Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 74 Red High Heels! (12 More Updates, First Order Please!!)

Jiang Ye saw the lights coming down from the mountain. It should be the people from Caojiawan who were chasing him.

He didn't want to say anything more to the people from Caojiawan. After watching Peng Laoguai and his family leave, he quietly left from a bridge over the river.

On the way back, the audience in the live broadcast room was extremely curious about a question.

"Anchor, who are you? Do you really know the gods in the sky?"

"Yes, I found that the longer I contact the anchor, the more secrets he has. I really want to know who the anchor is!"

"I used to doubt whether the anchor had a problem, because he always sat in front of the computer and didn't move much. It wasn't until his offline live broadcast this time that I was sure that he was a living person like us! But anchor, can't you tell us a little bit about yourself?"

There are currently 160,000 people in the live broadcast room. It can be said that none of these 160,000 people are not curious about who Jiang Ye is.

But Jiang Ye just smiled and said: "I've been to hell, do you believe it?"

"Believe it, believe it... Then what?"

You can tell from the barrage that he is trying to get some information!

"And then there is nothing else. I went to hell and came back from hell, and then I broadcast live to everyone to solve supernatural events. It's that simple."

Jiang Ye smiled bitterly and said, and the live broadcast room was full of "cut!"

However, this is not an important matter for the audience. Seeing that it is already three o'clock in the morning, someone asked:

"Host, are you still broadcasting tonight?"

Jiang Ye thought for a while and said: "It's more than two hours before dawn, and I have to walk to the place where there is a car by bus 703. It will take a long time. Why don't we talk, or wait for the phone."

The phone in the live broadcast room rang just after the words were finished.

It seems that someone has been waiting!

When Jiang Ye saw the phone, he answered it and said with a smile: "Hello, I am Jiang Ye."

"I am so sorry, anchor. I also watched your live broadcast two days ago. I wanted to call you, but I found that you have been busy so I didn't call you. I just saw that you solved another incident, so I called you. Didn't it affect you?"

There was a young male voice on the other end of the phone, very polite.

Jiang Ye smiled and said: "No, I just don't know if I can help you solve it in such a short time. Well, what is this gentleman's name?"

"My name is Wang Jun, anchor, you can call me Xiaojun. I am currently working as a takeaway in Jinghai City. This matter is a long story. Can I tell you slowly?"

"Of course, you just need to explain the matter in detail, so that I can help you solve it."

"Okay, let's start with a pair of red high heels."

"A pair of red high heels?"

"Yes, I received an order a few nights ago to deliver things from a barbecue stall to Jinglan Community, two kilometers away. At that time, I got the items on the order and had already arrived at the downstairs of Jinglan Community, but The customer suddenly called and asked me to help (chea) pick up something from the express locker in the community, and also sent her the pickup code.”

"Of course we won't refuse customers who ask us to do takeout. After all, it's an easy thing. If the customer is happy, we can earn more money by giving us a good review. I agreed immediately and went to the express counter to input The pick-up code. It was cabinet No. 14. When the cabinet door was opened, there was no packaging box, just a pair of red high heels. "

"Although it was night and the light in the community was not very good, when I used my mobile phone to illuminate it, I found that the shoes were particularly red, and there was sticky stuff inside the shoes when I lifted them up. I thought the shoes were wet, so Just pick up your heels and walk.”

"But even when I walked to my car, I felt that those words were a bit strange. I always felt that what I was holding was not a pair of shoes, but a cold hand. Really... I didn't talk nonsense, I just held it. It feels like holding a person’s hand, and there is even a distinct feeling of fingers joining together.”

“I was shocked at that moment, but when I saw that what I was holding was really a pair of shoes, I was afraid that the customer would be impatient, so I didn’t care so much and just wanted to get the things to people as soon as possible.

"The guest lived on the seventh floor. I called her in the elevator and told her to open the door and pick it up. After making the call, the elevator went to the seventh floor. But when I got out of the elevator, I saw room 701 she filled in. The door was open, and the lights were not turned on. It was very dark when I went into the corridor and looked inside. "

"After I repeatedly confirmed that 701, which had no lights on and the door open, was my destination, I walked over and knocked on the open door."

"But I knocked three times and got no answer, so I shouted inside. Finally, a door opened with a creaking sound, but there was no light in that room, and there was only a figure slowly opening. She walked out slowly. She was barefoot and she was a girl, but I couldn't tell how old she was because she kept her head down as she walked over and her hair was very dark and long. Long hair is often said to reach the waist.

"It was late at night, and the community was not in a lively place. The building I lived in was also at the end of the community, so when I saw her walking towards me with her head down and her hair spread, I felt a little scared. But. When she walked to the door, she still reached out her hand proactively. "

"At that time, I actually wanted to see her face clearly, because the hands she stretched out were very white. I didn't know if it was because of the lights in the corridor or because her skin was so white. Anyway, looking at her face My hands were pale and my heart was shaking uncontrollably. "

"And she didn't speak and kept her head down. It was so weird. But when the person came in front of me, I quickly handed her the takeaway and the pair of shoes. "After she took it, I turned around and left. "

When Xiaojun said this, his tone was a little wrong. Jiang Ye was also walking. He stopped when he heard him and asked: "Did she close the door when she went back?"

"Yes, she went into the room without closing the door. I have met some customers who went to sleep after ordering. Those kind of customers looked similar to her when they opened the door, with their heads hanging down and listless. But living in the city, everyone is very alert, so basically every guest will close the door. '

"At that time, I saw that she really didn't remember to close the door, so I went back to remind her to close the door. But she ignored me and just went back to the room. Seeing that she didn't respond, I couldn't go back and help her close the door, so I had to After entering the elevator, he ignored her business and continued looking at his phone, waiting for the next order.

"But the moment the elevator door closed, I heard the sound of her closing the door. It was a loud bang. I felt quite uncomfortable at the time, but I thought she might have a weird personality, so I didn't think much of it. think.

"The elevator goes all the way down to the first floor. There are two doors on the first floor. The main door is on the right, and the floor management office is on the left. At that time, security guards from the community were gathering there to prepare for night patrols. My car was also parked outside their door. , so when I went downstairs, I went to the left.

"But just when I walked into the room, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that the elevator door opened again! A figure came down from it, with hair disheveled, and a pair of red high heels on his feet, which I just took. That pair!"

"I was walking in a hurry at the time. When I caught sight of her from the corner of my eye, I stopped and turned my head to look over. But she only left me with a trace of her back and went out from the right side. I turned around and went back to the elevator entrance. , after all, no matter how fast the guest I just went downstairs could not come down at the same time as me, I went back to the elevator entrance and took a look at the number of floors in the elevator. At that time, I saw with my own eyes that the number on the elevator was 16!"

"This is not normal, really... I clearly saw that guest coming out of the elevator wearing red high heels. According to the time, the number displayed on the elevator could only be the first or second floor. It is impossible in such a short time. We’ll be on the 16th floor in no time.”

"So I ran out towards the door on the right, but I didn't see anyone, let alone the customer wearing red high heels. I thought I was dazzled, so I returned to the floor management office and saw those Brother security, I asked them with a smile, did you see a girl wearing red high heels just now? Her hair was very long and reached her waist. "

"When I asked this question, the security guards didn't pay much attention to me at first, but after hearing this, they all raised their heads and stared at me with their eyes wide open!"

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