Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1140: The prelude to the counterattack

On the clean counter, the rancid smell gradually diffused. The nurse lying on the floor slowly opened her eyes. She tried to look up, but found that her hair was stepped on.

"It hurts..." The nurse grabbed her hair and wanted to pull it out. She shouted several times before letting the person stepping on the hair remove her feet. She raised her head and held her hair in her hand. , "Really, don't pay attention... Why am I lying on the ground?"

Suddenly, she recalled the reason why she was lying on the ground, and then she turned her head abruptly and looked at the man who had just stepped on her hair.

The scruffy man in cheap clothing next to her was looking down at her.

"I..." The nurse hurriedly backed away, her mouth opened, and she wanted to shout but couldn't. The panic was almost written on her face.

To her surprise, the man turned his eyes away and walked downstairs.

"Huh..." The nurse put her right hand on her chest and breathed a sigh of relief. She looked around and found that there was no rancid corpse that she saw before she fainted. She quickly got up from the ground and then ran to the office behind her. Go, after she ran into the office, she quickly turned around and closed the door.

After she heard the sound of the door lock turning, the worry in her heart finally fell.

"Fortunately, fortunately, by the way, I should have had hallucinations just now, no matter what, it is probably because the liver has played with the liver for too long, tomorrow I have to rest well!" The nurse strengthened her confidence, then turned her head, but bumped There was someone who was wearing dirty and cheap long sleeves, but the long sleeves were rolled up, and all the exposed arms were bite marks of human teeth.

The nurse slowly raised her head, and the next second, her eyes went dark and she lost consciousness.

The blood gushed from the wound on the nurse's neck, her tender flesh was chewed, her vigorous internal organs were dug out, her healthy legs and feet were torn, and she became food.

A minute later, Liu Deng wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, opened the office door and walked out.

The enjoyment time is over, and he needs to do business next.


The chase on the first floor continued. Hawkeye guarded Peng Tian in the corner. The surrounding corpses desperately tried to grab Peng Tian, ​​but apart from the wound on Peng Tian's arm, it did not have much effect.

Because of the human snake scales, Hawkeye can easily resist these dead bodies, preventing them from causing fatal damage to Peng Tian.

As time passed, Peng Tian became less and less understanding of Hawkeye's approach.

"Why? Is it possible to live by waiting here?" Peng Tian's face was full of doubts.

"We are doing what Xu Su asked us to do." Yingyan explained.

"All right?" Peng Tian clenched his hands firmly, resisting the scratching of the dead body.

"Try it, after all we have a little capital now, and we don't have more opportunities, don't we? Many things can't wait for the most suitable time." Hawkeye was still paying attention to his surroundings while speaking.

"Fuck" gave a lot of information to the actors in the **** movie, including the appearance of the star actors.

The corpses that keep grabbing and pulling can't break through the eagle eye's barrier, because the eagle eye can directly block their outstretched hand. It can even be thought that as long as he waved his hand, the place where these corpses touched will disappear, although after detaching It can still grow out.

The dead corpses in the distance gradually moved to both sides, and they were giving way.

Liu Deng from Linshidong slowly walked towards Hawkeye, his eyes cold and his steps lightly.

The right time is coming, and the goal has already appeared.

"Get ready, I'll send you out later," Yingyan said softly to Peng Tian.

"Yeah." Peng Tian nodded heavily.

Qian Jiangyue, who had been standing outside the window, noticed Hawkeye's gesture, and immediately ran to the window. From this window, he could reach Peng Tian who had come out.

Hawkeye pulled Peng Tian to the window, then used the power of human snake scales to eliminate the resentment of blocking the window, and then opened the window.

"Ah!" Peng Tian screamed. Because of the movement, it is difficult for Eagle Eye to protect everything by himself. There were too many flaws, which caused Peng Tian to be bitten by a dead body. Although Hawkeye drove away the dead body immediately, the wound made by the dead body had already appeared.

The scales of human snakes can eliminate grievances, but they cannot heal wounds.

"Get out!" Hawkeye shouted, and then pulled Peng Tian to the window. In the next second, Peng Tian was panicked and was tied to his upper body by a chain. The thrust inside the window and the pulling force outside the window immediately smashed Peng Tian. The sky was pulled out of the window.

Peng Tian, ​​who fell on the ground, was still in shock, he got up anxiously, looking around.

