Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1065: follow

? Inside the house, there is only dim light, and the dust on the windows keeps the sun out.

For Zhang Ming, stepping on the floor of the house is like breaking into the memory of the past, scenes of past events come to mind, as if it happened yesterday.

The cobwebs in the corners, the cracked walls and the heavy dust on the floor all show that no one has been in this room for a long time, and even thieves are reluctant to patronize it.

Zhang Ming came to the second floor and walked step by step to the room where he saw the cursed doll just now.

When he came to the door, Zhang Ming was surprised to find that there were footprints about the size of a small steamed bun on the ground. He squatted down and observed carefully. According to the thickness of the dust, he was convinced that these footprints were just formed, that is to say... just cursed. The doll has run out of the room.

Zhang Ming stood up, he didn't see where the footprints were, only the footprints that came out. After hesitating for a few seconds, he decided to enter this room.

In the dusty room, the continuous small footprints are quite eye-catching. The footprints extend all the way to the side of the window, and the dust on the window, just like the one seen in the backyard, was wiped off near the edge of the window.

A slight noise came from behind, and Zhang Mingmeng turned his head and found a dark shadow disappearing by the door.

Is it a curse doll?

Zhang Ming hurriedly followed. He came outside the room and did not find the footprints of the cursed doll, only his own footprints extended from the direction of the stairs.

Suddenly, an idea flashed through Zhang Ming's mind.

Will the curse doll step on my footsteps downstairs?

Zhang Ming felt his breathing heavier. He quickly walked to the stairs and looked down. He didn't see the cursed doll, but he found a new clue.

There is a semicircle that protrudes from the edge of a footprint. It is absolutely impossible for his shoes to leave such a footprint. The only possibility is that the curse doll accidentally stepped on the edge when he left.


The sound of the door being opened on the first floor came out.

Zhang Ming took a deep breath and quickly came to the first floor, then he opened the door.

The sun was fierce outside, but there was no curse doll.

Where did it go?

Zhang Ming gritted his teeth and walked out the door.

Things are gradually developing in a direction beyond Zhang Ming's control.

He searched the yard for a while, and then searched the house for a while, but he never found the cursed doll.

Where is it?

Zhang Ming turned around, sweat dripping from his forehead, at this moment, he saw the car he was driving.

Is it in the car?

Zhang Ming quickly walked over. He stood outside the car window and looked into the car. He did not see the cursed doll. When he turned his head to continue searching, he saw a strange scene in the rearview mirror of the car, a scorched doll. The arm is sticking out from behind his shoulder.

Zhang Ming quickly turned around and grabbed behind him, but he couldn't catch anything. The soles of his feet were chilly. Before he could react, the lights of the car started to flash. Zhang Ming drew away when he saw it. , Suddenly, the sound of knocking on the window from the rear came into Zhang Ming's ears. He turned his head and found that the scene just now was staged again in the window on the second floor.

Cursed the doll's hand wiped the dust on the window.

The sun shining on the cursed doll, instead of dispelling the cold breath of the cursed doll, it made its appearance look even more terrifying.

A pair of eyes that were indistinguishable from a real person stared at Zhang Ming's figure standing next to the car.

Zhang Mingqing couldn't help taking a step back, and he was frightened by this scene.

The shame brought by cowardice aroused Zhang Ming's inner anger. He looked at the house where he used to live with his wife and daughter, and an idea appeared in his mind.

I'm going to burn it! Burn it along with the house!

Zhang Ming opened the back cover of the car, and there was still unremoved gasoline inside.

He walked into the house. This time, he stopped looking for cursed dolls, but poured gasoline on the floor of the second floor, no matter where it was the kitchen, toilet or bedroom.

As he was going downstairs, he suddenly felt a huge force from behind pushing him down the stairs. Zhang Ming continued to roll to the first floor before stopping. He had been lacking in exercise all these years. He ran in and out just now, and he passed out after such a fall.

On the stairs on the second floor, the cursed doll stood at the handrail of the stairs, its head slowly protruding from the gap between the two iron railings, looking down at Zhang Ming, who was unconscious.


The smoke gradually rose, and Hawkeye realized that something was wrong, he parked the car on the side of the road, and ran over.

19 buildings... are the houses that are on fire.

