The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two were in a state of panic.

Continuous attacks, continuous shouting,

Leon vented his dissatisfaction with Gray,

Until Gray fell to the ground with his last breath, Leon stopped,

As Leon's ice dragon shattered and turned into ice crystals falling to the ground,

Gray's thoughts also returned to nine years ago,

At that time, he had just become a disciple not long ago,

Every day he was severely trained by Wu Lu,

That day, he also fell to the ground because of excessive consumption of magic power during training,

And Wu Lu stood behind him and asked him if this was all he could do,

Just like that, Gray fell into a coma,

Leon walked to his side, raised his hand, and wanted to end his life,

But when he thought of their childhood Leon's hands began to tremble when he thought of the scenes of cultivation.

He felt a little reluctant, put down his hands, looked deeply at Gray, and then turned and left.


In the underground of the ruins,

In front of Deliora,

Naz injected magic power into the collector,

With the injection of magic power, the magic circle in the collector crystal was activated,

Suddenly, the collector shone brightly, flew away from Naz's hand,

Flew directly to the top of Deliora's head,

With a burst of light blue light spreading out from the crystal and shining on Deliora's body,

Green light spots flew out from the ice,

Merged into the collector,

Inhaled by the crystal, condensed together,

This is Ulu's soul,

After Gray was knocked down, the ritual of the Moon Drop was officially completed,

At this moment, the purple light column has disappeared, which means that the ice on Deliora's body will soon melt,

Therefore, the process of collecting Ulu's soul must be accelerated,

Otherwise, after the ice melts, Ulu's soul will also dissipate,

By then, the soul is incomplete, even if Ulu can be resurrected, she may become demented because of this,

Thinking of this, Natsu began to release magic power and inject it into the collector to speed up the condensation of the soul,


At this time, on the other side,

Happy and Lucy rushed back to the village one after another,

Looking at They returned,

Mocha came to the front of them and asked, "What happened?"

Lucy replied, "We have found the source of the curse, and now the culprit is preparing to harm everyone, so we came back to inform everyone to be prepared!"

Mocha was stunned for a moment, and then asked, "You mean, our curse is man-made?"

Lucy nodded. "Yes, according to the current situation, it is indeed the case."

Mocha gritted his teeth and said, "So many of our people have died in these years, and I didn't expect it to be man-made!"

Turning around, Mocha said to all the tribesmen, "Everyone! You also heard it, and now the culprit is going to harm us!"

"What do you think we should do?!"

As Mocha's voice fell, his tribesmen also gritted their teeth and said, "Kill! Kill them!"

"Revenge! We must avenge those dead tribesmen!"

"That's right! Resist! Drive them out of the island!"


Looking at the increasingly excited crowd, Lucy quickly pressed her hands and said, "Although we already know the culprit, they seem to be an organization, and now three members are rushing towards the village,"

"The specific strength is unknown, so we must be prepared!"

After hearing this, Mocha looked at Lucy and said, "Miss Lucy, just tell us what you need us to do,"

Lucy thought for a moment, clapped her hands and said, "I have an idea! "

Looking at her, Happy complained, "I have a bad feeling,"

Lucy giggled and said, "Just leave this to Princess Lucy, one of the best spirit wizards in Fairy Tail. I promise that things will be solved satisfactorily,"

Lucy took out the key, opened the Gate of Virgo, released Ballerina,

and asked Ballerina to dig a big hole at the entrance to the village,

Looking at the big hole, Happy raised his paw and said, "Well, I really started to think that Lucy might not be just stupid,"

Lucy asked in confusion, "Why do you look so serious?"

Happy replied, "This kind of trap can't even fool a child. I don't believe the other party will be fooled. If it doesn't work, I'd better hand it over.

Come on, "

Lucy looked back at the trap she had prepared, and said confidently, "What are you talking about? Isn't this a perfect trap?"

Harpy complained, "It's stupid to have such an idea,"

Lucy retorted, "There is only one entrance to this village, so I think the enemy will definitely come in from here,"

As for Harpy, he still insisted on his own ideas, and he only heard him say, "I still think no one will fall into this trap,"

Harpy's words were also recognized by the surrounding villagers, including Ballet Song,

And Lucy saw this, and said angrily, "I believe there will be no problem with my idea, you just keep your eyes open and watch,"

Just then, the guard on the city wall said, "Miss Lucy, it seems that something is coming,"

Lucy's expression was happy after hearing it, and she said, "Quick! Open the door! "

After hearing this, the guard activated the mechanism and opened the door.

At this time, everyone saw that the person who came was none other than Gray.

At this moment, he was in tatters and a little dirty.

He had a pair of shoes made of ice on his feet.

He was using these ice skates to quickly move towards this side.

Seeing this scene, everyone present panicked.

Lucy raised her hand and said, "No! Don't come over here! "

The harpy who reacted the fastest had already begun to mobilize his magic power and prepared to stop it.

However, it was a little too late.

Gray was already seriously injured,

and his consciousness was not very clear.

His control over magic power was not as strong as usual.

Although he tried his best to slow down, it was still too late. He fell directly into the trap.

Slapping his forehead, the harpy summoned his wings, flew down, and pulled Gray up.

He stopped Gray, who was about to faint, on the ground.

The harpy looked back at Lucy and said, "Yes, this is your prey."

As for the villagers, they complained, "I didn't expect someone to fall down."

"This kind of operation,, this is the first time I've seen it,"


As for Lucy, she was hit hard and said, "What a failure,"

Gray endured the pain, took a deep breath, and said, "At this time, who is still interested in playing this,,,"

Lucy didn't say anything.

Seeing this, the harpy said directly, "Do you still need to ask? Of course it's Lucy,"

After saying that, Habib also noticed Gray's condition at the moment.

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