Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1152: bright future

Will these grudges suddenly get into trouble?

Qiancang swallowed. In fact, it didn't matter what the reason for the grievance was. The extreme before the grievance was eliminated and the peace after the grievance was eliminated were not contradictory. The existence of the unity of opposites before and after.

Take bus or subway as an example. Before getting on the bus, people who have not got on the bus think that the people on the bus will not consider the overall situation, but only for their own sake. They are all crowded at the door of the bus, so that passengers behind it will not be convenient to board the bus.

Once in the car, the people who did not get in the car immediately changed their minds. They would think that the people who did not get in the car were too selfish. There is no place in the car, but they still squeeze into the car. Why can't they wait for the next one.

The same person has completely different ideas before and after getting in the car. This is a difference in perspective.

"Calm down, they are living people, how do you know what your thoughts are? If it weren't in the ghost town, after seeing them, you might be eager to eat them in one bite, so why would you say these things?" Hou Wenyao began to help. Qiancang one and three made a siege.

Obviously they are evil spirits that can easily take lives, but at this time they have become the saviors of the three. This kind of "reversal" feeling makes the three feel very strange.

Perhaps because of Hou Wenyao's identity as a star ghost, or perhaps because of Hou Wenyao's identity as an evil ghost, the resentful ghost is no longer aggressive, but they also lost interest in the three of them, and continue to mourn the dead person Snake Bailian and the star ghost who has left.

"Don't worry, they won't hurt you, come with me." Hou Wenyao stretched out his hand to Qiancang, as if he wanted to pull Qiancang forward.

His action scared Qian Cang back two steps quickly, and at the same time he shook his hands back to prevent Hou Wenyao from touching.

Qiancangyi now has no human snake scales, so naturally he needs to pay attention to Hou Wenyao all the time, and likewise, he cannot relax his guard against the rest of the ghosts.

The three followed Hou Wenyao, and the surrounding ghosts stared at the three of them. As for whether it was because the three of them sent the star ghosts away, or because the three of them were living, it is not known for the time being.

Ahead, the fluke memorial appeared in the eyes. There were originally iconic buildings visited by ghosts at all times. At this time, there was no ghost inside. White lanterns hung on the left and right sides of the gate on the first floor. A huge white paper flower hung above the gate near the second floor. The edge of the paper flower stretched to the third floor.

Outside the memorial hall, white candles surrounded the fluke memorial hall, and the candlelight flickered in the wind. In front of the door, resentful ghosts sit or kneel with sad eyes and frustrated expressions.

Hou Wenyao pointed to the third floor of the fluke memorial, turned around and said to the three of them: "Look at the roof!"

Qiancang looked at the place pointed by Hou Wenyao. Because most of the fluke memorial hall uses transparent glass, he can directly see the roof of the building. At this time, there is one more thing on the top of the fluke memorial hall, his head After exploring a little bit, I finally saw what the extra thing was on the top of the building.

It was the human snake with the body coiled together, but the human snake was motionless, his head pressed against the body, and he was no longer angry.

When Qiancang saw this scene, his heart beat hard.

If he hadn't played against Renshebai before, he would have been deceived by this scene, such a big battle, such a real scene, would be able to deceive many unsuspecting people.

Hou Wenyao quickened his pace.

Ahead, the headless general Li Kuang appeared. He was arranging grievances to mourn. After all, there are many grievances in the ghost town. If there is no ghost that can manage the order, it is very likely to be chaotic and even trampled. event.

"I know you don't believe it, but I didn't lie to you, let alone we will cooperate in the future. How can I lie to you?" Hou Wenyao explained to the three of them, and then he stretched out his right hand and wanted to shake hands with the three of them.

"Who will manage the new shooting?" Qiancang asked, but he did not reach out.

"It stands to reason that Xu Su, who took over, came to take charge, but he seemed unwilling to take care of this, so he delegated the power to Li Kuang and Situ Si, who you call the headless general and the white-clothed mother-in-law. "Hou Wenyao didn't care and withdrew his hand.

