Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 88 Horror Cinema! (2 Updates Please Subscribe Automatically)

Tonight, it was still raining heavily in Jingdong City.

From time to time, showers will hit the glass windows of convenience stores. Outside the windows, there are people fleeing in panic under the showers.

When they pass this convenience store, they will subconsciously look inside.

They all saw a girl sitting in a convenience store in a panic, her body trembling slightly, tightly holding the mobile phone in her hand, and tears seemed to flow from her fearful eyes at any time.

After all, no one stopped, and no one came into the store to ask what was wrong with the girl.

"There was a curtain, so I couldn't see what they looked like on the bed. I only knew that the man had been lying on my bed with his back to me and even my quilt was covering his waist. I shouted loudly, but no one answered. But I could hear the sounds outside, just like the weather today, it was raining heavily.

"The rain will hit the glass together with the wind, and it makes people feel insecure. It feels like the glass window will break at any time, and then the strong wind and rain will pour in and beat me hard. I don't know how to shout. How long has it been? Occasionally when there is lightning, his figure will be photographed very clearly, but I can never see his face!"

Fang Ling's expression became ferocious as she recalled the frightening and painful scene.

Jiang Ye asked her: "Is that person male or female?"

"Originally I always thought he was a woman because he had long hair, but then... later I found out he was a man."

"When did you realize that a man was haunting you?"

"At the cinema."

"Cinema? You went to the cinema and he appeared around you?"

Fang Ling nodded her head and said, "Yes, I went to watch a movie with a few classmates that night. Oh, by the way, after that incident, I found that everyone was very normal and went to class happily as usual. After class happily, during the holidays, we should study and have fun. That night, Zhou Qin asked us to watch a movie together, a very literary film." "

"I didn't want to go at first, but the appointment was in the evening. If they went to watch a movie, I would be alone in the dormitory, so I finally decided to go with them. And after that incident, I If I sleep with them, even if they think I'm timid, I'll never sleep alone again."

"We went to the movie theater closest to the school together. It was a holiday. During holidays, the movie theaters in shopping malls will be very lively, especially movie theaters. But that night, because we didn't join in the fun and watch blockbusters, we chose I watched a niche literary film that was released, but when I walked into the screening room, I realized that we were the only girls in the screening room ["

"It wasn't until the movie was about to start that a few more people entered the screening room one after another. But by then the lights inside had been turned off, and the only thing that was bright was the big screen of the movie. We were all sitting there We were together, and the next few people were doing it separately, and they didn’t seem to know each other. There was a person sitting behind me, and he was bringing a child. "

"At the beginning of the movie, literary and artistic films are usually boring at the beginning, but maybe because we often watch this type of movie, we didn't think it was anything. On the other hand, some of the other people were already snoring. As the plot of the movie progressed, , we watched it more and more interestingly, but when it was really exciting, my chair was kicked around. "

"I remembered that there was a man sitting behind me, and he was carrying a child. So I thought it was a child causing trouble, so I turned around and said to him, I said sir, your baby keeps staring at my chair, can you tell the baby? ?”

"I told him with a smile. After all, we are children. But I didn't expect that he suddenly glared at me and said seriously, little girl, don't talk. You don't know that you can't talk while watching movies in this theater. ?"

"I was so angry at his rebuke that I almost fought back. But in the end, I thought that the baby wasn't kicking anymore, so I didn't bother to pay attention to such an unqualified man. And the baby really didn't move. I continued to watch the movie. I was about halfway through the movie when I got up and went to the bathroom. When I got up, I clearly felt a pair of eyes staring at me. When I looked back, it was the man with the baby. His eyes were looking at mine.

"Although the light in the cinema was very dark at that time, when I walked out of my seat, the light of the film suddenly became very bright, so I could see his face clearly and see him staring at me. At that moment, I was fascinated by him It made me feel hairy, thinking that I had just made him angry, right? The more I thought about it, the angrier I became, but the vague worry in my heart could not go away no matter what.

''''"I paid attention while walking and saw that he was still staring at me, so I sent a WeChat message to my roommates saying that I had a mental illness. But they didn't reply to me, so I thought that the man would not Because of what I said, and what he did to me in a public place like a movie theater. Of course, girls still have to learn to protect themselves outside, so I deliberately didn’t go to the bathroom at that time, and walked in another direction, and it happened to be around the corner. Behind it is a utility room in the theater used to store cleaning tools. "

"I hid in the corner and secretly looked in the direction of the theater. Sure enough, I saw the man really come out and go to the bathroom. Although my reason kept telling me that he might just go to the bathroom, at that moment I was really scared. I leaned back hard and accidentally fell into the storage room."

(Good money) "The storage room is very narrow, but the space is very high. I fell to the ground at that time, and my head hit the ground and it hurt. I instinctively rubbed my head, and after the pain was relieved, I opened my eyes. . The optical fiber in the corridor allowed me to see everything inside clearly. When I fell on the ground, I was naturally looking at my head."

"At that time I saw the soles of a pair of leather shoes, and then a pair of feet. It was a man, a very strong man. He used a rope to drop himself on the steel bars in the storage room. His eyes He was still staring, with his tongue hanging out. He looked straight at me, and I looked straight at him, but when I saw the facial features clearly, I was completely confused. "

"It's him, the man who just told me in the cinema and told me not to talk. He hanged himself in the storage room of the cinema!"

PS: No updates tonight!.

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