Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1139: Cut off the wings

Peng Tian hesitated for less than two seconds, he took the pen and wrote it out. He now has no other way out. If he returns to the ghost town again and uses the same method, he can only wait for death. This is not what he thinks. The desired result, and it doesn’t make any sense for him to die like this.

He clenched the pen in his right hand and began to write.

The above does not record detailed conversations, and more importantly, various keywords. Although they are not clear enough, they can definitely let the viewer know Xu Su's next plan.

【Cut off the wings】

[The scales of a human snake]

[Resolve grievances]

Wait, similar words appear in the notebook one by one.

While Peng Tian was writing, Hawkeye watched the information in the notebook while paying attention to the surrounding situation.

The method he used is not safe, but now there is no way to use more complicated methods, because I don’t know how far Peng Tian’s identity has been exposed, plus Peng Tian is not an actor in **** movies, and maybe he can’t understand them. The chosen method, and assuming that Peng Tian can understand it, in all likelihood, Snake Bailian can also understand it.

The most important thing now is to fight for speed, to quickly obtain information while temporarily leaving the vicinity of the artificial ghost town, and then to burn the information.

Several words appeared in Hawkeye's mind, and these words were slightly combined to form a clear sentence.

[First cut off the wings of the human snake Bailian, the method is to use the scales of the human snake to dissolve the grievances of the ghosts. 】

This is the message Xu Su wants to convey.

The wings of Renshe Bailian naturally refer to the henchmen of Renshe Bailian. All the star ghosts in "Fuck" are all. These ghosts enjoy the privileges and living beings provided by Renshe Bailian. They will naturally work harder, but no matter how hard you work Practicing as a ghost, once the grievance disappears, everything will disappear and go into reincarnation.

Hawkeye waited until Peng Tian stopped, and directly tore off the content written by Peng Tiangang, and then lit it with a lighter.

The faint flame rose gradually from the bottom of the paper, and the burnt black ash could not support each other, and fell to the ground under the action of gravity. When the flame burned to two-thirds, the unburned paper fell to the ground.

Suddenly, a loud noise came from outside the door.

Because Peng Tian was too nervous, he was taken aback by the loud noise, but his shoulder was held by a big warm hand.

"Hush!" Hawkeye made a silent gesture, then patted Peng Tian's shoulder to signal the latter not to move. He walked slowly to the door and looked out the small window on the door, only to find It was dark outside, and there was no dark scene even a gleam of light.

Hawkeye turned the door handle, trying to open the door, but the door seemed to be fixed by strong glue and could not be opened at all.

"What happened?" Peng Tian saw Hawkeye's movements, and he naturally understood that it was not normal now.

The answer he got was not Hawkeye's comfort or explanation, but the corpse falling beside the hospital bed.

The corpse had a pale face, his eyes looked upwards unwillingly, his upper body was wearing old and cheap clothing, and his lower body was a pair of sky blue jeans.

"Get up..." Hawkeye returned to the hospital bed. He looked up at the top. The place where the ceiling should have been disappeared. Except that the decoration around the ward remained normal, all the extra space above turned into a cliff. , Very difficult to climb.

Peng Tian gradually got out of bed with the help of Hawkeye.

Another corpse fell, and it happened to fall on the bed, denting the bed a bit.

Hawkeye took out his phone in a hurry. He was sending a message to Qian Jiangyue. Unlike the previous situation, this time the message was not relying on the phone. There is another factor, that is, the scales of the human snake. When Hawkeye sends the message Stick the scales of the human snake on the phone.

If the mobile phone cannot transmit information because of grievances, then the scales of humans and snakes can also eliminate the effects of grievances.

With a ding sound, the mobile phone message was successfully sent.

Hawkeye helped Peng Tian to walk towards the door of the ward. He returned to the door again, but this time was different. He put the scales of the human snake on the door and turned the handle to open the door. The two successfully escaped from the ward. .

"Is this... the scales of human snakes?" Peng Tian immediately realized that the tools used by Hawkeye were the important tools Xu Su had said to him before. He had been thinking about how to get scales of human snakes.

Yingyan glanced left and right, he did not answer Peng Tian’s question, because he found that the surrounding situation had not improved. They did leave the unsafe ward, but Liu Deng did not stop the attack, but expanded the scope of the attack. In the whole hospital.

