Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 73 Everything Has Its Own Destiny! (11 More Updates, First Order Requested)

When Jiang Ye finished speaking, the old man also raised his head faintly.

The weather tonight is quite good. Although there are no stars and a bright moon in the sky, it is not a night of lightning and thunder.

But when I looked up at the sky, I didn't know when there were dark clouds surging in the sky, as if thunder would strike down.

The old man was very scared and subconsciously wanted to drill into the hole on the river bank.

That small bump was the place where he was buried. He said that after his death, his body was rotten and smelly before anyone discovered it. There was not even a coffin when he was buried.

As everyone knows, Peng Laoguai pointed at him angrily and said: "Although I was young when you died, you don't know what you were like when you were alive? You always talked about other people's family shortcomings and stole other people's things. Yes, these It's all trivial matters, but when someone else marries a wife or daughter, you still have to be a bad person and do good things. It doesn't matter if it's someone else's son or someone else's daughter.

"You never say good things about others, so you think that the people in Caojiawan are fools and will give you the mountains and forests to guard? You are just fleeing here. If you weren't from Caojiawan back then, Seeing how pitiful I have built you a house not far away, do you really think that the wild fruits on the mountain can prolong your life?"

"You yourself understand very well that the people in Caojiawan help you out of love and not help you out of duty. So you don't dare to blame the people in Caojiawan, so you take your anger out on me and my father. . Until my father died and was reincarnated, your resentment grew stronger and stronger, and finally you got on my body and killed my whole family with the help of my hands!"

"You still want to make excuses now, how could God let you go?"

As the old saying goes, don't do good deeds because they are small, and don't do evil deeds because they are small.

In this mountainous countryside, there are inevitably many people who gossip. They were all like the old man in front of them, they didn't even know they were doing evil.

When someone else marries a daughter-in-law, he has to go to his parents-in-law and say that his son is not good enough.

When someone marries a daughter, he will go to the other side to complain about the girl's inappropriate behavior.

This is the reason why people in Caojiawan are unwilling to give such a good job to the old man, but even so, a group of kind people in Caojiawan built a house for him to live in.

After a person has done his best, it is impossible to ask someone to take care of him for the rest of his life. He still has to find a way to find a widow to continue his life, right?

The old man himself knew very well that he would not be able to survive without the people in Caojiawan. This is why a weak person dare not blame the strong person [but can only vent his grievances on someone who is not much different from himself.


Suddenly there was a muffled thunder in the sky, and the old man shrank in fear.

"Hit him, hit him!"

A fat body appeared at the foot of the mountain. That body could see everything here.

He pointed at the old man excitedly, seeming to urge Jiang Ye to beat the old man to death.

He is none other than Cao Qiang, the fool from Caojiawan.

As for how he came here, who knows.

However, Cao Qiang didn't come close. It could be seen that he was still very scared.

The two sisters glanced at him, then their eyes fell on the old man and asked: "Brother, did he kill our parents and us?"

Jiang Ye nodded, and the two sisters looked up at the sky again: "Then God will never let him go, right?"

"of course not."

"But we are all dead, so what can we do if we don't let him go?" The big girl said in frustration at this time.

Jiang Ye smiled and took her hand and said: "Look at this old man, he has done all the bad things, and he is still uneasy after death. In the next life, he will not be able to be a human being, he can't even be a pig or a dog. But your family It’s different. When the time comes, you might be able to move into a good home, and you won’t have to worry about living a miserable life again.”

"Then can we still be a family? Dad has been wronged for so long, and there are many people outside who say that he is a murderer and that he has no conscience. Dad is so wronged, and we still want to be his daughter and be filial to him. "

Peng Laoguai burst into tears and squatted on the ground without daring to raise his head.

His mother-in-law, He Hua, was also sobbing.

Jiang Ye touched their heads and said with a smile: "It depends on your fate. If your friendship is not over in this life, you will probably become a family in the next life."


"Of course, brother never lies to anyone."

"You're lying. You told Xiaozhuang (Lao Cao's son) that the Jade Emperor, the second son of the King of Hell, and your third son didn't even kill that stinky old man! This stinky old man is very bad. He tried to kill him many times. I dragged him into the river and drowned him, and I drowned him with my house before he ran away!"

Cao Qiang suddenly said something, and black lines appeared on Jiang Ye's forehead. The audience in the live broadcast room was even more amused and laughed.

"Okay, okay, let's see if he can survive."

Jiang Ye turned around with a smile, and saw a wisp of fire suddenly appearing between the old man's brows.


The old headache screamed "Cao Qiang was so frightened that he backed away.

Peng Laokai's family stared closely, watching the old man's body being annihilated bit by bit.

The audience in the live broadcast room also looked at it. Such an old man was as unworthy of any mercy as the male ghost in the Hero Hotel.

Even if he was reinvented, no one thought he would become a good person.

People have to pay the price for what they have done, let alone an old ghost?

"..."Let me go...let me go...!"

The old man's voice was still crying and begging for mercy. Cao Qiang rushed to the shore and said: "I can't let you go, I will burn you to death! You harm people, you are a ghost, burn you to death!"

What a mentally handicapped person says is always somewhat incoherent, but even adults can understand it clearly.

When the old man's soul was burned down to nothing, the turbulent dark clouds in the sky began to slowly disperse again.

The starlight is still not very dense, but it is shining with its subtle light.

"I have cleared up this old matter for you. You should know how to be an old man next, right?"

Jiang Ye asked Peng Laoguai, who nodded: "You are the benefactor. If it weren't for you, my wife and I would have been trapped by him on the bank of the river forever. I'm afraid it would have been my old father." I didn’t know that he would offend such a terrible person. He spent many years after his death just to kill our whole family!”

"Hey... I won't say it anymore, everything is fine now. I will take my mother-in-law and these two girls to report. I don't ask for a good life in the next life. I just hope that these two girls don't have to worry about it anymore. Follow me and suffer hardship!"

Jiang Ye smiled slightly: "Everything has its own destiny. Big sister and little sister, follow your parents. Don't get lost, do you hear me?"

"Thank you, big brother.""

The two girls still said obediently, and Peng Laoguai and his mother-in-law Hehua took their daughters and followed them to the underworld.

Cao Qiang stood on the shore, smiling and waving.

But when he reacted, he suddenly found that Jiang Ye was missing...

PS: There will be an update tonight!

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