Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 289: Old Hatred Has Just Gone, But New Hatred Has Come Again!

The ghost cannot cross the boundary.

It is impossible for the evil spirits in Lao Yu's hometown to go to the city where they work to harm people.

But Xiaohua died. Is there any problem with his death?

Maybe there was no problem with his death at all. The only problem was that Xiaohua was holding his neck with both hands when he picked him up.

Jiang Ye actually has a rough idea of ​​this in his mind, but he hasn't confirmed it yet.

Their deaths may have been tragic, but there are too many tragic disasters in the world.

Sometimes a natural or man-made disaster may result in not even one member of the family being left alive.

Lao Yu and the others didn't quite understand what Jiang Ye said. They only knew that Jiang Ye did what he said.

"Mr. Jiang, what should we do now? If our family members are not dead, then the female ghost who is willing to marry in the dark will not let go?"

Jiang Ye just nodded silently and said: "Everything has a cause and a result. Your parents found two female corpses to match the shady marriage. It can be said with certainty that the two female corpses must have been born not long after death. Their The souls did not go to the underworld for reincarnation. In fact, there may be other secrets about their deaths, so after the ghosts were assigned, the parents of the two families were killed. If nothing else, the person who stole and sold the corpses. He should no longer be alive."

"But why did you have nothing to do with them for so many years after their death, but then appeared again not long after Xiaohua's death? You may have done something on their graves, or Xiaohua did something on their graves. Brother Yu, pick up the Put the grapefruit leaves in front of your parents' graves and put them on your eyes."

The two brothers Lao Yu nodded and followed the instructions, picked up the grapefruit leaves placed in front of their parents' graves, and then covered their eyes.

Surprisingly enough, not long after they were covered, the two brothers, Lao Yu, slowly discovered that small holes began to appear on the grapefruit leaves.

Those small holes were like being bitten by bugs. When you opened your eyes again, the small holes got bigger and bigger, and finally you could clearly see the scene in front of you.

The mother who had her tongue pulled out and the father who had not woken up just stood in front of them.

The parents had deep apologies on their faces, as if they were afraid to look up at their children.

They pinched the corners of their clothes tightly, their eyes evading slightly.

"Mingshan, Qingshan..." (adej)

Lao Yu and his father shouted softly, and the two brothers were shocked: "Dad, Mom..."

After they shouted that sound, figures appeared one by one.

Most of these people were the gravediggers that Lao Yu's eldest brother saw on Linglong Mountain. These people almost all passed away after their mother's death.

Looking at those people, the two brothers Lao Yu were actually very scared.

These are ghosts. They have been dead for many years, but it turns out they are still there all the time.

Brother Lao Yu was speechless for a moment. Their parents became even more hesitant and uneasy after they felt Jiang Ye's presence.

"The two old men seemed to understand what they had done during their lifetimes."

"We...we...but that is also a custom that has been handed down for hundreds of years. We didn't know those two girls were so vicious, let alone that they were murdered. We got it here. The family paid 20,000 yuan at that time, and we thought the girl who was brought here was the girl who died of natural causes [unexpectedly, they went to their relatives frantically for money!"

When Lao Yu's father spoke, the audience was immediately shocked.

Those criminals who resold corpses actually killed two young girls for 20,000 yuan?

"Then when did you find out?"

"We only found out after we died. Before we were alive, we originally wanted to find the person who was suitable for the secret marriage. The boss and his wife died inexplicably. How could we be relieved? But when we went to find them, they were gone. "

"But no matter what, it's still a sin committed by the two of you, right?"

"Yes, it is our fault."

"Brother Yu, you go to the two tombs now and dig them open with your hands. Remember, use your hands to dig them out. Once you finish digging them, they will almost be willing to come out."

Lao Yu's eldest brother asked at this time: "Do I have to use my hands? You can't use..."

Jiang Ye didn't wait for them to finish speaking, and said directly: "No, you have to dig with your hands. If your hands are broken or bleeding, you are also paying for the sins of your parents.

The two of them had nothing to say. "Beimai, who ran to Linglong Mountain, began to do what Jiang Ye said.

A man stood in front of a grave and started digging with his hands. Fortunately, the tomb with the ghost has not been rebuilt and cement poured, otherwise they would not be able to dig out a piece of mud even if their hands were broken.

The grave was dug open little by little, but God didn't seem to be happy at all. He actually made two muffled thunders at this time, and then it started raining.

In the rain curtain, the two brothers Lao Yu were soaked. Behind them were those who had passed away long ago.

Someone in the live broadcast room was asking: "Anchor, do you want the two Uncle Yus to pay for the sins of their parents? But it doesn't seem to be the case, right?"

"Yes, although this incident originated from this transaction. But they are also dead. Logically speaking, this sin should be offset. "When will the retribution of the spirit be fulfilled, right?"

"The anchor asked them to do this, there must be a deeper meaning, right?"

Jiang Ye nodded slightly: "Indeed, according to the grievances between them, after the older generation passed away miserably, all this should be over. Why do they still appear so persistently? The fundamental reason is that the old grudge has just passed away. The new revenge is here again! And if you look carefully, is there something strange about it?"

"It's raining heavily, so you can't see clearly."

"You may not have seen it carefully before, but I noticed that this tomb must have been moved. Brother Yu, at the beginning of this year or this year, did someone say that these two tombs need to be repaired? Say this The person should be Xiaohua, right?"

Lao Yu's movements suddenly stopped, and his head kept nodding like a chicken pecking at rice.

Jiang Ye sighed and looked at the mud pit starting to fill with water, and said: "Brother Yu, you and your elder brother put your hands into the puddle. If they are willing to grab your hands and get up, then this matter It's easy to solve. If they don't want to get up, then this matter will be a bit troublesome."

After hearing this, the two brothers Lao Yu stretched out their hands with some apprehension and placed them little by little in the puddle. Not long after, they felt a cold hand suddenly grab their wrists in the water.

Especially Lao Yu, his eyes suddenly widened at that moment.

"It was this hand. It was the hand that covered the back of his hand that night!"

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