Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1326: Combination

The same plan means that the money warehouse and the fable will return to the villa in the next second.

The three figures disappeared almost at the same time.

Qiancangyi and Fable left the villa, while the shadow puppets hid in the shadows.

"Be careful." Qiancang said this when the fable was about to rush into the villa again.

The parable didn't care.

Procrastinate a little longer...

Qiancang did not say a word after one.

There is still a big gap between the simulation battle and the actual battle. The biggest gap is still the mentality. No matter how emphasized before, it is still difficult to change in a short period of time.

After the fable entered, Qiancang ran to the side.

For the sake of beauty, the rental villa is not equipped with anti-theft nets, so it is not difficult to climb up to the second floor.

Once the money warehouse has selected an angle, enter the second floor with the help of the windows on the first floor and the canopy above the front door.

After landing, his back was close to the wall, and he looked at the situation in the room at the same time.

The room was clean and tidy, with white sheets covering the double bed. However, there was no mirror in the entire room, not even a vanity mirror.

"Why don't you put a mirror here?"

Qiancang slowly stood up and walked to the door.

Suddenly, there was a ping-pong-pong sound from downstairs, the sound of a broken mirror.

Shadow puppets and fables are smashing all the mirrors in accordance with the previous plan.

As soon as Qiancang opened the door, the corridor on the second floor appeared in front of him, and there was still no trace of Qian Jiangyue's trio.

The feeling of anxiety grew stronger.

Before he could continue to search the room on the second floor, there was a muffled hum on the first floor, followed by the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

"Fable! Shadow play!" Qiancang shouted.

There was no response from downstairs.

Because of the eagle-spirit monitoring, there is no situation where the location will be exposed even if the voice is heard.

The most important thing now is to understand the situation on the first floor. However, considering Qian Jiangyue's preparations, the result of rushing down hastily is likely to be sent.

"I remember the shadow puppet skills can withstand one damage, even if it faints..."

At this point, Qiancang frowned.

What he was worried about still happened. Even if the effect of the active skill is strong, the premise is that there is time to use it. If it fails to react, no matter how strong the skill is, it will be useless.

This time, what he intends to train the two of them is this ability.

It stands to reason that unless they are caught in the world in the mirror, both of them can escape safely, at least for a while, but now, it is less than half a minute before he climbs the second floor and arrives in the corridor.

The money warehouse suddenly felt pressure doubled.

Although fables are unlikely, shadow puppets are much more reliable.

For a time, Qiancang's thoughts were rushing, and he had already unconsciously considered the idea of ​​one-to-three in his mind. After all, the bet was 1,000 pieces, not a small amount.

At this time, Qian Jiangyue's voice came from outside the window, and there was also the sound of electric horns inside:

"Cang Yi, you are already surrounded, I now give you a choice."

"Surrender, you can get rid of your 1,000-piece pay, otherwise, don't blame us for being rude."

"By the way, surrendering is also a situation that will be encountered in actual combat, and it is not a violation."

Qian Jiangyue's tone was full of confidence, as if he was already in control.

"What..." Qiancang looked at the window, a little tempted.

It was originally a 3V3 duel, and just separated, the other two have no feedback. Besides, surrendering can save 1,000 pieces of pay...

No matter how you think it is a very good condition.

"Did you say that on purpose? To delay time?" Qiancangyi ignored it.

If you surrender, this simulation will be completely meaningless, which means that his team ended in failure and he doesn't want to surrender.

Although the defeat of shadow puppets and fables is a sneak attack, the fact that they will be attacked is equivalent to being notified in advance, so it is not a crushing advantage.

If Qian Jiangyue's condition was smoke bombs, it would mean that the other two were hiding in the dark and were approaching quietly.

Qiancang has always been walking downstairs, and even if it is dangerous, he must go and see it now. Even if the shadow puppets and fables have been defeated, they can still provide some information.

For example... the absence of answers in shadow puppets and fables is an answer in itself.

The inability to reply means that the two are under control. First of all, the situation that they don’t want to say can be basically ruled out. The rest is either unspeakable or impossible to say.

There are several situations that can’t be said, such as entering the mirror world, coma, and so on.

Which one it is, you need to confirm it, and the process of confirmation is also the process of understanding the means of sneak attack.

"If you haven't responded for so long, then I will regard you as your refusal to surrender. Don't regret it!"

Qian Jiangyue said again.

At the same time, it also indicates that the danger is about to come to Qiancang.

As soon as Qiancang reached the first floor, he saw a shocking scene.

On the sofa in the living room, Qian Jiangyue tilted Erlang's legs and held a silver-gray microphone in his right hand. When Qiancang appeared, he said:

"you lose."

After speaking, the corners of his mouth curled up, with a tricky smile on his face.

In the living room, one-third of the mirror fragments were scattered all over the floor.

At this time the fable was lying on the mirror fragment, motionless, apparently in a coma.

The shadow puppetry is nowhere to be seen, not in the living room.

Qian Jiangyue now appears head-on in such a public manner, but it makes people doubt his motives.

"Huh?" The Qiancang did not move, nor did he use any skills.

After seeing Qian Cangyi's reaction, Qian Jiangyue asked:

"Do you think there is a trap here?"

As a result, before Qiancang answered, he went on to say:

"Nonsense, dare I sit here without traps?"

"Can't you stop from time to time? Can you get rid of me in 7 seconds?"

Speaking of this, Qian Jiangyue's nostrils seemed to be up to the sky.

Qiancang sighed slightly and replied:

"Did you use a stun gun? Although the stun gun is illegal, it is not."

"The parable does not count that the mirror fragments can be attacked, but the shadow puppetry should not be slapped. If she intends to escape, you will definitely not be able to catch her. So, deliberately sending bait to let her shoot? Only this possibility."

"A little bit of wind is the bait, right?"

The moment he saw the living room scene, Qian Cangyi had an idea in his mind.

Because it has always been an escape before, the mirror needs a big piece. However, in fact, from the perspective of attack, it only needs to be thicker than the arm.

"What's the use of Zhuge Liang afterwards?" Qian Jiangyue sarcastically said.

"If I knew this beforehand, then I would be a prophet." Qiancang shrugged.

"Indeed." Qian Jiangyue agreed with this very much.

Suddenly, above the stairs, an eagle-eyed eagle spirit appeared. Under its feet, there was a fragment of a mirror. At this time, a water pipe protruded from the fragment of the mirror.

Water and electricity ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ two keywords quickly came to Qiancang's mind.

Once you are covered with water, evading the electric shock device will be quite troublesome, and it can even be considered impossible.

Qian Cangyi's clothes seem to be thin, but the real shocking clothes actually don't feel much.

However, the situation after being exposed to water is completely different. Even if you can't be stunned during an electric shock, you can still win if you paralyze the money warehouse and drag it for 7 seconds.

The purpose of this delay is to force Qiancangyi's skills.

The reason why Qian Jiangyue appeared in the front was also to get Qian Cangyi involved and buy time for Hawkeye and Xiao Zuanfeng.

The situation is at stake.

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