you got off the car and drove again, did you feel anything strange?"

"I...No, there's nothing strange about it at all."

"Think about it again, are there any abnormalities in the tattoo positions on the neck...ankles, and head?"

Logan began to think again. After thinking about it, she said: "My neck... my neck is so cold. It seems...... as if someone is blowing on my neck."

"Ms. Tang, close your eyes for three seconds, and then let's have a good conversation."

"I can explain it clearly."

"Don't get me wrong, I don't doubt what happened to you, but you may not even know what happened to you. So all you need to do is (adfe) do what I say, um... close up Eyes. You are older than me, so you can't let me coax you the way I coax those little girls, right?"

Jiang Ye smiled, and Tang Wan couldn't help but smile bitterly and silently closed her eyes.

When I say three seconds, it really means three seconds.

"Okay, Ms. Tang, you can open your eyes. Now tell me again what happened to you.

Jiang Ye's words not only stunned Tang Wan, but also the audience in the live broadcast room were full of doubts:

"What's wrong with today's anchor? Why do I always feel like the questions I ask are weird when I'm facing Ms. Tang, and even my behavior is a little weird."

"How did Tong Ling get into trouble first?" Jiang Ye asked the audience in the live broadcast room.

"Because that Feng Shui master seduced her soul."

Jiang Ye nodded: "If I went to find Tong Ling just after she was seduced, she would be in the same state as Ms. Tang.

"Ms. Tang, what do you think of now?"

"That girl!"

"That girl is very strange. Her eyes...one of her eyes seems to be shining with light!"

"Then what?"

"Then I went home that night and painted her. The photo was very shabby at the time, so it was hard for me to paint. The person who painted the painting was not me at all, not...not the same me to be precise. At that time I have been thinking hard about how to start painting, whether to paint the bamboo first, or the house first, or pave the bluestone road first. "

"I thought about it for a long time, and then I found that I was unusually sleepy, so I fell asleep. Yes... I fell asleep, and then in my daze, I heard footsteps!"

"Yes, footsteps! The footsteps were very strange, like wearing slippers stepping on the ground. The sound started from outside the house, and then got closer and closer, and appeared at the door of the studio. outside."

"Adi, Adi is dead...Adi has been dead a long time ago! A month ago, Adi, who had been with me for more than ten years, died of old age. She had never been in the house. , Adi didn’t scream, is everything just a figment of my imagination?”

"Don't worry. What happened after you heard that voice appear outside the studio door?"

Jiang Ye asked, Tang Wan patted her head and thought carefully. After thinking about it, she said: "She came in as a girl, but I don't know what she looked like. She stood behind me and slowly took the I lifted my hand. At that moment, I seemed to wake up. The real person who painted was not me, but the girl!"

"She drew the bamboo forest with my hand, and then my eyes fell on the earthen house in the bamboo forest. I looked inside the door, and the figure slowly walked out of the house. In the house That person in navy blue clothes, it’s not looking at me, it’s looking at the girl behind me, right?”

"Then I ran out in fright. Adi was a fake, and everything in the studio was fake. I drove away from home. It rained heavily that night, and I felt like I had hit someone. Yes. It’s that girl, she’s not a human! But if she’s not a human, why did she appear in front of me during the day? She gave that painting to me during the day!”

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