Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1242: 0 years "thief"

   Dong An thought carefully about the meaning of these words, but couldn't figure out what it had to do with his commission.

   Even if the text can span time, it can't solve his confusion.

   How did Wei Gu, who has passed away, steal his unfinished works?

   To put it too far, even if Wei Gu's descendants spend all their property on this matter, it is impossible to steal his works.

   Because Wei Gu's work is exactly the same as his final draft, and when "Flowers and Trees Cang Cang" was published, he hadn't even finished editing it.

   Everything points to the same result, it is him, Dong An, plagiarizing Wei Gu's work.

   Of course he knew he hadn’t copied it.

Is    a coincidence?

   Dong An doesn't believe it. If the plot is similar, or some paragraphs are the same, it can be considered a coincidence, but the whole book is exactly the same!

   is definitely not a coincidence!

   While Dong An was thinking deeply, a man in black clothes and a red tie walked towards the sofa.

   "Mr. Dong An, hello." Qian Cangyi stretched out his right hand.

   "Hello, how do you call it?" Dong An stretched out his right hand and held Qian Cangyi's right hand.

   Qiancang smiled, sitting on the sofa opposite Dong An, he let go and put the paper bag on the coffee table:

   "Our firm accepts commissions in the name of a collective, so we will play down the names of individuals."

   "If you need a name, Mr. Dong An, you can call me-Cang Yi."

   "Next, I will explain to you Mr. Dong An the status of this commission."

   Qian Cang looked up at Dong An, his eyes bright.

   Dong An nodded slightly.

   Qiancang opened the file bag and took out the book "Hua Mu Cang Cang" published by Wei Gu.

   "This is?" Dong An was puzzled.

   Qiancang replied in a deep voice:

   "Mr. Dong An, before telling you, I want to tell you the conclusion first."

   "Wei Gu, I did not copy your work."

   Dong An's eyes dimmed when he heard these words, and the whole person was quite depressed.

   "You didn't copy Mr. Wei Gu's work either." Qian Cangyi continued.

   The frustrated expression on Dong An's face disappeared, gradually turning into confusion.

   Qian Cangyi continued:

   "Sometimes, people just use words as a tool for carrying thoughts, but they never thought that one day, the words themselves will also have thoughts."


   Three days ago.

   Bamboo Lodge.

   The gap when the "character" strikes again.

   During this process, Hawkeye was still storing the rats in the bamboo forest.

   After the Buff, the skills are basically not consumed. In other words, compared with the energy consumed by the eagle eye to control the eagle spirit, the consumption of vitality is insignificant.

   "Time." Qian Jiangyue said the key word.

   Everyone turned their eyes on him, and at the same time, Qian Cangyi also recalled what he had just guessed.

   "You mean..." Qian Cang frowned.

   Qian Jiangyue nodded, he lowered his voice and said:

   "You are right. Whether it is the prompt before entering the movie or the unsolved mystery after entering the movie, it is inextricably linked to time."

   "Among us, you are the only one who has not touched these weird words. Maybe, you should give it a try. Of course, it is not the word ‘dead’, but something else."

   "Probably, you will see the answer we are looking for and end this commission."

   Qian Jiangyue said this, turned his head and looked at Hawkeye:

   "Hawkeye, I need your cooperation. Can you get a safe "word" to the neighborhood."

   "Among the characters currently appearing, I hope it is the character'cold'. Other characters are fine, but the premise does not affect the senses."

  Eagle Eye nodded, and controlled the eagle spirit to take action.

   From the point of view of the plan, there seems to be no danger in doing so, but the plan is only a plan after all. Once an unexpected change occurs, the consequences will be disastrous.

   Xiao Zuanfeng frowned, he couldn't help but said to Qian Jiangyue:

   "Qian Jiangyue, I have a question."

   "What if these words will change? What if the word ‘cold’ becomes the word ‘dead’?"

   "We stepped on the trap by doing this."

   Xiao Zuanfeng does not want to do this.

   The income of completing the first commission may seem tempting, but only after thinking about it will I find that all the income of Qian Jiangyue is based on a foundation-no actor has died!

   Once an actor dies, no matter how much reputation, pay or provide a relatively safe rest time as before, all are like jokes.

   The dead don’t need these, the living people need it.

   Xiao Zuanfeng couldn't help but recall the situation where the word "inverted" was attached to her body.

   In the face of weird characters that can directly affect the human body with their meaning, avoiding it is obviously the best way.

   The same is true for the purpose of the Joint Investigation Association.

   Logically speaking, the first thing that six people need to do after this incident is to report.

  The investigation has produced certain results, and as long as there is a clear abnormality, it can be reported.

  Relevant reviewers will judge the danger and compare whether a similar situation has occurred in the past. After that, they will give suggestions or send out helpers.

   In short, safety first.

   Unless... not resolved quickly will cause greater casualties.

   However, even in this case, the Joint Investigative Association will not "force" the firm to dedicate itself, at most it will deceive it.

   Qian Jiangyue shook his head, glanced at the little diamond wind, and said:

   "Don't worry, what you said will not happen."

   "Hawkeye, are you ready?"

   At the window of the bamboo hut, the Eagle Spirit flew out, spread its wings, and flew towards everyone.

   Yingling loosened his paw and threw the mouse with the word "cold" in front of Qian Jiangyue.

