Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1120: Desperate pursuit

The loud engine noise of the car also attracts the attention of the ghosts on the street.

Qiancangyi controlled the speed within a certain range in order to prevent the people in the car from being thrown out when cornering. The result is that when the car is driving on the street, it attracts countless onlookers, like non-mainstream people wearing fancy clothes are swaggering through the market. general.

Fortunately, the slanting ghosts just cast their gazes, which made Qiancang a lot of relief.

He has always worried that in the end human snakes will make their identity as living people public. If human snakes do this, their situation will be more and more difficult. So many ghosts desperately want to enjoy them, which means they have no way to deal with it. Because this is in someone else's territory, unless the former mayor who is hiding in the dark helps, the end result must be a dead end.

The car turned again and its speed gradually decreased.

Suddenly, a person rushed over from the street, his movements very fast.

"Take me along!" The prayers mixed with crying came to the ears of the four.

Qiancang turned his head and took a look. He found that he seemed to have seen someone running towards the car somewhere, and his memories gradually came to his mind.

By the artificial lake of Xikai University, the human face in front of him appeared once or twice.

This person is a member of the crew of "Fuck 2".

"And us!" a new shout followed.

Qiancang turned his head and looked to the other side, then he saw a group of people rushing from the other side of the street.

"What's the matter?" Shower asked, his tone full of anxiety.

"The situation is not right!" Wutong took a deep breath.

Qiancang suddenly understood what was going on, and he opened his mouth and said to the three of them: "Hurry up!"

At the same time, pressing the right foot forcefully, the car began to accelerate.

"The reason why they are here is definitely not because they happened to meet us, but because the human beings are playing tricks in secret." Wutong said his thoughts.

"Furthermore, Renshe Bailian does not need to do anything at all. You only need to tell them to get on this car to leave the ghost town. These people will definitely try their best to get on our car in order to survive. Similarly, in order to survive, we will definitely do Leave them alone, and in this way, the contradictions will become irreconcilable." Qiancang Yijiang Wutong made his unfinished words clear.

"You mean to grab a seat?" The shower reacted.

"What should we do?" The shadow puppet turned his head and looked at the crew members who were gradually rushing over. Even at this time, these crew members still did not choose to work together. Even when they were running, they were still pushing each other, the purpose was only Just to get yourself closer to the car than the others.

Who runs faster, who is more likely to get in the car!

The only problem is that there are already four people in the car.

If the door is normal, at least two more people can get in.

The problem is that the door is not normal, and another person sitting in the car will cause two people to be thrown off the car because the car is too fast in the next chase.

Once thrown off the car, the result will be left in the ghost town forever.

Even if they stay in the ghost town, they can't live alone like the ghosts who came to the ghost town. Instead, they were made into sculptures and placed in the new memorial hall.

"We can't save them." Qiancang shook his head. "What's more, we are not safe now. We have experienced so many dangers along the way. How can we easily give away the chance of escape that we finally got?"

"I support you." Yu Yu nodded, and his right thumb stretched out.

As actors in **** movies, it is impossible for the four to give opportunities to people in the movie world, even if these people are not data, but real people.

The only possibility to save a person is that some of these people can provide more information about the escape. Simply put, the benefit of saving this person is far greater than the trouble he caused.

Obviously, it is basically impossible.

The car continues to move forward, although the speed is not fast, but it is still a fantasy to catch up with the legs alone.

"It's so noisy!" whispered softly into the ears of the four, followed by a screaming scream.

On the street behind, the body of a crew member was gradually changing. The body of a person who was originally alive suddenly began to change, and even corpse spots appeared on his face.

A man with a clean and fair complexion released his right hand that grabbed the crew member's neck, and then continued to walk in the direction of the car.

He is Hou Wenyao.

After seeing this scene, the surrounding crew members were all scared to stay where they were.

Hou Wenyao walked past the crew, and after his figure flickered twice, he appeared 100 meters away.


a few minutes ago.

Renshe Bailian came to the door of a warehouse.