In the hospital in the middle of the night, there are often rumors of haunting.

Two corpses fell from above, shattering their skulls and leg bones, but these corpses climbed up from the ground without expression as if they didn't feel pain.

Everything in the corridor was normal, but on the ceiling, it became what I saw in the ward before.

The black rock wall seems to have an endless sense of oppression, which makes people unafraid.

"What should we do?" Peng Tian asked anxiously.

"How can we eliminate the grievance? Let the ghost kill?" Yingyan frowned, he searched around, looking for the answer he wanted to find in his heart, Liu Deng's corpse...

"Xu Su didn't tell me, he said that someone who is destined would know what to do." Peng Tian replied in a weak voice.

Hawkeye took Peng Tian to the stairs. There is only one scale of the human snake. If it is used to protect him, then Peng Tian will not be protected. If it is used to protect Peng Tian, ​​he will not be protected. Therefore, currently The best way is to send Peng Tian out of the danger zone first, and then slowly think about ways to resolve Liu Deng's grievances.

This time it was no longer a mere escape, they were able to use the scales of humans and snakes to fight back to a certain extent.

Xu Su’s message has shown that the resentment of the ghost can indeed dissipate. Although he does not know a clear method, he can understand the resentment from another angle, and that is the reason for the appearance of the ghost.

The two had already come down to the first floor. Qian Jiangyue stood at the door and looked inside. It was not that he didn't plan to go in, but that he couldn't get in now, and a force prevented him from entering the hospital.

On the stairs, the dead bodies had already piled up on the stairs, and they were gradually crawling towards the two in a weird posture.

Just as the two were about to leave, a corpse fell in front of them. The next second, the corpse fell like rain, and in a short while, it piled up into a wall of people.

Hawkeye knew that Liu Deng didn't want them to leave.

The conversation just now has allowed Liu Deng to attack them, and because of Peng Tian himself, Liu Deng in Linshidong will follow the two until he achieves his goal, perhaps to kill the leaked Peng Tian, ​​or to taste it. The taste of living, or both.

Peng Tian looked at Qian Jiangyue and gradually stretched out his right hand, but as the corpse in front of him fell faster and faster, he could only watch as he was separated.

He hoped that the "destined person" could fight the ghost like Xu Su, but as a human, he himself didn't have much hope for this matter. He did this because there was only one way, nothing more.

The scales of the human snake are indeed effective, but there is only one. Peng Tian does not believe that the eagle eye will use the scales of the human snake to protect itself, because in this way, the eagle eye will not be able to be protected. No matter which angle is considered, the eagle eye will not. And there is no need to do this.

Hawkeye temporarily released the hand holding Peng Tian, ​​he was thinking about a solution.

The situation before him can't help but reminds Hawkeye of the scene when several members of the Hell Returning team discussed with Jiang Lao yesterday.

What they discussed was the plot of "Fuck".

Although it is still related to the ghost town, once "Fuck" is used as the basis for communication, they will not arouse too much suspicion when discussing the ghost town. After all, they are weak surveillance targets, not to mention there is an artificial ghost town next to it. So it can be discussed normally.

"To be honest, I think Fu Zhiyao's approach is relatively mediocre. I mean she is just listening. Although it is okay for Chen Qiao to have someone listen to her, it's still a bit short of it." Jiang Ling said softly after he finished speaking. Sigh, "If it were me, I would be more proactive."

"Be active?" Hawkeye asked softly, looking at Jiang Li's confident face.

"Yes, didn't Chen Qiao die because he was wronged?" Jiang Ling asked back.

"Time has passed so long, who is she looking for revenge? Is it to tell the world about her? The dynasty of that year has already been destroyed, what is the grievance of an ordinary person? Unless her deeds are recorded in the more famous In the books, Chen Qiao still endured the insults of posterity, but obviously not." Qian Jiangyue joined the discussion.

"Indeed, it stands to reason that Chen Qiao shouldn't stay in the world. He can only attribute these to the role of a ghost town." Xiao Zuanfeng is more supportive of Qian Jiangyue's idea.

