Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1241: See literally

   An idea flashed through Qiancang's mind.

   The entire bamboo hut is probably already surrounded by these strange “words”!

   Qiancang immediately changed direction and ran to the window.

   In any case, he must take a gamble.

   "Why is the word'dead' that followed me?" Qiancang couldn't help but recalled the note he saw in the conference room.

   He is not a conspiracy theorist, but the critical situation before him makes him have to connect the two.

  Is it premeditated to be treated this way?

  Time began to flow again, and Qiancangichi had already come to the window.

   The window was pushed open by him.

   The evening breeze whizzed past.

   Qiancang grabbed the edge of the window with both hands, and was about to jump out of the window, but saw a strange scene under the moonlight.

   On the floor in front of the house, the moonlight is as bright as a silver plate.

   In the gap, there was a hint of distinctive black.

   After the black leaves the gap, it merges into a new word-"Death".

  At this moment, Qiancangichi truly appreciates the diversity of languages.

   Under the moonlight, on the floor, the word "dead" sitting and waiting for death is staying quietly in the center.

   As soon as Qiancang stopped on the window, once he jumped off, no matter where he jumped, the word "kill" would definitely stay where he fell.

   The word "dead" behind it was sliding up along the wall, not as fast as before, as if he had already eaten the money box and there was no way to escape at this time.

   In a few seconds, whether it is "dead" or "death", any one touches the skin, death will be a foregone conclusion.

   "Jump!" A shout came from a distance.

   Qiancang looked forward.

  In the distance, the eagle-eyed figure is standing on the edge of the bamboo forest.

   Ahead, a bald eagle is swooping towards him, like a fighter plane.

   This bald eagle is the eagle spirit of the eagle eye.

   Eagle Spirit approached and released its claws, and a black object fell on the ground.

   There was a creaking sound.

   Qiancang looked down and found that there was a mouse on the original "kill".

   The mouse was lying on the ground, his small black eyes flickered, panic trying to escape.

   However, when it turned over and prepared to escape, the word "dead" was already attached to its back.

   The mouse ran for a few steps, then tilted and fell to the ground, lying motionless on the ground.

   As soon as the money bin fell not far from the mouse, his knees were bent and his right hand propped on the ground.

   When the impulse from the ground dissipated, the mouse was already dead.

   Qiancang stomped hard with his right foot and quickly ran in the direction where the eagle eye was.

   The bald eagle did not stop after doing this, but flew to a corner outside the bamboo hut.

   There is a bamboo basket in the dark corner, and there are more than a dozen mice in the bamboo basket.

   "What's the situation now?" As soon as the money warehouse approached, Hawkeye asked.

   "I have been recruited, but my life is not in danger for the time being." Qiancang leaned against the bamboo, and turned his head to look behind him as he spoke.

   Neither the word "dead", the word "die", or the word "poison" caught up, at least, he didn't see it.

   Hawkeye looked calm and said:

   "It's fine if people are alive."

   "These ‘tricky’ words aim at life. I have already thought of a way to deal with it-using mice to withstand their attacks."

   "In this world, I can control the Eagle Spirit at will, don't worry."

   While Eagle Eye was talking, Eagle Spirit was going back and forth in the bamboo basket.

   I saw the bald eagle moving flexibly between the two places, and the mice on its paws were thrown one by one to the place where the strange “words” appeared.

   "It's an eagle eye!" The shadow play was excited.

  The mouse fell precisely on the word "dead" and successfully attracted the attention of the word "dead".

After   , the bald eagle threw the mouse at the shadow puppet show.

  The shadow play found the word "cold" on his body through the mirror.

   After catching the mouse, she used the mouse to touch the word "cold".

   In the mirror, the black word "cold" gradually transferred to the mouse.

   When the word "cold" was completely transferred to the mouse, the shadow play threw the mouse on the ground.

   The mouse ran away immediately after landing, but the cold made its movements much slower.

   After finding that this method is useful,    shadow play immediately ran to the fable.

   As the bald eagle threw the mice one by one in the shadow play's hands, after the shadow play took the mice, it quickly helped the remaining actors to transfer the tricky "words".

   A few minutes later, Qian Jiangyue and others all left the hut.

  The members on the way back from **** stood on the edge of the bamboo forest, and everyone sighed.

   "What are these things on earth?" The fable touched his eyes, and his blindness just now impressed him.

   Everyone turned their eyes to Hawkeye, hoping to get an answer.

   Yingyan shook his head, stretched his right hand forward, letting Yingling fall on his arm, and then replied:

"I do not know either."

   "At night, I let Yingling give warning, but found the weird word ‘poison’, so I chose to jump directly to the window."

   "The word'poison' followed me to the bamboo forest, and when I encountered a panicked rat, it attached it to the rat. After that, the rat seemed to be poisoned, foaming at the mouth, life and death unknown."

   Hawkeye briefly explained his situation.

   "Strange, isn't the Eagle Spirit controlled by you? Could it be possible to warn it alone?" The fable was puzzled.

   "The skills have changed a bit." Hawkeye didn't say much.

   Qiancang frowned and realized that the situation was not as simple as Hawkeye said.

