Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1119: Ways to escape the ghost town

Hou Wenyao took out a glass bottle with his right hand, then unscrewed the cap, and the smell of a dead body gradually diffused.

Qiancangyi and Wutong couldn't help holding their breath.

Hou Wenyao's reaction was completely different. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, with a look of enjoyment on his face. He didn't tighten the bottle cap satisfied until he had enough of it.


The sound of the glass bottle shattering came from another scene.

Qiancang turned his head and looked at it. In the new light, the glass bottle shattered to the ground, and animal carcasses covered the ground.

Hou Wenyao lowered her head, and in front of him stood a woman wearing a yellow coat. This woman was pointing at Hou Wenyao at this time, as if she was insulting Hou Wenyao.

"It's noisy." Hou Wenyao opened his mouth. His voice was not loud, but it was very clear.

The anger is gradually brewing. This anger is not just hot boiling water, but the rolling magma that has been suppressed in the ground for more than ten years. Once it erupts, it is like a volcanic eruption, it is impossible to calm down quickly.

The woman didn't seem to realize that things were changing at all.

If she perceives something wrong with Hou Wenyao keenly, then there is at least a chance to escape, but now, when Hou Wenyao has made up her mind to do it, she is already in disaster.

Hou Wenyao suddenly violent, pressed the woman to the ground, a pair of white and clean hands tightly pinched the woman's neck.

At the beginning, the woman still resisted with both hands, but it was a pity that her resistance had no effect.

After a few seconds, death fell on the woman, her hands dropped, her pupils dilated, and her head tilted to the side.

Qiancang watched this scene in silence.

The scene in this scene is different from the previous scene, because at this moment Hou Wenyao in the scene is not still. After he released his hand, he did not calm down, but looked at the animal carcasses around him. At this moment, Hou Wenyao's face There was a sense of excitement faintly, as if opening the door to a new world.

A heavy gasp sounded, but the scene ended here.

As soon as Qiancang continued to walk down, a new scene appeared. This time, he saw a familiar face, the face of Heizi.

Heizi and Hou Wenyao sat on the sofa in the living room. Hou Wenyao held an envelope in his hand. The envelope has a certain thickness. From the raised outline, it can be seen that the envelope contains a large amount of cash. The two were talking. During this period, Heizi kept his eyes on the envelope. He was very interested in the money in the envelope, but he was very hesitant on his face.

After struggling with thoughts, Heizi still accepted the envelope. After that, Hou Wenyao patted Heizi on the shoulder, indicating that the latter didn't need to worry.

"Maybe you don't understand my thoughts. In fact, I am not a person who likes ease. I like stimulation. I know your situation. If you can take me to a case, the money will be yours." Hou Wenyao The voice came from the freeze-frame scene.

The scene is not fixed here, but starts to change.

The bright moon rises from the ground and hangs high in the sky.

The roof of a residential building.

Hou Wenyao was waiting silently with Heizi, who was smoking a cigarette with anxiety on his face.

Afterwards, the two began to act.

At this point, this scene ends here.

New scenes appeared in the front, one after another, as if to finish Hou Wenyao's life.

Qiancang Yi was standing in front of the new scene. He was standing on the sidewalk. It was still early and there were no pedestrians on the road.

Ahead, an old man was walking on the sidewalk with a little girl, as if he was about to rush to somewhere, the little girl was holding a cherry-colored ball in her hands.

This little girl is the ball ghost Xiaoli encountered at the fluke memorial.

The roar of the engine gradually approached, and the ball in Xiaoli's hand fell to the ground for some reason. Unfortunately, the direction in which the ball fell was exactly the direction in which the roar of the engine approached.

A red car rushed at an extremely fast speed, and at this time, Xiaoli was only one second before she could hug the ball.

The scene freezes at the moment the car hits Xiaoli, Qian Cangyi's gaze looks through the windshield, he can see that the person in the driver's seat is Hou Wenyao, and the person in the passenger seat is Heizi .

The expressions on Hou Wenyao and Heizi's faces are completely different. Heizi's face is full of fear and fear, while Hou Wenyao's face is nonchalant, as if for him, after doing these things, his life has been fulfilled.

The new scene did not reappear.

It seems that everything ends here.

Qiancang turned his head and glanced at Wutong, and said, "Did you find anything?"

Wutong shook his head, saying that he hadn't gained anything.

Suddenly, the two lost their heads.

The new script appeared in the minds of the two at this time.