   Qian Jiangyue squatted halfway on the ground and stretched out his right hand to pick up the rat that was unable to move. After doing this, he quickly threw the rat to the ground.

   Everyone's attention was focused on Qian Jiangyue. When they thought Qian Jiangyue needed help, Qian Jiangyue raised her right hand flat, palms facing outwards, indicating that she didn't need to come over.

   Qian Jiangyue put his hands in front of him, palms facing each other, and then, a chain appeared on the palms of the left and right hands, and the chains were connected in the middle.

   Qiancang took a step closer and found that the word "cold" was attached to the chain. He was trying to move towards Qian Jiangyue's palm, but he couldn't touch it.

   The chain between the palms is always moving. When the word "cold" moves to the left, the chain moves to the right, the chain appears on the left palm, and the chain is absorbed by the right palm, and vice versa.

   In this way, the word "cold" seems to be trapped on a chain.

   Qian Jiangyue stared at the word "cold" on the chain, and said:

   "I shouldn't worry about danger anymore, right?"

   "Even if there are changes, the first person to be recruited must be me."

   "I was attacked just now, so I can't trap the word'sleepy' by this method, but it's different now."

   He proved what he said with facts.

   Even though he has experienced so many incredible things, Qian Jiangyue still believes that trying is the best way to break the deadlock.

   There are many things, if you don’t do it, you don’t know what will happen.

   Caution is very important, but caution can only reduce mistakes, not open up a way out.

   Xiaozhufeng did not say any more.

   "Okay." Qian Cang sighed and walked to Qian Jiangyue's side.

   "Hurry up, don't dare." Qian Jiangyue urged.

   Qiancang stretched out his tongue and licked his lower lip, then stretched out his right hand, approaching little by little.

  The onlookers all focused on the chains except Hawkeye.

   Qiancangichi stopped when his right hand was only 1 cm away from the chain, then turned his palm over and touched the chain with the back of his hand.

   The word "cold" seemed to have discovered a new prey, and quickly rushed towards Qian Cangyi's right hand.

   A strange feeling suddenly spread throughout the body, and the body began to get cold, as if the surrounding temperature was dropping sharply.

   As soon as the Qiancang took back his hand, a unique force came out from the word "cold".

   Even though he didn't have the idea of ​​using the skill,...the leader of the Time Tomb still activated.

   Everything around is still, whether it is a bamboo swayed by the night wind, an insect resting on a leaf, or a mouse about to escape, all are like a frozen picture.

   At the moment when time was suspended, Qian Cangyi suddenly had a new line in his mind.

  【You are doomed to fail! 】

   Qiancang was taken aback.

   Logically speaking, in the current tense situation, even the curious "words" should be suspended, and it is impossible to communicate with him.

【who are you? Or, who are you? 】

   Qian Kuraichi replied in his mind.

   Currently, he needs more information.

   [According to you humans, we are ghosts. Of course, we can also be considered as new creatures. The living creatures cross the dark bridge and are created by the text. 】

   Qian Cang Yi was surprised, he didn't expect his guess to become a reality.

   Even though the players returning from **** are nearby, he can't ask others for help.

   The only thing I can do is to pass on the information I have now to other people, but even so, I still can’t get help.

   All help will only happen after the time suspension effect ends.

   Qiancangichi can't cancel the time suspension right now, but he doesn't feel consumption or restriction either.

   To be precise, he is now in an independent world.

   [It’s interesting, if you don’t mind, I want to ask, why are you attacking us? 】

   Qian Cangyi linked the content of the quirky "word" to the commission, but still couldn't figure out the reason for the matter.

   Why is Dong An’s final draft the same as the book Wei Gu put in the safe a hundred years ago?

   The mystery has not been solved.

   [We can feel the breath of living creatures from you, and we also feel the danger, especially when you pause time! 】

   After Qiancang's mind came up with this line of words, his whole body was tight.

When    sly "character" said the time-out time, Qian Cang thought in an instant that it was probably when Qian Jiangyue asked him to check behind the waterfall before.

   If the distance is too far, even if the quirky “words” can be felt, it will not be possible to lock his identity.

Therefore, it will certainly not be the time period after the attack was launched by eliminating the tricky “words” when he first entered the movie~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Between the two periods, he only used the guide of the time mound once, which is exactly to check That time at the waterfall.

   Qiancangichi suddenly understood the explanation of skills in this movie.

If it is said that the fluid creatures can produce all kinds of weird scenes when they meet the material world through the dark bridge, then, when the human beings in the material world, for some reason, perhaps also the dark bridge, will fit into the world of the fluid creatures, maybe they will be able to produce Various special abilities.

   It is this kind of special that makes the tricky "zi" plan to start first.

   [Why sneak attack? If you do not show up, we will not be able to discover your existence. 】

   Qiancang asked the question in his mind.

The words in   's mind appeared again:

  【Invasion! 】

   [We will meet again sooner or later, instead of waiting until you are prepared to do it, it is better to do it now. 】

  【The bamboo hut in the dead of night, the bed is a coffin, the cicadas cry as sorrow and joy, sleep forever in the quiet moonlight. 】

  【For you, this is a gratifying ending. 】


   Qiancang didn't expect the situation to be so serious. At least, at the beginning, he thought that the scope of the commission was limited, but it was a small matter. ...


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