Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1064: Zhang Ming's decision

"I can't bear it anymore, Mr. Kuang Shihan, you don't even know how much pain I have been in these years. In these years, I am totally confused, completely a zombie. I have been thinking about why I am alive?"

"Almost every night, I have the same dream. I want to go back to the day I bought the rabbit doll. If I knew the result would be like this, I would not go to that store no matter what happened, let alone buy a rabbit. doll!"

"But dreams, after all, are just dreams. Now I have figured it out. Instead of torturing myself, I should do everything to get revenge. I know that even if I try my best, I can’t do it, but I don’t regret it, at least I have tried hard. Pass. My life has been ruined, and I can't let it ruin others!"

"If I die, please bury me and my daughter together. After I go down, I will face my daughter and tell her that Dad has done his best."

Zhang Ming's voice is full of disturbing aura, these words are tantamount to a death declaration.

Originally, Zhang Ming was still in the middle of a choice between different life values, but the arrival of Hawkeye made the balance out of balance. Zhang Ming has already made a decision. He wants to avenge his daughter and do everything he can. However, this is not Zhang Ming’s calm analysis. The thought he got afterwards, but his guilt compelled him to make up his mind.

This is not the result that Hawkeye is willing to see.

On the way to the exit, Hawkeye's footsteps are getting faster and faster. Now Zhang Ming hasn't reached his last house. If we hurry up here, then everything is too late.

"You can't take revenge. You can't take revenge on anything. There are some things you can only hide from it, but being able to hide is a gift from heaven." Hawkeye ran up and slowed down when he reached the exit. After checking the ticket, he walked out from the exit aisle.

"I know, Mr. Kuang Shihan, I have known what you said from the moment my daughter died, but I believe that it may not be possible to eliminate it before it is truly verified. Now that the technology is so advanced, it may be possible to find a way to do it. This is an effective way. I have never forced anything in my life, but I have to do this. No one can stop me. If I fail to take revenge, it would be a good result to let the cursed doll kill me. "Zhang Ming's tone revealed decisiveness.

"Wait for me, I'll go with you, don't act alone." Hawkeye can only try to find a way to stabilize Zhang Ming, "Your daughter definitely doesn't want her father to be cursed by the doll."

For Hawkeye, not allowing Zhang Ming to find the cursed doll is not only for Zhang Ming's good, but also for his own good.

Asking Zhang Ming to test the cursed doll seems to be asking Zhang Ming to step on the thunder first, so that he can carry out the plan later, but in fact, the trouble caused by Zhang Ming’s death is far greater than the benefits he brought from stepping on the thunder. Zhang Ming’s People will not only allow the police to intervene, but they may even cause the cursed doll to be lost. Once the cursed doll is lost, then the remuneration paid by Hawkeye will be completely wasted during this period of investigation.

"No, Kuang Shihan, don't come here. You just listen to me and don't know how terrifying cursing the doll is. The reason why I insist on going alone is that I don't want to hurt you." Zhang Ming also has his own considerations, although Kuang Shihan treats him. Yan only knew each other for one day, but he didn't want the curse doll to hurt this person.

"It's okay, I just do this." Hawkeye comforted, but Zhang Ming didn't answer any more, and instead chose to hang up the phone.

Hawkeye was helpless, he sighed, and then put the phone away.

Before taking the silver train, Hawkeye had already rented a car in advance, because the train was quite punctual, so when he left the exit and walked onto the street, the car he rented stopped in front of him.

"Is it Mr. Kuang Shihan?" the person in charge of delivering the car asked, and asked Yingyan to show his ID card and the matching code corresponding to the car booking. After checking and verifying, he gave the car key to Yingyan, "I wish you a good time. !" After speaking, the man turned and left.

Hawkeye opened the door, sat in the car, and fastened the safety island. After that, his right hand clicked on the screen. Soon, the system switched to the navigation interface.

Navigation destination: Building 19, Yuehe Road, Changhe County, Changhe City.

The journey takes about one and a half hours.

Hawkeye glanced, and stepped on the accelerator with his left foot.


The afternoon sun was stronger than usual, and Zhang Mingzheng drove to the place where the cursed doll was buried, which was also his other home.

