Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 288 Tongue Pulling Out!

Brother Lao Yu's words seemed to evoke a terrible thing in Lao Yu's mind.

His expression changed almost instantly. Seeing the two of them looking like that, Jiang Ye couldn't help but ask, "What happened when your father passed away?"


When Jiang Ye asked, the two brothers Lao Yu looked at each other and sighed in unison.

"It was so painful when my mother passed away. Every time we, as sons, think about that kind of pain, we feel extremely uncomfortable. Mr. Jiang may not have seen it, but you should know what a rabies patient looks like when he attacks, right? "

When Lao Yu's eldest brother said this, Jiang Yiping understood.

Did their mother die of rabies?

"My mother had never been bitten by a dog or any of those animals. We took her to many hospitals for treatment before she died. No trace of dog bites was found, and even her body couldn't be examined. There was something wrong with her. It was like having rabies. Her eyes were bright red those days, instead of being filled with blood, and she was yelling all the time. Her symptoms will be particularly obvious at night.”

"I remember that the first time she had a problem was on the third day before her death. She was fine that night, but suddenly she sat up all of a sudden when she slept until midnight. She sat up at first. She was silent on the bed and looked out the window. My dad was awakened by her actions and asked her what was wrong, but my mom didn't answer.

"She just looked outside the house silently. At that time, there happened to be a big tree outside my house. The leaves of that big tree were very lush. My father said that within a few minutes of my mother staring at the tree, the wind started blowing outside. The wind started. I blew hard, making the leaves rustle, but my mother kept staring, and her eyes became redder and redder.

"My father became anxious when he saw her look like that and asked her what was wrong. But unexpectedly, my mother suddenly covered her mouth [as if someone was tearing her tongue apart."

"Tearing out her tongue?"

"Yes, she covered her mouth? But it was like a pair of hands, which pried her hand away, and then her tongue was pulled out bit by bit. The longer it got, the longer it got, and her saliva flowed all over the bed. When my father saw this, he went to our house and called us up. It was the first time we saw my mother's appearance. It was really scary. '

"She was obviously in pain, but her tongue kept sticking out. We rushed in, and tears kept falling from her red eyes. But when we called her, she couldn't respond, and she couldn't even move. She kept looking outside. I found the big tree and rushed out. I didn't know what I was thinking at that time, but I thought there must be something in the tree, so I just opened the door hard with the bamboo pole used to dry clothes. The tree in front.”

"I hit her a few times, and my mother's tongue retracted little by little. Then my father and I said that there might be something wrong with the big tree in front of our house. The next morning, our brothers took the tools Just cut down the tree.”

"But what we didn't expect was that the trees were cut down. My mother seemed to be fine, but the next night my mother suddenly woke up in the middle of the night. Then, just like the night before, no... To be precise, it was worse than the night before. She was already in a lot of pain. Her tongue was pulled out and people were still yelling. She couldn't say anything. She was drooling all over the bed. My dad answered again. We shouted. As soon as I saw my mother doing that again, she sent me to the hospital overnight.

"The doctor couldn't see anything wrong, and he did various examinations, all showing that my mother was very healthy. So the doctor suggested that we send my mother to a mental hospital, and we went. But the doctors at the mental hospital Nothing was found, so strange... It was really strange... But what was even more strange was that after we sent my mother home, we sent the youngest to watch her. Well, can you tell Mr. Jiang what happened that day?"

Hearing this, Lao Yu said with great pain: "I kept an eye on my mother after she came home that day, but because she didn't sleep all night and was running around, I watched her calm down for a while, then I lay down next to the bed and took a nap. But once I accidentally fell asleep, and when I woke up, she was gone. We searched all over the mountains and fields, and finally she returned home by herself. "

"She was lying on the bed, holding a photo in her arms. It was a photo of her body that she ran to take. They were both in good health before, so they never prepared for the photo. But that day she ran out secretly to take the photo. Done, she was still hugging her very tightly when she was lying on the bed, and we couldn’t help but ask her when we saw her like that. "

"But she just repeated one sentence, she asked us brothers to love each other. We agreed to her, but we wanted her to give us the photos, but she didn't listen and kept holding on to her life and death.

`々Until the morning of the third day, she didn't make any more trouble that night. When I woke up in the morning, my father wanted to wake her up for breakfast, but when he woke up and turned to look at her, my mother stared with her eyes still holding the photo of her body, and her mouth was open. She was no longer angry. . "

"Also...her tongue was cut off at some point, and it was cut off in her mouth without any blood!"

After speaking, Lao Yu closed his eyes in pain, and so did his eldest brother. Both brothers' faces were full of sorrow.

"Then how did your father pass away?" Jiang Ye asked.

The two brothers replied: "My father is a boring man, the kind who doesn't like to talk much. He is probably the least painful one among the four. He just fell asleep and never woke up again."

Jiang Ye nodded, seeming hesitant but still asked: 10, was your mother very talkative during her lifetime?"

"Yes, she was a loud and nagging person. Of course, she also liked to gossip about people sometimes."

As soon as the two brothers finished speaking, they suddenly seemed to think of something and said, "So, did my mother have her tongue pulled out after she died?"

Jiang Ye did not answer, but was thinking about another question: "Do you know why I saw that your two families were engaged in a secret marriage?"

"From the grapefruit leaf?"

"Yes and no, the disappearance of grapefruit leaves means that your parents haven't reincarnated yet. And since they haven't reincarnated yet, I can see that there is resentment gathering on your parents' graves, and that resentment is directed at the north of Linglong Mountain. There are two tombs in the north, and there are two corpses in each tomb."

"Your mother died so miserably because she spoke ill of the two girls who were married in secret. As for Xiaohua, he died somewhere else!"

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