The people nearby rushed over, they were surrounded outside, and some people had already called the fire alarm number.

Hawkeye stood behind the crowd, and he gently pushed away the people in front of him.

"Eh, it's dangerous. You can't go in. With such a big fire, going in is to die." An enthusiastic aunt grabbed Hawkeye's arm.

"I'm not going in." Hawkeye took out his hand calmly and walked into the yard. As he said, he did not enter the house, but walked to the backyard.

The heat wave rushed towards his face one after another, and Hawkeye covered his cheek with his left hand and quickly came to the backyard.

A big pit appeared in his eyes. There was a shovel beside the big pit. Hawkeye walked to the side of the pit. Although there was nothing valuable in it, there were still clues that the pit was burned.

Hawkeye reasoned out what happened before.

After Zhang Ming came here, he immediately dug up the cursed doll and then burned it. However, according to the information provided by Xiaotai, the method of burning the cursed doll was not effective at all.

Now there are two questions: 1. Where is Zhang Ming? 2. Where is the cursed doll?

At this moment, there was an exclamation from the crowd outside the courtyard. Hawkeye rushed over and just saw a burning man waving his arms. He seemed to be seeking the last rescue. However, his ability to run out was already a life. In the next second, Fireman seemed to have spotted Hawkeye. He waved to Hawkeye quickly, as if not asking for help, but letting Hawkeye go quickly.

Hawkeye walked over, and he found that the body of "Burning Man" was very similar to Zhang Ming, but the "Burning Man" fell to the ground.

The high temperature burned his face completely, and Hawkeye could not see his face. However, from the actions of the "Burning Man" and a series of things that happened around, Hawkeye knew that this person was Zhang Ming, and Zhang Ming, who wanted revenge, died after all. Doll hands.

The first question has been answered, and now he needs to find the answer to the second question.

Suddenly, a chill rose from the soles of Hawkeye's feet, and it seemed that something was staring at him. He glanced around, but did not find the source of his sight.

Could it be that the cursed doll is staring at me?

Hawkeye hurriedly walked out of the yard, already having a guess in his heart.

Was it because I found out that I was in contact with Zhang Ming when I checked the big hole at the back?

He walked all the way to the car he rented, and then he took out the unregistered phone card from the phone and was still on the ground.

Zhang Ming is dead. Even if the cursed doll is in the house, there is no way to take it out now. Although Zhang Ming's death in the fire can make the police investigation less intense, it cannot be ruled out that someone will raise such questions.

Why does he burn his own house? How could he rush out of the house after the house was on fire?

In order to solve these two problems, perhaps the police will start investigating Zhang Ming's interpersonal relationship, so that Hawkeye will be found.

In any case, Hawkeye didn't want to get involved with the police. This was also the purpose of his deliberate purchase of an unregistered phone card.

At present, his idea is to wait next to him first, and then go to Zhang Ming's house to search after the fire is extinguished. If not found, stay nearby for a few days, maybe there will be a cursing doll murder.

Soon, the whistle of the fire truck came from a distance.

After a busy period, the fire has been brought under control, but the house has become scorched inside and out.

After the excitement, the crowd of onlookers gradually dispersed, and Zhang Ming's body was also taken away.

It's about five o'clock in the afternoon, the sun has not yet set, but it won't be long.

After the people dispersed, Hawkeye walked into the house of occurrence. He opened the door and then walked in. Originally, there were not many furniture in the house. After burning like this, there was basically only one empty house left. Hawkeye looked at the scorched black house, and he thought of the shovel in the backyard.

After taking the shovel in his hand, Hawkeye began to slowly search. He searched room by room, except for the places that could not be checked, the rest of the places were tried with the shovel.

There is no curse doll.

There is no on the first floor, nor on the second floor, and the cursed doll can not be found in the whole room.

Hawkeye was not discouraged. This was in his expectation. The only thing that Hawkeye didn't understand was that the cold feeling of being watched just now never disappeared. It was getting late, and in desperation, he had to leave Zhang Ming's house and search for nearby hotels.

Hawkeye sat in the car, fastened his seat belt, and just inserted the key, and suddenly found in the rearview mirror in the middle that there was a terrifying doll on the back seat of the car, a cursed doll!

