Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 199 Scratches On The Back! (4 More Updates Please Subscribe)

Logan's sudden move surprised everyone.

Was Lao Ma the one who entered Tang Wan's house that night?

"It's you!"

"At that time, I kept feeling someone behind me, so I got under the bed out of desperation. While I was lying under the bed, I didn't look to see what was going on inside the room, but I kept hearing sounds moving. Later I thought When I looked to see who it was, I looked outside, but it wasn't next to me, so I looked under my feet."

"At the end of the bed, I saw a man with his head on the floor. He was walking completely upside down. I didn't notice it when you first came in, but now I remember, it was you...at that time The person in my room is you!"

Tang Wan pointed at Lao Ma, but Lao Ma looked at Tang Wan blankly, and then couldn't help laughing.

"No, big sister, aren't you being ridiculous? I don't know you and have no contact with you, so why should I go to your house?"

"How do I know why you went to my house? But I can see clearly that the person who was there that night was you!"

"Fart, I am an upright person, walking like the wind and sitting like a pine tree. My parents gave me a pair of feet that I don't use to walk on, so why should I use my head on it? I owe it!!

Lao Ma was also angry, but Tang Wan was obviously frightened and quickly moved away to sit next to Jiang Ye.

"Mr. Ma, Ms. Tang, don't worry. Why don't we listen to what happened to Mr. Ma? Mr. Ma, you just said that on the way back [the driver ran away halfway?"

Jiang Ye comforted the two of them, and Lao Ma nodded and said, "Yes, that driver has no professional ethics. I squinted in the car for a while, and when I opened my eyes, the car stopped on the side of the road and no one was there. At that time, I almost drove directly to the hotel on impulse. Fortunately, when I was not running on the road, I saw the traffic police checking the car in front of me. "

"Then why doesn't Mr. Ma call the driver again?"

"Forget it, forget it, it's not easy for everyone. You still come out as a substitute driver in this damn weather. Maybe it's because your family is in trouble. I drink too much and like to be drunk. I guess it's because I was unconscious and cursed people just now. People should be scared away."

Lao Ma said with a sad smile, Jiang Ye shook his head and said: "Let's make a phone call. What kind of work you get for what kind of money, what kind of money you get, what kind of professional ethics you have to have, what kind of professional ethics do you need?" Give me a call and ask.”

At Jiang Ye's request, Nima did not do that.

There are now 700,000 viewers in the live broadcast room, all watching.

When they saw Lao Ma taking out his cell phone, they started discussing.

"First, Ms. Tang encountered a ghost. What happened to this old horse seems to be abnormal. No matter what happens, the driver is unlikely to abandon the car and leave, and they both find it strange.

"Yeah, the anchor said that Ms. Tang was possessed and her memory is very blurry, but the anchor seemed to help her revive. But why did Ms. Tang say that Lao Ma was the one who broke into her house? Both of them have shadows. ah."

"That's right, the anchor's live broadcast room is the best at removing the fake and retaining the truth. If there are shadows of people in his live broadcast room, then they should be human beings.

"Wait a minute, look at Lao Ma's expression changing!"

At this moment, Lao Ma, who took out his cell phone, did change his expression, and even the hand holding the cell phone was trembling.

"Mr. Ma, what's wrong with you?"

"Number, why is it this number?"

"What's the number on your cell phone?"

"The dead man's number belongs to an old cousin of mine. But his number has been canceled and I didn't call his number."

"Compare the time. Is this the call you made when you asked for a driver?"


"Has your old cousin passed away?"

Lao Ma breathed heavily: "Yes, he left two months ago. At that time, the weather suddenly became hot, so I, my cousin, and a few buddies said we would go swimming. But we We didn’t like indoor venues and preferred natural ones, so we went to a place that day and had a lot of fun. My cousin came out of the water and threatened to give us ten dives.”

"The men were playing together like children. We were yelling at each other and saying, "You go and jump..." He really went and swam to the other side and landed on a stone. The stone was probably two or three meters high from the water. . My old friend stood on the stone and stretched his body, and then he plunged straight into it. "

"When we saw him jump, we all applauded. The way he jumped down and there were splashes was really amazing. I'm not bragging, he was even better than those professional divers at that time. A sudden plunge was really a little splash. No, we were all shocked at that time, we couldn't believe he was so awesome. '

"However, a few seconds passed, half a minute passed, and more than forty seconds passed before my old watch came up. We felt something bad in our hearts. How could he not come up after such a jump? A few of us swam over quickly to find him. Before we even reached the edge, blood began to appear on the surface of the water. Large streams of blood came up from the bottom of the water. At that time, we were frightened and dived one by one. There was blood under the water, but no one could be found. We held our breath and came up again, and we went back and forth for several times without finding anyone."

"After searching for a few times, we were exhausted, but I didn't want to give up. My cousin and I grew up wearing the same pair of pants, so I surfaced and took a few breaths before preparing to dive down to search again. But I At this time, my friend stopped me. He pointed at our original swimming position with wide eyes and said.........Old Ma, then...isn't that your cousin?"

"I looked in the direction pointed by my friend, and there was a man floating on the river. He was lying on his side on the water, with only half of his body and his face exposed. He was floating in the place where we had used it before. His hands were He was making a scratching motion. His eyes were bloodshot and very red. We looked at him in a daze, "until he realized what he was doing, I rushed towards him like crazy."

"But when I swam over, my friends didn't move. I looked back at them and yelled, "Why are you still standing there? Save people! They didn't move, they were still standing there. I When I asked them what was wrong, they finally said, "Old Ma, why are there so many scratches on your back?"

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