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The reason why they wanted to follow Erza was not only because of the domineering Erza showed at this moment, but also because of the strength Erza showed before.


On the other side,

At this time, Leon had Gray launched a very strong attack.

Gray felt guilty for what Leon had said just now.

He had not used his full strength, which made him defeated by Leon.

Feeling that he was hesitant, Leon frowned and said "What? Are you unable to use your full strength because of guilt?"

"If that's the case, don't try to stop me,"

After hearing this, Gray gritted his teeth and said, "I won't let you succeed!"

Leon raised his hand, his eyes cold "That's fine, we haven't fought each other for a long time anyway," said Leon.

As the magic circle emerged, Leon whispered, "ICE MAKE Great Herons!"

As the words fell, a large row of ice herons flew out of the magic circle. Gray also took a stance and said in a low voice, "ICE MAKE! Ice shield! "

As the words fell, an ice shield appeared in front of Gray.

However, Leon's ice heron did not attack in a straight line.

Under Leon's control, the ice heron directly bypassed the ice shield and attacked Gray in the back,

Gray was hit directly without being able to dodge, causing his magic power to collapse and the ice shield to dissipate directly,

Maintaining the release of the ice heron, Leon said, "I know you are best at the shape of matter, which is static. ICE MEKE, but my shape is a living creature, a dynamic ICE MEKE, which is ice that moves, have you forgotten? "

Gray didn't reply, he jumped up directly, jumped into the air, and posed again,

With the magic circle Gray shouted, "ICE MAKE, hammer soldier!"

An ice hammer as big as a water tank emerged from the magic circle and smashed towards Leon below.

Seeing this, Leon smiled contemptuously. Raising one hand, he whispered, "ICE MAKE Ice Ape! "

As the cold air gathered, a white ape several meters tall appeared behind him and helped him block the ice hammer.

As both sides were broken, Gray fell to the ground, and the two brothers faced each other again. ,

Leon laughed and said, "That's outrageous. You haven't changed. You can only use both hands to perform modeling magic!"

Gray retorted, "Didn't Wulu say that? Modeling magic performed with one hand is not only incomplete, but also It is easy to lose balance,"

Leon replied expressionlessly, "My ability is special, and I have surpassed Wulu's ability a long time ago,"

Gray said angrily, "You are so narcissistic,"

Leon hehe He smiled and said, "I will return this to you. In your life, have you ever hit me with your attacks?"

Gray frowned after hearing this, took a deep breath, and said in a low voice, "Just wait and see !"

After saying that, Gray posed again and began to gather his magic power.

As the cold air gathered, a magic circle emerged, and Gray shouted, "Ice Spring! "

Gray put his hands on the ground.

The ground was instantly frozen, and huge ice spikes rose from the ground, surrounding Leon in the middle.

The ice spikes condensed into a large iceberg, surrounding Leon tightly. ,

This attack really hit Gray,

The top of the ruins shook,

The priests who were chanting also lost their balance and ran around in shock,

At this moment, the iceberg shook and then broke , Leon walked out slowly,

Looking at Gray, he shook his head and said, "It's still the same. Don't forget that I am your senior brother, much stronger than you. I can always use shaping magic with one hand. But you still can't do it, nothing has changed,"

"Although we are on different paths, our time still stays at that time, frozen at that time,"

As Leon said this, he raised his hand, and a line with a diameter of nearly ten A magic circle of meters appeared.

An ice dragon jumped out of it and flew into the air with a roar.

The ice dragon was lifelike, just like a real dragon.

Releasing magic power to maintain the ice dragon, Leon spoke again, "That's why I want to melt the ice ! Just to get out of the closed road,"

"Wulu was once the goal of my life,"

"My dream is to surpass Wulu one day, but I didn't expect you to destroy Wulu. I thought I would be I can't surpass Wulu here,"

"I didn't expect there is a way to surpass her, as long as I can defeat the one who even Wulu can't defeat.

If I defeat Deliora, I can surpass Wulu! "

Speaking of this, Leon's face has revealed a crazy look, "I can finally continue to realize my dream!"

As Leon spoke, Gray's mind once again emerged with the scenes of Wulu blocking him at the beginning,

This made his mind completely relaxed, and his consciousness was no longer on the battle,

Leon took advantage of this time to control the ice dragon and knocked Gray out,

After falling heavily to the ground, Gray coughed and stood up, holding his chest,

Since he recognized his opponent as Leon as soon as they fought, he didn't have much fighting spirit,

After hearing Wulu one after another, he couldn't do a serious move,

Getting up, Gray shouted angrily, "Are you crazy? So this is your real purpose!"

"You should know how terrible Deliora is!"

"Stop it! Impossible! "

Deliora gave Gray the most frightening memory of his childhood. It can be said that it has been with him growing up and has become his heart disease.

Although he is now very strong, Deliora is always the mountain that cannot be crossed in his heart.

As for Leon, he has the same problem.

But compared with Gray's passivity, he is completely the opposite.

So after hearing Gray say this, he was also furious.

Without saying anything, he took the lead in launching an attack. One by one, icy hands drilled out from the ground and attacked Gray.

Gray was already injured at this moment, and his mind was not on the battle at all. This blow was completely received by him with his body.

It was because of this that he subconsciously cried out in pain.

Leon snorted coldly and said, "Stop? Impossible, is it?"

"We said the same thing to you at that time. You won't forget it, right? It's because you insist on challenging Deliora Ulu that you will die! "

Recounting the past in this way, Leon continued to attack.

At this moment, Gray was also in self-blame. He still did not fight back and passively endured the attack.

Looking at Gray who was still not ready to fight back, Leon said frantically, "You are not qualified to mention Wulu's name! So, disappear!"

Another ice dragon crashed into Gray,

and directly knocked him back.

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