The body of the doll is full of stitches and traces of stitches. A pair of eyes is actually like a real person. The needle and thread in the mouth has been broken, and it seems that it has been forcibly torn off. A scorching smell comes out of the doll, except for the burnt smell. , And a hint of gasoline.

Hawkeye stopped his movements. He slowly turned his head back, only to find that there was no curse doll on the back seat. He looked at the rearview mirror again, and everything was normal in the rearview mirror. Even so, Hawkeye still chose to unfasten the seat belt, open the door with his right hand, and get out of the car.

Be entangled...

Hawkeye doesn't plan to use his rented car anymore, he plans to take a bus.

From now on, it has become very unsafe to act alone. Similarly, the second question has been answered, and the curse doll is now following him.

Hawkeye was sitting near the window, and it was farther to the front. Because the sky was getting late, the places in the bus that could not be illuminated by the lights were darker, and most of the seats in the rear were not illuminated.

The route of this bus is to the city, the whole bus, plus the driver is less than 10 people.

At eight o'clock in the evening, in the downtown area of ​​the hotel, Hawkeye took the room card and walked to his room.

Room 306, the floor is not high, even if there is a problem at night, you can choose to jump out of the window to escape, but for safety, you need to use sheets and other tools.

After turning it on, Hawkeye took out the mobile phone charger and plugged it into the socket, and then started charging the mobile phone. Next, he launched the Hell Movie client and entered the main world.

A blood-red vortex appeared, pulling the eagle eye into the main world.

In the room, the eagle eye's figure disappeared.

Tonight, he intends to hide in the main world. This is the safest method for now, with the help of unknown forces to fight against unknown forces.

After entering the main world, Hawkeye did not stay in Panfeng Village, but walked towards the Hell Shop.

His being stared at by the cursed doll does not mean that his plan has failed. As long as the cursed doll is not lost, his plan can still run smoothly.

In the few days after meeting with Zhang Ming, Hawkeye did not provoke Cursed Baby, because he had other things to do.

Determine the address of the scalpel organization and find a way to enter with the cursed doll.

After some investigations, he obtained information about a chef who was an old employee of the Scalpel Organization. Moreover, his family was also'protected' by the Scalpel. It was said that it was protection, but it was actually controlled, because of this. , This chef has been able to continue to organize the scalpel, of course, the more important reason is that his craftsmanship is quite good.

The only disadvantage is that this chef is addicted to gambling, but for the scalpel organization, this is not a disadvantage at all, but an advantage.

The chef's name is Timmy.

It is basically impossible to play Timmy with Hawkeye's figure and appearance, but Hawkeye can draw on the powerful power of **** movies.

He has asked Xiaoma about disguise.

"Appearance, bones, pupils, blood type... Your requirements are very high. I have this kind of props, but the price is a bit expensive. Do you really need it? You can only use it in the real world. If you need it, let's chip in!" The answer is straightforward.

Hawkeye's pay was not enough, and he didn't plan to borrow from his teammates. With Qian Jiangyue trying, Hawkeye naturally chose to use a small movie to quickly raise pay. For this reason, he lost a part of his reputation.

It didn't take much time to reach the **** shop from Panfeng Village.

"Oh, distinguished guest, there is a long way to go." Xiaotai walked out of the shadow, holding a big red lantern in his hand, "I know what you want this time, did you bring the pay?"

"I want to ask you a question. Special props can only be used in movies. So, are there any props that can fight ghosts in the real world?" Hawkeye did not redeem it immediately.

"Before answering your question~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I will tell you one thing first." Xiaotai sat in a chair, "In the real world, you may be killed by a pistol, or you may be killed by a car. It may die of swords, spears, swords and halberds, but it is absolutely impossible to die in the hands of ghosts. The reason is that **** movies will help actors avoid ghosts in the real world. Do you know what I mean?"

"The answer is no." Hawkeye took off his sunglasses. "Why? The reason?"

"I can't tell you the reason." Xiaotai shook her head.

Seeing Xiaotai's resolute tone, Hawkeye didn't ask any more, he handed Xiaotai a full payment and got the props he wanted.

Camouflage mask.

After being pasted, it can be disguised as someone I have seen before, but it requires a condition. It is necessary to obtain a drop of blood from the person being disguised and drip the blood on the mask in order to be disguised in all directions.

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