Suona's voice came from another street. Qiancang turned his head and saw that the funeral procession just appeared gradually. The headed ghost wore a white turban and mourning clothes, holding the suona with both hands. After the four ghosts appeared, The resentful ghosts carrying white lanterns in the rear followed suit, and these resentful ghosts turned and walked towards the fluke memorial hall.

When Qiancang saw this scene, he finally understood why he saw the women in white clothes carrying lanterns. These women in white clothes were just to convey to them the news of the death of humans and snakes. Although they are living, they are the main actors of "Fuck 2", humans and snakes. The important matter of Bai Lian's death must still be passed on to them.

As for Qian Jiangyue and other unrelated living people, naturally they did not receive this news.

At the side of the fluke memorial, General Li Kuang, the headless general, saw Qiancang's one and three people, and motioned for the three to sit in the arranged positions. There were ten positions in total.

A few minutes later, Peng Tian, ​​led by a camera ghost, also came to the seat. More and more actors came to the seat next to the fluke memorial. There were ten actors, including the dead Fox Yue and others.

Ten people were sitting in their respective positions, and everyone was very worried and did not speak.

The sound of suona mixed with the sound of gong, constantly irritating the eardrum.

As soon as Qian Cang looked at everything in front of him, he only felt absurd now. However, in this absurdity, there was still a fatal danger. As he had thought before, everything now has become confusing and confusing. The ease and comfort has completely disappeared, and a thick cloud of sorrow is enveloped in his heart.

A woman with gauze tied to her chin appeared under the support of the ghost of the camera. She is the director of "Fuck 2" Wang Qingfen. She hasn't seen her for a week. Wang Qingfen's face has become haggard. interest.

Qiancang gave Wang Qingfen a wink, but Wang Qingfen ignored it, and instead sat in her own seat.

The arrival of the eleven people started a lively discussion among the ghosts below, and the rustling voices were endless.

At this time, the headless general coughed and covered up all the sounds. For a while, there was no sound in front of the fluke memorial, not only the discussion among the ghosts, but also the sound of Suona stopped.

A woman in white with black hair was standing in front of the headless general. She was wearing a white mask on her face, and her clothes were dragged on the ground, with an extraordinary appearance.

She is the white-clothed mother-in-law Situ Si.

"I invite you all to come here this time just to announce the news of Ren She Bailian's death."

"He could have lived longer, but for the sake of the development of the ghost town, he chose to end his life. At the same time, he also handed over the ruling power of the ghost town to Xu Su's hands, and Xu Su temporarily handed over the power to him. Li Kuang and I, we will inherit the will of our patriarch, She Bailian, and continue to carry forward the ghost town."

"I believe everyone here knows the existence of ghost towns only because of watching "Fuck". In order to maintain the ghost town, it is inconvenient for everyone to go out. Therefore, we know that the ghosts in the ghost town will decrease over time, so we plan to shoot again. A movie promoting ghost towns, played in the world of living people, attracting more ghosts. By that time, our ghost town will develop more rapidly, and even reach the level of a ghost market within a few years. ."

"They are the leading actors and directors of "Fuck 2". We will need their help for the future plan. The two sides work together to achieve the effect of publicity." The white lady said here, she took a look at Qiancangyi's side.

The ghost below began to applaud sporadically, but was pressed down by the white-clothed mother-in-law, she withdrew her hands.

"I said this just to tell you the situation of the ghost town. We all live on this land and should have the right to know this. Today, funerals are still the main thing. It is not convenient to applaud. You just need to know it in your heart." After walking to ten people, she began to introduce ten actors and a director.

Cheng Xingyuan, Tao Zhenru...

I read the names one by one. Because the white-clothed mother-in-law said hello in advance, the ghosts below did not applaud, but just looked at the actors introduced by the white-clothed mother and remembered their looks.

After the introduction of the eleven people, the white-clothed mother-in-law returned to her original position and waved her hand to signal the funeral to begin.

Suona suddenly blew, and the resentful ghost below continued to repeat the previous actions.

As soon as Qiancang sat on the chair and didn't move, his gaze swept over the grieving ghost's face one by one.

Truth and falsehood seem to blur the boundaries at this moment.

A few hours later, Qiancangyi and others were sent back to the long house for rest. They are different from the ghosts. Even if they don't feel hungry in the ghost town, they will still be tired.

