Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 200 Run...Run Quickly! (Please Subscribe For 5 More Updates)

"I don't know why there are so many scratches on my back, and my back was already scratched one by one at that time, and there was blood in many places.

"But I didn't know it hurt. It wasn't until my friend reminded me that those scars caused me pain. Do you want to see it? I still have the scar on my back."

Jiang Ye nodded. Lao Ma took off his shirt and turned his back to everyone, showing his back full of scratches.

It was shocking to see those scratches. Even though those scratches had almost healed, you could still see how hard the person who grabbed him was.

"Such scratches should be caused when a person is in a panic, right?"

Jiang Ye asked, and Lao Ma couldn't help but take a choked breath and said, "Yes, my cousin caught him. This is the only explanation. Otherwise, how could there be such a situation on my back? But I What we don't understand is that that afternoon, all of us witnessed him plunge into the opposite bank, and then he disappeared. Although the 03 water was running water at that time, it did not flow very fast.

"No matter how he floats, it is impossible for him to float back to the original location where we were in such a short period of time. But his body did emerge from that place, and people should not lie prone after drowning. Is it on the water? Why is he lying on his side? It's like... there's someone dragging his body under the water, and then lifting it halfway out of the water."

"It's so weird, so weird...

As Lao Ma said, Jiang Ye asked, "Do you remember where the accident happened?"

"In the suburbs, you have to go through a bamboo forest to get there. The bamboos there grow really well."

"what did you just say?"

"The suburbs."

"No, the last sentence."

"We need to walk through a bamboo forest."

"Are you sure there is a bamboo forest there?"

"How could I remember this kind of thing wrong? There is a bamboo forest!"

Listening to Lao Ma's words, Jiang Ye looked at Tang Wan at this moment, who had already thought of something and was stunned.

"Ms. Tang, do you still hold that photo?"

Jiang Ye asked again. Before Tang Wan could recover, the people in the live broadcast room had suddenly realized.

"Absolutely, the cause of the incident was that photo! Oh no, it was the bamboo forest to be precise!"

"Lao Ma has been to that bamboo forest. Ms. Tang received a painting business for a mud house in the bamboo forest. It must be a bamboo forest!"

"Two people who have nothing to do with each other now have an intersection. The anchor... there is a big problem in that bamboo forest!"

Of course Jiang Ye knew that there was a big problem in the bamboo forest. His eyes were still looking at Tang Wan. The latter came back to his senses and shook his head: "I...I burned the photo."

"Can it be drawn on the spot?"

"But...it's okay. Is it necessary to just draw it?"

"It is very necessary. Because of your painting, I can determine the location. Only by determining the location can I save more people."

Jiang Ye's words immediately brought the audience's thinking to the beginning of the live broadcast. When the live broadcast started, Jiang Ye once said that something big was going to happen in this city, but where exactly would it happen and what form would it take? , he couldn't be sure, he only knew that he could wait for some people in this hotel.

"Ms. Tang, now I need you to draw those things. But you don't have to put too much pressure on it, just draw a rough picture as much as possible.

"Okay, I have pen and paper in my bag and I'll start now."

As Tang Wan said, Jiang Ye looked at Lao Ma again and said, "What is the name of the suburb you went to?"

"Longkou Mountain, there is a reservoir there, and we were playing in that reservoir at that time.

"Did you find a house on either side?"

"I haven't seen any mud houses, and I haven't heard of anything happening there."

Jiang Ye looked towards the live broadcast room, when someone sent back a message: "There are many places where bamboo grows on the outskirts of Hedong City, and Longkou Mountain is one of them.

"Then let's investigate and see if anything has happened in the suburbs in recent years." Jiang Ye said and looked outside the hotel door.

At this time, another person came in from outside the door [it was a girl carrying a schoolbag.

It can be seen that the girl also belongs to a girl from a very good family. She is carrying a suitcase alone with an unhappy face.

After she arrived at the hotel, she also went straight to the rest area. She looked at Tang Wan who was painting, and then at Lao Ma who was getting dressed. Finally, she felt that Jiang Ye was more reliable, so she walked to the restaurant not far from Jiang Ye. Place to sit down.

"Hello, beauty, aren't you going to get a room to rest at this late hour?"

After Jiang Ye finished speaking, the girl looked at him warily but did not respond.

Just searching for something on his phone, Jiang Ye smiled and said, "Now, can we get to know each other?"

Jiang Ye was sitting on the sofa chair. Xiaoyou sitting on the side was crooked and said in Jiang Ye's ear: "Do you want me to go for a walk in the countryside?"

"The sharpening of the knife will not waste the time of chopping wood. When it's your turn to wait patiently, wait." Jiang Ye's voice was so low that only Xiaoyou could hear it.

When the girl confirmed that the person on her phone was Jiang Ye, she was very surprised and said: "You, you are a horror anchor, can you catch ghosts?"

"I don't really like catching ghosts, but I like to do bad things to them." Jiang Ye said with a smile.

"Then can you tell what I provoked? I went to a bamboo forest. Ever since I came back, I always felt like something was following me. I couldn't stand it anymore and ran out of the dormitory. I didn't dare to stay here anymore. It's dormitory!"

"Have you ever been to a bamboo forest? Longkou Mountain?"

"No, I went to Fengbei Mountain. There are many beautiful bamboos there. My classmates and I went there one night a week ago. We went camping during the holidays because they all said that Fengbei Mountain has There is a flower valley in the bamboo forest, which is the best place to camp. A lot of strange things happened that night. After I came back, I always felt that there were many people talking at night. "

"Their voices were very panicked. I don't know how to describe that kind of voice. They were obviously very close to me, but they felt very far away. It was like someone kept shouting in my ear, run... ...Run away! Men, women, old and young, they were all shouting and crying. "

"It's so painful. For a week in a row, as long as I close my eyes, I can hear their voices in my ears. Run... run quickly. They are so panicked. I also want to help them."

But don’t they know that I’m also scared? Why do they have to scare me endlessly!”

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