At this time, his face was very calm, not like going for revenge, but more like a terminally ill patient quietly heading towards death.

Years of self-blame turned into motivation at this moment, and his heart no longer suffers as usual, because he knows that no matter whether he succeeds or not, all of this will come to an end today.

His life has fallen into the abyss since the death of his daughter, and it has finally bottomed out until today.

After half an hour, the car arrived at the destination.

Zhang Ming parked the car on the side of the road, opened the rear compartment, took out the tools prepared in advance, shovel, gasoline, dagger, matches and lighters, all of which were prepared to eliminate the cursed doll.

How to destroy the cursed doll? His idea was simple, first dig out the cursed doll, then pour gasoline, and then burn the cursed doll with a fire.

The whole process was clean and neat, without any hesitation.

Zhang Ming walked to the entrance of the yard. He took out a brass-colored key that had not been used for a long time from his pocket. The key was a bit rusty, but it did not affect the use.

With a click, the door lock was unlocked, and Zhang Ming opened the courtyard door and walked in.

The yard, which has been abandoned for many years, is full of weeds, and one or two crickets can even be seen jumping around among the weeds.

In a daze, Zhang Ming seemed to see the harmony of the past, but his daughter's death also came to his mind.

Zhang Ming searched the location in his memory. He soon found a place to bury the cursed doll in the backyard. There was a big stone as a mark. After determining the location, Zhang Ming first removed the big stone and then dug it with a shovel. Two minutes later, he found that the shovel in his hand had touched something, so he quickly lifted the dirt beside him.

After a while, the baby that had been buried appeared in front of Zhang Ming again.

A dirty doll was exposed to the sun among several clumps of black unidentified matter that had rotted for a long time.

Zhang Ming dug out the doll with a shovel. He was surprised to find that the doll’s face was similar to the pictures he had seen on the Hawkeye computer before. The most similar place was the doll’s eyes, which were exactly the same as the real person. The eyes, as if they would turn in the next second.

The cursed doll was lying on the shovel, motionless, but the sense of terror that it brought was not diminished at all.

Even when the sun was in the sky, Zhang Ming was still cold. He couldn't believe that he brought such a terrifying baby home many years ago.

"The cute rabbit at the time was just a disguise." Zhang Ming threw the doll on the ground, then he turned around and took the bottle with gasoline in his hand, but when he turned around, he was surprised to find that the cursed doll had disappeared. No, there is no place where he left it just now.

Strange things happened again, and in broad daylight.

Zhang Ming suddenly became alert, and he slowly walked to the side of the pit he had just dug.

The curse doll is lying inside!

"No matter so much!" Zhang Ming gritted his teeth. He didn't want to waste any more time, so he directly poured gasoline on the cursed doll in the deep pit, then struck a match and threw it in, and the flame rushed out with a loud "bang" , Like a hovering fire dragon, almost burned Zhang Ming's eyebrows.

In the scorching flame, the cursed doll seemed to be a living creature, and it kept rolling. The figure in the fire was even trying to slap the flame on his body. At the same time, there was a terrible scream, like a massacre. .

Zhang Ming was shocked by the scene before him. In fact, he was not completely convinced by Hawkeye's words. There was still a trace of doubt in his heart, but at this moment, the last trace of doubt also disappeared with the screams.

"Child, Dad finally helped you get revenge!" Zhang Ming raised his head and looked up at the sky. Suddenly, a strange feeling came from the bottom of his heart. He realized that something was wrong, and then he realized that the screams just now disappeared.

After discovering this, Zhang Ming stared at the center of the flame, where he had just dug the hole.

There was nothing but soil inside, and the cursed doll disappeared!

The feeling of being stared at came from behind. Zhang Ming turned his head abruptly and looked to the second floor. On the dusty window, a short hand was wiping the dust. Then, the cursing doll’s horrible face appeared in the window. The small mouth, which was obviously sewn tightly by the needle and thread, started to laugh slowly at this time.

Faced with such a scene, Zhang Ming took a breath. He felt that it was not daytime, but cold night.

The sun's rays couldn't drive away the cold in his heart.

In the blink of an eye, the cursed doll disappeared in the window.