The mottled dark red door exudes an aura of decay, the door lock of the door has been completely damaged, and even the chain hole has been blocked by rust.

At the gate, a man about 50 years old, wearing blue overalls, with charred skin was patrolling the surroundings, his body straight.

With the arrival of Renshe Bailian, the man took off the door lock and opened a gap in the door to let Shen Bailian enter.

In the warehouse, the white walls have been burnt to darkness, and there is only a pile of black powder left in the materials that should have been piled up.

This is a warehouse where a fire has occurred.

Now there are no supplies inside, only the crew of "Fuck 2" who are detained in it.

The entrance of Renshebailian made the crew members who are suffering see the dawn of hope. They wanted to ask whether they could leave here like the people who left the warehouse before. However, their inner fear of Renshebailian was after all They still had the upper hand, and the pain they had experienced before made them afraid to leapfrog the thunder pool.

"I'm here this time. I have two news to tell you, one good news and one bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?" Renshe Bailian said.

"Tell us the good news first." A girl replied, her voice trembling.

"The good news is that you have one chance to leave the ghost town. Now there is a car that can leave the ghost town driving in the ghost town. You can leave as long as you get in this car." Renshe Bailian said in a fast-paced tone. .

"What about the bad news?" The girl continued to ask.

"The bad news is that this car can only seat four people, and it is already full. If you want to get in this car, you must pull the people down." Renshe Bailian finished speaking and chuckled twice." You always have to rely on yourself to fight for opportunities, don’t you? You have been waiting for a miracle to happen. Now that the miracle has appeared, do you have a chance to catch the tail of the miracle?

The face of the crew is uncertain, they are a little excited, but they are not willing to let them do this kind of thing.

They all know what it means to fight for the opportunity to leave the ghost town.

This means that life and death are crippled, and it means turning against each other.

"Who are those four people?" The girl continued to ask.

"It doesn't matter, isn't it?" Renshe Bailian's eyes were smiling. "The four people sitting in the car now don't matter at all. The important thing is who are the four sitting in the car when leaving the ghost town. "His words seemed to wake up the hesitant crew.

"I'll go!" A crew member overcame the fear and anxiety in his heart, raised his right hand, and at the same time, in order to let Snake Bailian hear his words, he said again, "I am willing to grab the position, what you mean is to let us see ourselves. Kill? I am willing to do it, as long as I can leave here, I am willing to do anything."

"Come out." Renshe Bailian smiled.

"And me!" Another crew member raised his hand.

"I am going too!"

After having the first person at the beginning, the remaining people begin to have no psychological burden. No matter who is sitting in the car, they don’t care. Things have reached this point. They don’t want to die like this. They also have their own families. , There are also my dreams that have not yet been realized.

Renshe Bailian looked at the few remaining people and said, "Aren't you interested?"

Wang Qingfen, the director of "Fuck 2", was among these people. She looked at the people and Bailian shook her head and said: "I'm a little old, I can't rob them. Besides, you give them the way to escape from the ghost town. I want to leave. After the ghost town, it is impossible for them to escape your control. Instead of this, it is better to stay here at ease."

"Not bad." Renshe Bailian nodded, "After this matter is dealt with, we will discuss how to shoot "Fuck 2"."

After Renshe Bailian finished speaking, he left the warehouse.

Wang Qingfen sighed slightly as he looked at the warehouse door that was gradually closing.

Before the filming started, she never thought that things would become what they are now.

Although she knows that there are many mysterious rumors in "Fuck", she always believes that most of these rumors are caused by the underdevelopment of the Internet and the propaganda methods of the film at that time. Until now, she did not believe that the haunted rumors about "Fuck", Most of it turned out to be the truth.

Ren She Bailian locked her up in front of the warehouse and told her something about the shooting of "Fuck".

In fact, the "Fuck" that appeared in the eyes of the audience is just a more successful ending in many finished films. What really happened is that all four leading actors have already died. Most of the plots in "Fuck" are made up later. , Renshe Bailian puts the soul of the crew into the body of the lead actor, and then performs according to the script arranged by the director.