"I think Wan Yao meant that Chen Qiao was too wronged at the time. After he died, she was spit by everyone. This is very unfair to her, but no one cares about her and understands her. The resentment of some people spread to everyone." After the fable was finished, he took a bite of the apple in his hand.

Wan Yao is the name of the character played by Jiang Li.

"Then according to your statement, what should Fu Zhiyao do?" Yingyan looked at Jiang Li.

Jiang Ling took a sip of the orange juice drink in his hand and glanced at the artificial ghost town not far away, "If it were me, I would hug Han Yuanxue Chen Qiao while ensuring my own safety."

"Huh?" The four stunned at the same time.

"What the hell? What's the matter with you? What are you holding her for? Are you planning to eat ghost's tofu?" Fable stretched his neck forward and looked at Gracilaria.

"From the film, Han Yuanxue and Chen Qiao should be very cold, right? If you hug her, not only will you get frostbite, but there is a high probability that you will freeze to death." Xiao Zuanfeng said his inner worry.

"Tsk, what are you thinking? Why are you talking so funny?" Jiang Ling gave the fable a white look. "I just give an example, not necessarily to hug her, you can also give her a quilt, or put her coat on Take it off and put it on her. Although she is a ghost, if she can ignore the fact that she is a ghost, then she is just a poor person."

"What you mean by listening is to stop her resentment. If you really want to help her, you must be more active." Qian Jiangyue fell into thought.

"Who doesn't like to meet kindhearted people to give charcoal in the snow in times of crisis?" Jiang Lao shrugged, "I like it a lot anyway."

"Are you suggesting this?" Xiao Zuanfeng asked softly.

"It's a pity that you can't send carbon, so you can only blow air-conditioning to me." Grahama said, looking at the little diamond wind.

"You mean Han Yuanxue Chen Qiao is actually still at the moment of death, that is to say the time period during which her resentment arose, right?" Yingyan brought the topic back on track.

"Yes, but there is a problem, that is, safety cannot be guaranteed. If safety cannot be guaranteed, then there is only one chance to try, and it is not ruled out that you will die if you try it correctly." Grahama replied solemnly.

Although the method to eliminate the grievances of grievances is uncertain, there are some ways.

Eagle Eye looked at the corpse mountain ahead, and he decided to change his route. The exit from the gate was indeed blocked by the corpse mountain, but the passage in the corridor beside it was not completely blocked. Although there were corpses falling from above, it was not blocked.

"I...I can't run..." Peng Tian said while panting. After walking a few steps, he felt his legs feel weak.

"I'll carry you." Hawkeye carried Peng Tian behind his back. Then, he raised his head and glanced at the top. The steep black rock wall was like a desperate entity that brought heavy pressure on him.

The whole hospital is like this. A unique rain of corpses falls from above. At this moment, the scene of purgatory shown by Liu Deng in the corpse cave meets the horror of his nickname.

This scene is far more exaggerated than in "Fuck".

"You shouldn't die if you hold the scales of the human snake? No matter how terrifying the ghost is, it won't affect you, but I am curious why you can get the scales of the human snake? Who gave it to you?" Peng Tian's eyes are a bit lonely~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Although Hawkeye didn't say anything, it's the current situation. Even if the Hawkeye is desperate in the end, the resentful ghost can't hurt the Hawkeye with human snake scales.

If someone is going to die, then this person can only be Peng Tian.

"Don't worry, I will take you out. Don't worry about this." Yingyan was keenly aware of Peng Tian's psychological changes, and he speeded up after a comforting sentence.

A corpse fell behind Peng Tian and almost smashed the two to the ground. Hawkeye's body paused, and he stabilized before moving forward. He looked at the window in the corridor.

Each of these windows is an exit, but Peng Tian can't go out yet.

Peng Tian is the target of Liu Deng in the corpse-drenching cave. Once Peng Tian goes out, Liu Deng will naturally follow. This is not the situation that Hawkeye wants to see. He needs to delay for a longer time. Wait for Liu Deng to come out, and Liu Deng will definitely Will come out, because Peng Tian and he are both living people. For the ghosts, living people are delicious, drugs, and wanting to stop.

Outside the hospital, Qian Jiangyue had been spotting Hawkeye's figure, and immediately ran to the corresponding exit. He could only stand outside and watch, waiting for the right time to come.

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