"Let’s wait here, He Jian, is your wound okay?" Qian Jiangyue stabilized Peng Tian’s emotions and used the name'He Jian' to prevent Peng Tian from revealing his identity. After all, even though The fact that he told Yingyan was known by Renshe Bailian, and Renshe Bailian may not be able to determine that the soul in He Fitness's body is Peng Tian.

"No...it's okay..." Peng Tian took a few deep breaths. Qian Jiangyue's words stabilized him. The development of this series of events almost left him no breathing room. He could only make choices based on his own intuitive judgment. Now, He chose to believe in Tao Zhenru's top bodyguard Ge Xin and his son Peng Gao.

On the corridor in the hospital, Liu Deng was still moving forward, and he did not realize that something was wrong.

To him, the people in front are just ordinary living people, nothing more.

Deeper thinking is not what he is good at, the only thing he is good at is cannibalism.

Hawkeye put the scales of the human snake in his pocket and walked towards Liu Deng, the corpse cave. He gradually increased his speed. The corpses around him had nothing to do with him, and he could not even touch him. He ran, and the corpse cave Liu Deng still didn't realize his situation, he still couldn't understand the situation before him.

Why can the living person in front of me ignore his grievances?

This is what Liu Deng was thinking about when he was thrown to the ground.

"Hey, hold on, I'll save you right away!" Hawkeye patted Liu Deng's cheek twice.

This sentence seemed to have opened up Liu Deng's dusty memory, and the past emerged one by one in the dark and icy deep hole, victims who were fighting each other in order to survive. He lay in the deep cave and waited silently, expecting a distinctive light to appear above, expecting that sin would be terminated before he died.

Hawkeye saw that Liu Deng showed no signs of resisting. He did not hesitate anymore and continued to act according to his original plan. He picked up Liu Deng on his back and said to Liu Deng, "Hold on, you can't sleep!"

After he carried Liu Deng on his back, he began to run upstairs. Because of the human snake scales, the stairs could climb normally instead of disconnecting from the middle as before.

According to the results of the previous discussion, if the grievance of the grieving ghost has not dissipated, then he must have been living in an environment that can create grievances. Liu Deng has already shown the environment for creating grievances through his attack methods, plus " The picture revealed in "Fuck" can fully deduce the situation encountered by Liu Deng based on this.

The deep hole is dead, and the dying people kill each other, the smell of rotting corpses and the smell of excrement mixed together almost destroy the sense of smell.

In the conflict of despair and hope.

The conflict between reality and ideals.

All because of unwillingness.

Hawkeye’s choice was to make himself a rescue team. When Liu Deng was lying on the ground and waiting to die, the searchlight above was like the savior coming, giving him hope of survival, a common greeting, and a simple action, just like snowing. It's the same as sending charcoal for heating.

As the floor increased, Liu Deng saw the upper exit getting brighter and brighter, and he was about to escape.

Qian Jiangyue and Peng Tian, ​​who were standing outside the hospital, saw Hawkeye's movements. Although Peng Tian knew that Hawkeye had snake scales, he still had difficulty accepting the fact that Hawkeye carried Liu Deng on his back. He thought that Hawkeye was too much. Bold.

"I hope he can succeed, but I don't see the significance?" Peng Tian expressed his opinion, his gaze followed the eagle eye continuously.

"This is a test." Qian Jiangyue replied.

The eagle eyes on the stairs kept Liu Deng holding on, as if he was really rescuing now.

A faint light shone from behind. Hawkeye glanced back. He saw that Liu Deng’s body was shining with a warm and soft white light. Liu Deng’s face was gradually changing. It was no longer as cruel and gloomy as before. It became almost Just like normal people, the smell of corpse on the body gradually faded, and it was almost invisible.

At this time, Hawkeye had reached the fourth floor, and this building had a total of seven floors, so he did not stop.

The changes that occurred in Liu Deng made Hawkeye firmer in his thoughts.

In the empty corridor, Hawkeye alone carried Liu Deng on his back to the top of the building. When he opened the door on the top of the building, the breeze from the top floor blew past his ears. He stepped out with his right foot and walked to the top of the building.

"It's okay..." Hawkeye said to Liu Deng behind him. At this time, he found that Liu Deng was no longer on his back, but was standing not far behind.