After all, Renshe Bailian was born in a ghost town, and he is not clear about the hobbies of people in the world outside of the ghost town, so he needs the help of the director.

Zhao Dehua's situation back then was the same as Wang Qingfen's current situation. The only difference is that the current human snake Bailian is relatively gentler, and he will no longer hand over Zhao Dehua to ghost torture as he did in the past.

Although most of the plots are remakes, the starring experience in the ghost town still has its meaning.

The familiar version of the ghosts of the ghost town is exactly the plot experienced by the real protagonist that year.

Ordinary people’s point of view is that although the four protagonists suffered misfortune, they managed to escape from the ghost town.

From the perspective of the ghost, the four protagonists all die in the ghost town and become the ghost’s dish.

Two completely different endings, even some of the plots are quite different.

No matter how you modify it later, even if the final product is completely different from the experience of the four leading actors, the initial experience is still the cornerstone of all versions.

The experience of Qiancang and others in the ghost town is also the same. The camera ghost recorded their experience and waited until everything was over before re-shooting some plots according to the later arrangements.

Because of the complete relationship, Renshe Bailian and director Wang Qingfen do not need to think about how to complete the plot.

If Qiancang four people successfully escape from the ghost town, then the progress of the film has basically completed 90% of the content, and the remaining 10% is just some detailed adjustments.

For example, the main role that appeared in it was changed from Du Hongxuan played by Cheng Xingyuan to Ji Ping An played by He Jian, or simply changed the protagonist from He Jian to Cheng Xingyuan, but considering the relationship between film investment and box office appeal, the possibility of adopting the former Bigger.

The key to post-reshooting is that the protagonist must be under the control of Renshe Bailian. That is to say, even if Cheng Xingyuan, played by Qian Cangyi successfully escapes from the ghost town, the result will not change much. Renshe will find Cheng Xingyuan after all. , And Cheng Xingyuan, as an ordinary person, naturally couldn't fight against humans and snakes.

After the details have been arranged, the leading actors and related staff will be gradually returned, and then the publicity work will begin until the film "Fuck 2" is released.

The new publicity will bring higher popularity, and the casting of ghosts in "Fuck 2" will also make more ghosts come to the ghost town, including the ghosts of Heizi who die by themselves.

After the ghost town gathers enough ghosts, it will expand further, and may even develop into a ghost town.

A unique world between the underworld and the yang.

The master of this world is Bai Lian.


In the rearview mirror, Hou Wenyao's figure appeared from time to time.

Qiancang wanted to speed up a little bit, but the fastest could only be this step. The other three were almost thrown out when turning just now. Wutong and Yuxi even had half of their bodies outside the car, thanks to Qiancang’s quick response. , Changed the direction a little bit before pulling the two back.

"Hou Wenyao is here." Qian Cang reminded him.

According to Hou Wenyao's always saying ‘so noisy’, Qian Cang judged that Hou Wenyao would definitely follow the car, because the sound of the car’s engine was too loud and recognizable.

The shadow puppet turned her head and glanced at Hou Wenyao. She found that although Hou Wenyao's steps were not fast, he was closely behind the car and even kept getting closer.

At this moment, a bunch of people suddenly ran out in front of them. These people held hands and stopped in front of the car, trying to stop the car from moving forward~www.wuxiaspot.com~ These people are also crew members, and the expressions on their faces seem to say ' Run over us without stopping.'

Qian Cangyi stretched his left hand out of the car and made a swaying gesture, but the crew members who got in the way did not respond.

At this time, the new script came to Qian Cangyi's mind.

Why are you here at this time?

Qiancang frowned.

The script gave Cheng Xingyuan's thoughts on stopping and not stopping, but did not give an answer.

Although whether to park or not has a relationship with the four people in the car, in fact, if there is no conflict between the four people, the final decision is actually in the hands of the person holding the steering wheel. 2k reading network

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