Zhang Ming hesitated for a second, picked up the remaining gasoline, and walked to the door on the first floor. He would not give up!


Time to return to Qiancang one before logging into the main world.

After eating, drinking, and resting, he finally clicked on the Hell Movie client on his phone. Many friends in the Friends column sent messages of concern, not just the actors from the Hell Return team.

[Yan Luo (playing Xu Cheng in the movie "Night Run"): Are you okay? I hope you can see this news from me, but don't die so soon, maybe we still have a chance to cooperate in the future. 】

[Scroll (playing Gu Mu in the movie "Night Run"): Cang Yi, what's the matter with you? Now that I saw it, I have to say, come on! Don't be beaten by **** movies! 】

[Wutong (playing Du Yixuan in the movie "Computer"): Cang Yi, I haven't talked for a long time. Today, I suddenly found that your life is in danger. Let's survive. You should have such strength and look forward to seeing you again. 】


The relationship between actors is not cold. Although they cannot be in a team for one or other reasons, they still exchange some information to understand each other's situation.

Qiancang slowly responded to these concerned news, and after all was resolved, he found that the fable and the small diamond wind had also sent news.

[Fable: Come, register, yes, how many people are there in your team? 】

[Cang Yi: Wait a moment, I haven't told the rest of the team members, including I have a total of four people. After speaking, I will register with you, so don’t worry. 】

[Small Diamond Wind: Thank you. 】

[Cang Yi: No thanks. 】

Qian Cangyi didn't reply to the actor returning from hell, so he was about to meet anyway, so it's better to keep the words for later.

After solving these, he focused on his own assessment form.

Because of the special way of entering the movie, Hell Movies will not pay Qiancangyi a remuneration, but the reputation value will not be affected. Generally speaking, when you agree to help, you will negotiate the pay or some special items in advance. However, the small diamond wind and the fable are paupers, and naturally there is no way to pay the pay in advance.

【Name: Qiancangyi】

[Code: Cang Yi]

[Participating in the movie: "Old Life"]

[Remuneration: 0 (basic remuneration + performance bonus remuneration + role synchronization remuneration + team bonus remuneration)]

[Fame value: 1000 (existing popularity + movie popularity + performance bonus + team bonus)]

[Official actor: four-line actor]

The income from the data is only reputation value, however, the hidden benefits are many.

The addition of the two actors, Fable and Xiao Zuanfeng, will enhance the overall strength of the Hell Return team. The narrow fight with the members of the Admonishment Society learned in advance of the organization of the Admonishment Society and the improvement of passive skills.

By this time, Qiancangyi's reputation value has reached the value of 3080, and it will continue to develop at the same speed. After continuing to participate in two official movies, Qiancangyi will participate in the promotion movie again.

"If you can get the ancient book "Hui Tian Hua Jing", it is estimated that the score will be even higher. Unfortunately, Wei Zhengshan's tone is too firm. I don't have special props. I have used up the small diamond style and fables. The hard fight between Shang and Xia makes people physically and mentally exhausted. All the factors add up, and they have to give up. People still have to be content." Qiancang leaned back, his hands behind his head, and stretched his waist at the same time.

"Speaking of ancient books~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I still have a copy of "The Funeral of the Sun" in my hand. The name is very aggressive. I don’t know what the movie is like. Find a time to ask Mrs. Ma and see if I can use it. After all In terms of income alone, the income of large-scale team movies is quite tempting.” Qiancang remembered his belongings, which had been placed for a long time.

Suddenly, Qian Cangyi thought of one more thing, "Speaking of which, the movie "The Treasure of the Burning Sea" should have a sequel. After all, I was invited to act alone at that time... Is it because the box office was so bad that there was no sequel. What is in the "Verdra Manuscript"? What is the secret in the cave on the mysterious island?" Thinking of this, Qian Cangyi tapped the table with his right hand a few times, "But it is also normal, most of them are left deliberately. Suspense movies will hit the streets, and unsuspecting movies will continue to release sequels for the sake of the box office even though most of the holes have been filled, and then there will be a curse that the sequels will always get worse."

"By the way, I was a fifth-line actor at the time, and the pay was only a small amount. If I go to the show now, won't I be lowered? By the way, I have an agent." Qian Cang frowned.


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