Liu Deng's figure gradually became blurred, and the soft white light on his body gradually flew away from the body with the swing of the wind, like a dandelion flying in the sky, flying to an unknown distance.

"Lie down, don't sleep..." Hawkeye continued to maintain the scene that he had simulated with his voice. After all, the situation is still unclear. Those who travel a hundred miles are half and ninety. At such a juncture, the loss is not worth the loss.

Liu Deng's face became more and more blurred. He looked at Hawkeye with a gentle smile on his face, then bowed deeply and said softly, "Thank you for saving me."

“I’ve been waiting for this moment before I die, but it’s a pity that if people expect things to happen, there won’t be so many regrets and unwillingnesses in the world. Those short days are all my memories and my ultimate Ending."

"For so many years, I have been wondering whether my bones are still buried in the deep cave, or if the deep cave is directly buried by the mud after the economic downturn."

When Liu Deng talked about this, his face was blurred, and even his hands and feet became a cloud of blurred light.

Liu Deng continued: "I think what I am really waiting for is not rescue, but the hope that can make my dead heart feel warm."

The wind on the top of the building will blow away Liu Deng, and Liu Deng will follow the wind to the unknown distance.

In the air, only one sentence still echoed.

"You can't deal with people and snakes in this way."

This sentence is a reminder from Liu Deng.

Hawkeye raised his head and glanced at the starry sky. He took the phone out of his pocket and started sending messages.

At this time, in the fluke memorial hall of the ghost town, the artifacts of the star ghost displayed on the second floor were changed. The desperate rock wall belonging to Liu Deng of Linshidong, like him, turned into a hazy light group, and then extinguished.

The ghosts who witnessed this scene opened their mouths slightly, with a look of surprise on their faces. They didn't know what happened, but they knew something big must happen.

As the ghost whispered, the news reached the guard ghost of the fluke memorial, and the guard ghost immediately reported the incident to Ren She Bailian.

A few minutes later, Renshe Bailian came to the second floor of the fluke memorial hall. At this time, the fluke memorial hall had been cleared.

The human snake looked at the empty glass case and fell into thought.

The collapse of the dam started with a subtle crack. The human snake thought about the possibility in vain. Is it because Liu Deng in the corpse cave suddenly realized that he was able to eliminate grievances and abandon everything that exists, or was it due to other reasons? Only through the intervention of external forces can the resentment in the heart be let go.

This is very important to Renshe Bailian.

The resentment of the star ghost can be used to make up for the resentment of the other ghosts, but when the resentment is completely dissipated and the soul has passed away, even if Renshe Bailian is the mayor of the ghost town, there is no way to recover it.

"Xu Su? Cheng Xingyuan? Or are they already cooperating?" Renshe Bailian looked serious and looked at the third floor. "The soul I arranged in He Fitness yesterday was also very strange. Will it also be a problem?" His eyes were squinted, and there was a seemingly non-existent smile on the corner of his mouth.

Waiting for the Feng Pavilion, Wang Qingfen was lying in bed and closed her eyes to rest. She was not asleep. What happened today caused her to toss and turn and fall asleep unintentionally.

She still didn't understand why she would listen to Cheng Xingyuan's opinion to save He Jian. With her cautious personality, she would never agree to such a risky thing.

In the past few hours, she has been thinking about reasons.

Until now, she finally found a trace in her memory.

Her trust in Cheng Xingyuan actually started when Ren She Bailian showed her the original actor's experience in the ghost town~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After watching the content played by the ghost on the camera, she had successfully survived in her heart. The three actors were placed in unique positions, because she could not imagine how any actors would survive such a dangerous situation.

Suddenly, the carved wooden door was suddenly opened.

Wang Qingfen quickly raised her head, she looked out the door warily.

"Wang Qingfen, the plan has been successful, I can let you leave the ghost town!" Xu Su's voice came from outside the door.

When Wang Qingfen heard these words, her eyes suddenly filled with glamour. She opened the quilt and was about to say the name of'Xu Su' in her mouth, but she suddenly remembered the tragic situation of He Jian that she saw yesterday.

Will I... be discovered by Renshe Bailian too?

Wang Qingfen felt his heartbeat start to accelerate.

She calmly covered the quilt, and asked in a trembling voice: "Who...Who are you? Why do you know my name?" ()

. m.

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