"You take a break first. The film may take a few days to start filming. During this time, you can discuss the details. After all, Ren Sha Bailian did not tell us in detail. We will still rely on your abilities when the film is broadcast. To achieve the desired effect, your reward will definitely not be less, and the ghost town will owe you a favor." The white-clothed mother-in-law said a farewell ceremony to everyone, and then turned and left.

The eleven looked at each other and began to discuss.

Several of the actors whose souls were replaced got together, and Qiancang Yi and four also stood together. Of these four, Peng Tian was naturally included.

Wang Qingfen walked to her lounge alone, seemingly reluctant to participate in the discussion.

Qiancang opened his hands, blocking Wang Qingfen's path, "Mind to talk?"

Wang Qingfen looked cold and shook his head slightly, "I don't want to participate in your affairs anymore."

"Isn't our business yours?" Qiancang asked back, and at the same time he glanced at a few people. What he was referring to was the shooting of "Fuck 2" and the escape from the ghost town.

"No." Wang Qingfen bypassed Qiancangyi. She speeded up her pace to prevent Qiancangyi from stopping herself again. After she entered the lounge with her name written on it, she hurriedly closed the door and locked it.

The tragic experience of a week ago appeared in Wang Qingfen's mind. Those painful memories kept destroying her sanity, and even caused her to wake up from nightmares in the middle of the night many times.

When Ren She Bailian found out that she was connected with Xu Su, he used resentment to create an iron hook that pierced Wang Qingfen's chin, hung it in the waiting wind pavilion, and then ignored it. It was not until four days later that the chain suddenly disappeared inexplicably, and Wang Qingfen fell fainted to the ground.

The diary of those four days was like **** on earth to her.

And this is the result of her special status, and she has practiced the Internet.

Later, the white-clothed mother-in-law found her and asked her to continue to do what she was supposed to do in Waiting for the Wind Pavilion. Until today, she knew that Renshe Bailian was dead and committed suicide.

Her reason told her that this matter was not that simple, so she no longer had contact with Qiancangyi and others, and she didn't want to experience the pain of deep bone marrow again.

These days, the crazy look of Zhao Dehua, director of "Fuck", often comes to her mind. She is worried that her result will become the same as Zhao Dehua, which is not the life she wants.

Wang Qingfen sat on the ground, hiding her face and sobbing softly, venting her grievances for many days.

Outside the door, Qian Cangyi didn't chase him. He believed that the reason Wang Qingfen refused to communicate was because the last time he asked Wang Qingfen to do things that annoyed Renhe Bailian and caused her to be punished, so he could only find a way to attack.

"I'm going to go shopping, do you want to be together?" Qian Cangyi looked at the three and said.

"Yeah." Knowing that Qian Cang Yi had something to say, the shadow play nodded in agreement.

Wutong and Peng Tian also agreed, but the actors with the faces of Lemon, Fox and Rain did not agree, let alone the other actors who died early.

The four of them walked in the direction of the fluke memorial, but did not go straight forward, but walked for a while and then walked around into a bluestone alley.

"He Jian, tell me what kind of character Xu Su really is?" Qian Cang asked when he looked at Peng Tian.

"I don't know..." Peng Tian thought for a while and could only give such an answer~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He basically didn't answer any questions I raised, he would only tell me when he wanted to. Say. If I were to say that Xu Su would hide his true thoughts very deeply, saying that the Three Caves of Guitu, he didn't know how many hiding places in the ghost town, at least there were more than a dozen places where I had stayed. "

"Can you take us there?" Qiancang said.

Peng Tian shook his head and replied: "I can't do this. I don't know the route or the specific location, let alone get in."

"I remember that at the funeral just now, Xu Su did not appear. If the death of the human snake was really done by Xu Susuo, I don't believe he would not appear." Wutong joined the conversation.

"I don't know why this is the case, I'm afraid we can only wait for Xu Su to contact us..." Peng Tian sighed. He once thought that everything had improved, but at this time he realized that he was still too young.

"Let's go to the fluke memorial later, maybe we can find something." Qian Cang raised his head and glanced at the gray sky, he felt that he was stuck in an endless quagmire at this time.

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