Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1153: Surging

While Qiancangyi and his party were attending the funeral of Renshe Bailian in the ghost town, Qian Jiangyue and others were still trying to find ways to persuade Fu Zhiyao and others, and they still proceeded according to their original plan.

The warm-up on the Internet has reached the effect of attracting attention after a week. Unfortunately, most of them are headline parties, and even some netizens will modify the words of the navy propaganda and begin to ridicule. If there is still not enough strong evidence to prove the existence of ghost towns, it won't be long before this hot spot will be overwhelmed.

Even if you continue to use financial resources to keep hot search at the forefront, the actual attention will still drop rapidly.

Netizens are not interested in chasing shadows, and even less interested in sand sculpture pictures.

"Ah...what to do? I can't convince at all!" Fable was lying on the sofa, covering his eyes with his hands, his tone was extremely depressed.

"There is no way, they have been monitored by Renshe Bailian for years. If we can't produce enough evidence or the strength to compete with it, there is no way Fu Zhiyao can believe us." Xiao Zuanfeng sighed. Sitting on the chair, he took a sip of the mineral water on the table.

"Forget it, rest first, I'm tired." Fable closed his eyes.

At this time, his cell phone rang, and the fable took out his cell phone and found that it was a call from the person in charge of the navy that he arranged.

He pressed the answer button, "Hey, what's the matter?"

"Where did you get such a hot news?" the other party asked. Before the fable could answer, the other party continued: "If you have this kind of evidence, give it to us earlier. It must make it even hotter than it is now."

"What are you talking about?" the fable replied in a slurred voice.

"Didn't you do it?" A puzzled voice came from the speaker.

"Chen Guang, look at the Internet..." Xiao Zuanfeng's tone was very serious.

As soon as he heard the fable, he got up and said to the person on the phone: "Tell me clearly, what is going on?"

"The movie! The filming footage of "Fuck" is a real ghost town. Wow, I have never seen such a real ghost town. Is it because of special effects?" The opposite answered the question of the fable.

The fable pressed the hang up button, because at this time Xiao Zuanfeng had placed the phone in place, and it was playing a video clip that had gone viral on the Internet.

The face that appeared in the video was Fu Zhiyao's pale face. At this time, Fu Zhiyao was hiding in the corner. She looked at the shadow that was approaching her with horrified eyes.

"Let me go, please let me go!" Fu Zhiyao shouted as he squeezed into the corner, as if he was planning to rub himself into the corner.

The angle of view began to turn. Standing in front of her was Pan Qing, the real and fake execution ground. At this time, Pan Qing held the ghost knife and swung it down, perhaps to prevent the video from being harmonized. Skip, and then the picture turns, the angle of view gradually stretches, and the appearance of a ghost town appears in the lens.

Pausing the video, you can still see the distance between Pan Qing standing on the ground and the beheaded charm, but it is not very obvious, and it will not cause the video to be too bloody.

"This...is this ghost town..." Xiao Zuanfeng muttered to himself.

Qiancangyi and others have indeed described the situation of the ghost town, but relying on words to imagine that there will be many details that cannot be found, it is completely different from looking at it directly.

"Moreover, it was the ghost town in the past. According to Cheng Xingyuan, the scale of the ghost town is now even more exaggerated." The fable replied.

At this time, Xiao Zuanfeng's cell phone rang, showing Ge Xin's name on it. This was a call from Yingyan.

"Did you see the video?" Hawkeye was straight to the point.

"I saw it, but it was not ours, it shouldn't be yours." Xiao Zuanfeng took a deep breath, and he felt that the development of the matter was getting more and more out of his control.

"I'm already asking people to track it down, and I believe I will find it soon." Hawkeye said.

Yingyan and Qian Jiangyue were not with Xiao Zuanfeng. They planned to act separately. Considering that the four were weak surveillance targets, even if the headless general and the white-clothed mother-in-law suddenly attacked them, they would never be monitored.

"Cheng Xingyuan and the others..." Xiao Zuanfeng hesitated to speak.

They did see the news from Qiancangyi and three people, but they did not reply at that time. Because Renshe Bailian did not contact them for a long time, Qiancangyi did not intend to give up this opportunity, and until now, Qiancangyi None of the three sent any more messages.

"We just need to do well on our own side. We can't help on their side for the time being." Hawkeye comforted.

For some reason, Xiao Zufeng is still a little worried.

"Do you think Xu Su did it?" The fable suddenly said.

Xiao Zuanfeng hung up the phone and looked at the fable with a puzzled look. He hoped that the fable could give a reason, otherwise he could not answer the question.

"Isn’t the topic of our building the real existence of ghost town exactly what Xu Su asked us to do? Now that we have achieved the desired effect, he released the film he obtained, directly detonating public opinion, and now all over the Internet is discussing this. The video, he has achieved the effect he wanted." Fable yawned.

"Why doesn't he just let us post it? If he can post it himself, it can be done directly? I don't understand why Xu Su wants to make a mysterious secret." Xiao Zuanfeng doesn't agree with this theory.

At this time, Xiao Zuanfeng's cell phone rang again, but this time it was Qian Jiangyue's call.

"Back to Yuanlin Town, we found the address where the video was sent. No, it's more accurate to say that the person who posted the video deliberately told us the address." Qian Jiangyue spoke very fast.

"I haven't rested yet?" The fable also heard Qian Jiangyue's voice.

"Let's go, UU reading www.uukanshu.com and sleeping on the road." Xiao Zuanfeng began to pack things.

The four re-embarked on the train back to Yuanlin Town.

In the ghost town, the 14 people from Qiancang walked towards the fluke memorial. He wanted to take a closer look at the dead person, She Bailian, and maybe he could make an unexpected discovery.

On the road, the resentful ghosts who were mourning for the humans and the snakes turned their eyes on the four people by appointment. Now the identity of the four people as living people is known to passers-by, but because of their respect for the humans and the snakes, or for other reasons, they Did not suffer from these grievances attacks.

Even so, the four of them still have lingering fears.

"What are you doing?" Hou Wenyao's voice suddenly appeared.

"Huh?" Qian Cang turned his head and looked at Hou Wenyao coming from behind.

"Are you crazy?" Hou Wenyao scolded. He didn't wait for the four to answer, and then said: "You do have headless generals who protect them now, but not all grieving ghosts can control themselves. Once you meet desperately I can’t save you guys when the time comes."

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