[Cheng Xingyuan stared at the scene in front of him blankly, he didn't expect it to be like this. 】

[Cheng Xingyuan: Hou Wenyao and Heizi should be fleeing at this time, it is estimated that their affairs have been revealed. 】

[Qian Ruosi: It's strange that Hou Wenyao's affairs are not revealed. The first person he killed was his acquaintance, and the way he killed his husband and wife while committing crimes with Heizi was extremely cruel, and the police would never let him go. 】

[Cheng Xingyuan: I know, just figuring out this matter doesn't seem to help us leave the ghost town. I don't think this should be the case. We should get something, or get some meaningful information. 】

[Qian Ruosi: Indeed. 】

[Cheng Xingyuan looked back at the previously frozen scene, the original scene has disappeared, only the latest scene still stays in front of him. 】

[Cheng Xingyuan: "I think of a way, maybe it will work."]

The script is now over for the time being.

Is it possible to interact with the scene to a certain extent?

Qiancang thought with all his heart, and then played against Wutong according to the script's requirements.

The two began to search in the most recent scene at the same time.

As soon as Qiancang touched the person in front of the car, he found that he could actually touch Xiaoli's body. Qiancangyi had tried to interact with the scene before, but there was no change. His hands and the objects and objects in the scene There is no intersection between the characters.

It's different now.

Being able to touch Xiaoli's body means being able to touch other objects, such as cars.

Qiancang walked to the car immediately, but his hand went straight through the car window.

"Can't it work?" Wutong tried it too, and the situation was the same as Qiancangyi encountered.

"Try again." Qiancang didn't give up immediately, he continued to extend his hand until he touched Heizi, just as he could touch Xiaoli, so could Heizi. He found that after this point, he leaned his upper body directly into the car, but touched his hand on the steering wheel.

The engine sound suddenly sounded.

The sound of the engine disappeared as soon as the money warehouse was withdrawn.

This made Qiancang puzzled. He thought about it, and then touched the seat with his right hand, and the seat could also be touched.

An idea appeared in Qian Cangyi's mind. He turned his head and said to Wutong: "Move the people inside and Xiaoli away. We might be able to use this car."

Wutong did not ask the reason, and directly followed what Qiancangyi said.

After moving the two people in the car and Xiaoli in front of the car to the sidewalk, as soon as Qian Cang sat in the driver's seat, he clenched the steering wheel with both hands, and the roar of the engine was deafening.

"Get in the car, be careful, there is no seat belt, the doors and windows do not work, it is easy to be thrown out." Qiancang pointed to the passenger seat.

Wutong sat in the passenger seat and stretched out her hand to try to grasp the handle on the side to stabilize herself, but the hand went straight through. In desperation, she had to hold on to the cushion, "If you drive too fast, I will definitely be thrown out."

Qiancang nodded, "I will also be thrown out, and then judge based on the actual situation." After he finished speaking, his right hand began to press on the navigation.

The input box appeared on the display screen, Qiancang thought for a while, then typed in the words "Ghost Town Exit", and then clicked the OK button.

A route appears, and the map on the display is the map of the ghost town, because the iconic building logo of the fluke memorial can also be seen inside.

One click on the money warehouse to start navigation.

The voice prompt sounded.

"Navigation begins, ready to go, the whole journey takes about 20 minutes!"

As soon as Qiancang stepped on the accelerator, he drove the red car towards the darkness ahead.


Shadow puppets and showers still stand in front of the door waiting~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The idea of ​​wanting to enter and the idea of ​​continuing to wait conflict with each other.

The roar of the engine came from inside the Rose Aquarium, and the two raised their heads almost at the same time.

"Hurry up!" The shadow play noticed the sound of the engine getting closer, so he pushed the shower out, and at the same time hid himself.

The double-opening glass door cracked, and the red car pulled out of the Rose Aquarium and stopped on the road.

Qian Cangyi and Wutong stretched out their heads. Because they could see the door of the car, they looked very weird in the eyes of shadow puppetry and the shower, as if their heads were growing on the door of the car.

"What's the situation?" The shower rose from the ground. When the shadow puppet pushed him just now, he had not had time to react and fell to the ground, and when he got up, he saw an extremely strange scene.

"Get in the car!" Qiancang yelled, "The door doesn't exist, just sit in."

Shadow Play and Shower sat on the back seat, and the two of them grabbed the front seat with both hands.

"I'm taking it, what kind of car is this..." Yu Yu stretched out his right hand to touch the door of the car, but he didn't expect his right hand to pass through directly.

At this time, the navigation tone sounded again, "Go straight ahead for 200 meters and turn right at the intersection."

"A car that doesn't even have a door still has navigation?" Shower glanced at the display on the right side of the steering wheel, and couldn't help but vomit.

As soon as Qiancang stepped on the accelerator, follow the navigation prompts to move forward.

Although he now knows the way to leave the ghost town, the situation is still very serious, because when he drove the car out of the Rose Aquarium, he heard an almost inaudible complaint, "It's noisy."

The danger Hou Wenyao brings is not in the Rose Aquarium, and the final difficulty is not the way to escape the ghost town from the Rose Aquarium. The real test is the process of escaping the ghost town.

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