Qian Jiangyue and others were recruited without knowing it. Even Qiancangyi discovered it by chance. Of course, considering the unique status of the word "death", it is not ruled out that **** movies deliberately gave him a chance. .

   The problem is that the lethality of the word "poison" is only slightly worse than that of the word "death".

   Judging from Hawkeye's description, he has been monitoring his surroundings.

   Eagle Ling's ability to stand alone can indeed explain it, but Qian Cangyi has another idea in his mind.

   Maybe the eagle spirit can indeed watch alone, but the eagle eye is indeed on guard at all times.

   This alert is not aimed at the movie "Joint Investigative Association", but at everything, including the real world of Hawkeye's life.

   then combined with the abnormal performance of the eagle eye in the main world.

   Although there is no clear evidence, Qiancangyi's suspicion has been pushed to the top.

  Eagle Eye also encounters danger in the real world, and has been living in danger just like entering the world of movies.

   Because of this, he is so vigilant.

   Traveling some time ago can be regarded as very relaxing, and even so, it did not let Hawkeye relax even a little vigilant.

  What happened to Hawkeye? Or, what did he do?

   Qiancang took a deep breath.

   "What shall we do now?" Xiao Zuifeng asked a question.

   "Withdraw first?" The shadow play looked down at his blue shadow.

  Although this small movie belongs to a movie set, there will be a sequel, and there will be connections between them, but there is no need to worry that future movies will inherit the previous injuries.

   Regardless of the multiple injuries suffered this time, as long as you return to the main world, the next time you participate in the performance, your injuries will be healed directly and you don’t need to use special props to treat.

   Naturally, there is no need to explain to others why the injury will return.

   Because of the setting.

  As a small movie, this is a very obvious advantage.

   "Don't forget our commission, maybe the century-old thieves that Dong An wanted to find were these strange words." Qian Jiangyue did not agree with the idea of ​​leaving.

   "It's true, but...it's too dangerous." Xiaozhufeng stopped talking.

   "Wealth and wealth are in danger." Qian Jiangyue looked at the bamboo hut.

   "Vote!" The fable raised his right hand.

   Qian Jiangyue snorted coldly, and said disdainfully:

   "How ignorant would you choose to vote as a way to decide your plan?"

   "The only time a vote is useful is when you don’t know which restaurant to eat."

   "The benefits of "Joint Investigation Association" are not as simple as you think."

   "After the first performance has stabilized, follow-up invitations will continue based on feedback."

   "Once the audience stickiness is formed, it means that we do not need to deduct the reputation value when we participate in the "Joint Investigative Association" movie collection after participating in the performance, but there will be a small increase.

   "In terms of remuneration, formal movies are naturally less likely to be compared with small movies."

   "I guess the salary you get after this little movie is 50% of your participation in the official movie, only a lot more."

   "The only problem is that we need to solve the commission at hand."

  Small movies are different from official movies.

   If the official movie is under the arrangement of the **** movie, something must be done, then the small movie is not.

   Assuming the **** return team is willing, they can stay in the office of a typical office or continue to travel with loans.

   Doing so will not be disturbed or even punished. However, when the settlement is made, the reputation value must be heavier, and the salary will not be much.

   "Really?" The fable thought about it.

   "But..." Xiao Zuanfeng glanced at Qian Cangyi. He saw that the latter had not spoken, so he didn't say more.

   "Do you have a plan?" Qian Cang asked.

   Qian Jiangyue has some truth to what he said.

   Assuming that formal movies are likened to formal jobs, small movies are similar to part-time jobs.

Most part-time jobs provided by   Hell Movies are one-time part-time jobs, and this time the movie collection is equivalent to providing a stable part-time job.

   Although stable, it does not require long-term participation, but provides an opportunity to choose.

   In this era when small movies are all in demand, an opportunity is even more precious.

   However, as soon as Qiancang finished asking, he realized that something was amiss.

   Qian Jiangyue seemed to have been waiting for this sentence. After he heard it, he turned his head and his eyes lit up.

   Qiancang took a step back, and his instinct told him that the situation was not good.


   Three days later.

   Typical office ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Dong An received a call and said that the entrustment had been resolved, so he hurried over.

   For this commission, he asked more than a dozen firms, but he was either treated perfunctorily, or after providing some counter-evidence, he told him that he could not continue the investigation.

  The typical office is the one he found with great reluctance. In fact, if he hadn't had enough time and money, he would not continue to search for answers at all.

   After Dong An came to the door, he adjusted his collar, and then rang the doorbell.

   Fable opened the door and asked Dong An to go to the living room to take a seat.

   After Dong An took his seat, he heard a clear and audible voice in the office.

   "Words are images or symbols that record ideas, exchange ideas, or carry language."

   "Words can penetrate time and point directly to people's hearts."

   "Even if they are thousands of years apart, people today can still see the scene in the poem."

   "Two Orioles crowing into the green willows, and a line of egrets rise to the sky."

   "Such a vibrant beauty, even if you read it now, you can still see what Du Fu saw in his mind."

   Dong An turned his head to look, he felt that the words from the office were for himself. ...


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