Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1327: Stand by my side

If Qiancang didn't use the skills, the Eagle Spirit could follow him, and could keep up with him, and he had no suitable way to counterattack.

However, once the Qiancang uses the skill, the remaining people will rush up after the skill effect ends.

Even if he insists on training and has some fighting skills, he has no chance of winning in the face of Hawkeye, facing three adult men, plus the cooperation of the opponent.

This is Yangmou.

Strike a snake and hit seven inches, and dig the roots first.

After Qian Jiangyue, Eagle Eye, and Xiaozhufeng discussed, there is no doubt that they intend to target "time".

The first flaw is the distance. If the opportunity of Shizha is wasted to close the distance, then the suddenness of Shizha will no longer exist, which is no different from the acceleration skill.

The second flaw is the function. The time stop can be compared to the standard of first hand in a turn-based game, and it does not have the ability to damage itself.

Among the equally weird and difficult-to-understand skills, Changji Space and Rice Paper skills, on the contrary, do not have such defects.

Qiancang one must make a choice.

This time, he didn't plan to use skills.

The moment he made a decision in his mind, his body also moved, but instead of going downstairs to attack Qian Jiangyue, he chose to return to the second floor.

The water poured out from the pipe.

The water prepared in advance was transported to the world in the mirror, after which it shot out from the fragments of the mirror at the feet of the eagle spirit.

As soon as Qiancang leaned against the wall, he managed to escape the first wave of offensive. However, at the same time, he also saw a little bit of wind in the mirror fragments.

At this time, the small drilling wind is adjusting the position of the water pipe and aiming the water outlet at the target.

It took a second to turn the water pipe. In this second, Qiancang once again adjusted its position and rushed to the mirror fragment.

At this time, the eagle moved agile and approached the Qiancang.

The water hit Qian Cangyi's shoulder, and the huge impact made his advancement a little stagnant.

In that instant, half of Qiancang One's body was wet, but that was all.

Qiancang escaped the stairs and returned to the corridor on the second floor.

During the whole process, Eagle Spirit kept a relatively safe distance, which was the distance that Qiancang couldn't touch without using skills.

Eagle Spirit continued to track, but the water flow in the water pipe was already much smaller, after all, there was only so much water.

However, another thing protruded from the fragments of the mirror, a long pole. The edge of the pole was connected to a black iron ring, and a wire was connected to the iron ring.

"You guys are too hard, right?" Qiancang couldn't help but complain.

In the current situation of Qiancang Yi's wet body, as long as he touches the iron ring, he will faint without saying that he will be paralyzed for a few seconds.

He hurried to the room where there was no mirror just now and closed the door.

There was a knocking sound from outside the door, but it was just one click.

Suddenly, the whole room was silent.

Putting on insulating gloves when the money warehouse takes time can alleviate the current situation a bit, but it is still dangerous.

He took a few deep breaths, thinking about countermeasures.

After a short gap of a few seconds, Qian Jiangyue's voice appeared again.

"Look at what you look like now, like a chicken!" Qian Jiangyue ridiculed it as a rare opportunity.

Qiancang walked to the window, and when he came to the bed, he suddenly thought of something.

If Qian Jiangyue's call was a cover up before, why not cover up this time?

If it is to cover up, what is to cover up?


When he wanted to understand this, Qian Cangyi focused his attention on the bottom of the bed.

There are no mirrors in the entire room, the purpose is to create a "safe" illusion, plus there is no mirror on the second floor, subconsciously think that all the mirrors are concentrated on the first floor.

In fact, it is not certain whether there is a mirror under the bed.

When he looked at the bottom of the bed, a black electric baton with a non-slip design was sticking out under the bed, and the target was his feet.

Qian Jiangyue's cover up just now was just to get the person in the world in the mirror to get out of the bed.

Qiancangyi didn't activate the skill, but grabbed the electric baton. Now he wears insulated gloves and is not wet, so he doesn't have to worry about getting an electric shock, but it's limited to this part.

After that, he pulled hard, trying to grab the electric baton from the opponent, but he couldn't fight it in terms of strength.

Just as he was about to exert force again, the other party seemed to have exhausted his strength, and asked Qiancang Yi to hold the electric baton in his hand.

"shadow play?"

Qiancang looked at the baton in his hand and was stunned.

In the first fight, the opponent definitely didn't respond to what they used, but subconsciously snatched. In this way, people with the same strength can basically not contend.

Under this circumstance, there is only one actor who can contend with his strength, even slightly better, and there is only one team on the return journey from hell-the shadow puppet show.

However, shadow puppetry should be the talent on his side.

The person under the bed did not answer.

Outside the window, Qian Jiangyue's shout continued, "I'm standing here, come on!"

"Fable also joined the plan?" Qiancang said to the bottom of the bed.

There was still no answer under the bed.

Qian Cangyi's tone remained calm, as if he was calm about it. In fact, there was a storm in his heart, but he knew that it was not the time to get angry.

He said to the person under the bed:

"It seems that 3V3 has become 5V1. Let me think about how Qian Jiangyue will convince you."

"What's so good about the simulation between us? The point is how to target the people in the admonition meeting. They are all time-related skills, and we happen to have one in our team, and they will instigate countermeasures, which is just in line with the current situation. ."

"When is the time to persuade? Is it from the time I went to find Zhu Chi? Qian Jiangyue probably started to persuade you at that time."

"Shadow puppetry, now you are still on my side. Since the situation has reached this point, it is better for you to be a double agent."

"I'll pretend to be dizzy in a while, you tell them to come over, all the winning pay is to you!"

After speaking, he lay on the ground, beside the bed, but his eyes were still fixed on the bottom of the bed.

Although he can't see clearly the situation under the bed, as long as the other party wants to call him again, he will definitely have time to use the skill.

"Also promise me a condition to cover me." The voice of the shadow play came from under the bed.

"Yes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Qian Cangyi's voice is very sincere.

Nearly a minute later, Qian Jiangyue, Xiao Zuanfeng, fables, and shadow puppets were all standing in the room.

"Come, celebrate!" Qian Jiangyue took out a black marker from his pocket.

"What are you doing?" Xiao Zuanfeng was a little curious.

"I still need to think about it. It must be to draw something on the face, take another photo, and then use it to threaten Cang Yi." Fable put his hands on his chest and nodded in satisfaction.

"Don't worry, I will wipe it clean afterwards. Only we know about this." Qian Jiangyue showed a bright smile on his face.

The shadow play watched all this silently, taking a short step back subconsciously, and said nothing.

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