Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 87 Back To Back! (1 Update Please Ask For Automatic)

Fang Ling was sitting in the convenience store with her eyes closed and her hands clenched.

Suddenly, a thunderous sound came from the other end of the video.


Fang Ling screamed in fright, and the audience in the live broadcast room thought that Jiang Ye had done something else, which caused lightning and thunder in Jingdong City.

But this is just a coincidence, it will rain heavily in Jingdong City soon.

After hearing Fang Ling's scream, the convenience store clerk came over and asked, "Hello, are you okay?"

"Ah? It's okay, I was scared by thunder."

The clerk smiled awkwardly and returned to his bar. Fang Ling held her phone tightly and looked at Jiang Ye in the live broadcast room.

"How long did this game last?"

"For a long time, it felt like I was completely immersed in the silence as soon as I entered. I remember that when we woke up, the candle seemed to have just been extinguished.

“How long will that candle stay lit?”

"You can order it for an hour."

Jiang Ye nodded slightly and said, "When you entered this psychic game, did you gain access to the spirit?"

Fang Ling started to recall the scene at that time, and her face became a little pale.

"I remember when we started playing that game, we wasted a little time because of the cloth. Because when the 27 Psychic game started to become popular, it was already proven that it was necessary to blindfold your eyes with a navy blue cloth strip. Although I don't understand why. , but many people have tried it and said it’s the right color.”

"After covering my eyes, I didn't feel anything strange, but I seemed to be able to vaguely see a little bit of the dancing light of the candle. And I didn't stare at the vague fire for long.

Slowly, people will also become somewhat lethargic. "

"There are six people in our dormitory, but I don't know who entered that state first. Anyway, I think I entered that state very quickly, and I felt like sleeping not long after. But from the beginning to the end, I didn't really When you fall asleep, it’s like waking up from a nap and feeling like you’re all in a daze.”

"But one thing I remember is that when my head started to feel dizzy, there was a noise in the dormitory. That kind of sound, sound...

"What's wrong with the sound?"

When he saw that Fang Ling was stuck in her words, Jiang Ye asked further.

"The sound... the sound sounded like you were wearing headphones. But you didn't play the song, but suddenly there was a rustling sound. I don't know if you have ever experienced that. I have I used to wear headphones but did not turn on the player when I was there. I was watching something on the browser page, but there was that rustling sound in my ears. "

After Fang Ling said that, Jiang Ye understood what that sound was.

It just came out of nowhere when people were totally unprepared.

It wasn't that scary, but it would make people's hearts tremble.

"After that sound was heard, there seemed to be someone breathing in the dormitory. From the sound, I felt that it should be Wu Ting. Wu Ting is my roommate. She must have been very nervous at the time, so she kept breathing... breathing... breathing, then breathing out."

"Because she and I were sitting face to face, I could feel it. At that time, I wanted to remind her, of course not because she had breath, but because the breath she exhaled was so cold on her face. But it was only for a while, and the dormitory became quiet again [and then it became worse."

"But when I was drowsy, I kept remembering one thing in my mind, that is, can the wish really come true after playing this game?"

"Oh, then what was your wish at that time?"

Jiang Ye asked, Fang Ling looked up at him, and said with a sad look: "I hope this game can be as effective as the legend says, and can make my grandfather live a few more years. Grandpa is in the late stage of liver cancer, and he has become a bag of bones, and he is getting worse day by day. He lives in agony every day. So, I hope that there are really ghosts and gods who can hear my voice and make grandpa no longer so painful." Nodding slightly, Jiang Ye did not ask whether the wish had come true, but motioned Fang Ling to continue. "Because I have been thinking about things in my heart, I may be in a semi-conscious state. Although my head is really heavy, I have been praying very devoutly. Of course, Wu Ting and the others are the same, they all have their own wishes. I don't know if they had the same thoughts as me at the time, "but as time went on, I felt the table moved ten times." "Then... Then the palm of Zhou Qin's hand that I was holding began to sweat. Very cold sweat, just like the water drops dripping from the melting ice. I was shocked at the time and wanted to look at Zhou Qin next to me. But I found that I couldn't move my head. Then, a hand was placed on my shoulder . The hand went from my shoulder to my back, and slowly fell on the top of my head. "

"The hand pressed my head twice, and then a picture appeared in my mind. A person in white clothes crawled in my mind little by little. I couldn't see his face clearly, but he crawled so slowly, like a worm."

"The hands of Zhou Qin and Chen Xue next to me were getting colder and colder, and they were sweating more and more. At that moment, I wanted to break free, but I had no strength to shake it off. The whole person was like fainting. I was so scared. That person kept crawling in my mind until we woke up completely and then disappeared!" Fang Ling said, Jiang Ye's expression did not change much, but he could imagine everything Fang Ling felt at that time.

"We woke up together. No one spoke when we woke up. We all looked at each other. Everyone was scared, but when I asked them what they saw just now, they all shook their heads. I don't know if they didn't dare to say it, or because they really didn't encounter the same situation as me. But it is certain that they all felt something strange and the game ended and it ended."

"After it ended, the dormitory became quiet. No, to be precise, the dormitory became quiet the moment the game ended. No one spoke, even Zhou Qin and Wu Ting, who always liked to watch Douyin, went to bed early that night. That might be the first time we lived together that it was so quiet at night."

"I lay in bed for a long time Finally I fell asleep, thinking of many people. Grandpa, dad, mom, anyway, the people closest to me all went through my mind. Then I forced myself to sleep, I thought I would not be afraid after dawn, maybe the ghosts and gods have heard my voice and will make my grandpa better. "

"Although I think this idea is naive and stupid, as long as I think of my grandpa who is so weak that he may die at any time, I regard this matter as the last straw in my heart. Until, until I woke up in the middle of the night that day... "What did you find after you woke up?" Fang Ling swallowed hard and said: "I woke up and found that there was still a person lying on my bed. He and I were always back to back. He was wearing white clothes, just like the person who appeared in my mind. He lay next to me and pressed his back tightly against me! When I turned around and saw him, his hair completely covered his face!" "He was motionless, with his hands crossed in front of his chest. It was like falling into a deep sleep. I wanted to shout... but I opened my mouth and no sound came out...!"

"What about your roommates? What's on their beds?"

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