Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1329: Looks like a child

Qian Cang watched the promotional video of "Forgetfulness" again, and after watching it, a question came to his mind.

"Am I just getting smaller, or is my intelligence also regressing to the same age?"

He cares very much about it.

When he was a child, he couldn't handle formal movies, let alone promoted movies from the fourth tier to the third tier.

"Ask little madam."

Qiancangyi had no sleep, he logged into the main world and hurried to the **** store.

Bones were decorated all over the cabin, and the little lady seemed to have expected the money warehouse to come soon, and she was sitting in the rocking chair at this time:

"The promotion movie has come down, is there any problem?"

The flame in Xiaotai's eyes swayed from side to side.

Qiancang took a deep breath, calmed his mind, and then asked:

"Am I only getting smaller, or am I going back to my childhood level with my brain power?"

"That is, is it the same as in the small movie?"

After asking, he began to look at Xiaotai, with some ideas in his mind, such as...buying, bribery, etc.

"I don't know, I can't help you this time." Xiaotai spread her hands and shook her head slightly. "However, I guess only the body gets smaller. Anyway, you have to participate in the performance, right? It doesn't matter."

"I can prepare in advance." Qiancang's expression turned black.

He came here still wanting to hear the affirmative answer, otherwise Xiaotai, the agent, would seem useless.

"That's what I said." Xiaotai agreed with Qian Cangyi's statement, "Let's take a look at the special items first? Besides, didn't you earn a bit of money? A lottery?"

When Mrs. Jing said so, the atmosphere suddenly became extremely rigid.

As soon as Qiancang was about to speak, footsteps came from behind him. He turned his head and saw Hawkeye coming down from the deck.

"What's the matter?" Hawkeye asked softly.

"I just received the promotion film of the promotion movie, and I came to ask Xiaoma." Qian Cangyi pointed his left finger to Xiaoma, "By the way, how about you?"

He was referring to the problem of Eagle Eye cursing the doll in the real world.

Although Hawkeye is safe to hide in the main world, he cannot hide in the main world forever after all.

For example, after the official movie is over, the actors will return to the real world by default. In this way, danger is inevitable.

Coupled with the horror of cursing the doll, it can be said that as long as one is not careful, one may lose his life.

The Hawkeye in the real world cannot use any skills, equipment, or special props. It is completely ordinary people. Although they are physically strong, they are no different from ordinary people for Cursed Dolls.

Before the performance of the last small movie, Qiancang had already offered the conditions, and Xiaotai had already agreed.

Later, when the movie ended, he found his wife, who also said that she would solve it, but it will take some time. Now, a week has passed.

During this period of time, Hawkeye kept in touch with Xiaotai and seemed to be discussing something, but he hadn't talked to the rest of the team members yet.

"There has been some progress, but it will take some time." Hawkeye replied.

"Hawkeye, in fact, I have always guessed your occupation before. I was not sure until you said it that day." After that, Qiancang took a deep breath, "We have experienced life and death several times together. Being members of the same team, I think we should be considered comrades-in-arms."

When Hawkeye heard the word "comrade-in-arms", his eyes were slightly in a trance. Although it was only for a moment, it was still caught by Qiancangyi.

Qian Cangyi did not continue to say, he was worried that his words might "stimulate" Hawkeye.

"I know what you want to say, there are some things that can only be solved by one person." Hawkeye's tone was firm, and he paused at this point, and then continued: "However, I will find you in trouble."

Afterwards, he glanced at Xiaoma, then back to Qian Cangyi, "Since the promotional film of your promotion movie has come down, it is better to call them all over."

Qian Cang frowned. He didn't want to disturb the rest of the group members because of this incident. At least for now, he is not in a hurry. The actual time to participate in the performance will be at least three days later.

Hawkeye continued:

"I saw the shadow of a lone wolf in you. In fact, many of your practices are similar to mine, and you like to solve problems alone."

"However, what you have to do is harder than you think. It will be difficult to do without a companion."

After speaking, Hawkeye rarely smiled on his face.

Qiancang opened his mouth and felt a little touch in his heart.

"Are you going to draw a lottery? Give it once every ten times?" The little wife's voice joined in.

Ten minutes later, the returning from **** team gathered in the conference room.

Some are vigorous, some are sleepy.

"What's the matter?" Qian Jiangyue yawned.

"My promotion movie is down." Qiancang was straight to the point.

"Huh?" Qian Jiangyue opened his eyes wide, "Are there any promotional videos?"

"Yes." Qiancang nodded, and then began to play.

As the child in the camera got off the bus, Qian Jiangyue leaned back and asked:

"Is this you? It feels a bit like."

The shadow play continues:

"is it?"

She took a closer look, then glanced at Qian Cangyi, nodded and said:

"Is it a bit like, could it be said that Cang Yi will play a child in the next movie?"

The fable has a serious look, puts his right hand on his chin, and mutters to himself:

"Although it looks like a child—"

"——I said you can pay attention to the key points?" Qiancang interrupted as soon as the fable was finished.

"Isn't this the point?" Qian Jiangyue looked at Qian Cangyi with a puzzled look.

"Forget it, whatever." Qiancangyi stopped arguing.

Xiao Zuanfeng thought for a while and said what was in his mind:

"I'm a little curious. The name of the movie is "Forgetful." Is the core of the movie related to memory?"

"I've heard people say before that movies that tamper with memories are the most confusing, because actors can easily fall into the chain of suspicion."

Fable heard this and asked:

"What chain of suspicion?"

Xiao Zuanfeng leaned forward, put his elbows on the table, and continued:

"Because of memory tampering, actors will doubt their own memories, and similarly, they will also suspect that ‘skeptical memory’ is the tampering part.

"Without reference to memory, everything can be false."

After speaking, Xiao Zuanfeng turned to look at Qian Cangyi.

Qiancang nodded slightly and said:

"Hawkeye and I once participated in such a movie ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ a movie that falsifies memory."

"There are four actors in the movie, but one actor has his memory tampered with and does not think he is an actor."

"To be honest, this kind of movie luck occupies a relatively large component."

Having said that, Qiancang looked at Hawkeye.

Eagle Eye and Qiancang glanced at each other, but did not speak, just listened quietly.

"Really? It's interesting." Qian Jiangyue yawned again, "but I don't think that memory may be tampered with. Forgetfulness should refer to'grandpa'. You have to be careful."

Qiancang nodded slightly when he remembered the end of the picture, and agreed with Qian Jiangyue's statement.

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