Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1330: Wisdom is too ordinary

Qiancang got dressed and walked out of the bathroom.

Five days have passed since the last time I received the "Forgetful" promotional video. Today is the day I entered the promotion film.

He has already selected the special props.

One is the vitality biscuit mold, which can make vitality biscuits after entering the movie world. The biscuits can restore vitality and heal injuries and require 2000 pieces.

The other is a special item that has been used-the vision of the dead.

The vision of the deceased can know the picture that the deceased saw before his death, and it only needs 200 pieces of remuneration.

After the purchase, Qiancangyi has more than 4,000 pieces of remuneration left.

He took out his mobile phone and sent a message on the team channel. Soon, the rest of the actors sent blessings.

In all respects, Qian Cangyi's participation in the promotion movie is not just his own business, his experience, and the dangers encountered in it, may be referenced by later generations.

The way to enter the movie is very simple, he needs to go to the nearest bus stop.

About an hour later, Qiancangyi parked his car near the bus station and walked to the bus stop alone.

After that, he stepped into the bus stop sign, and then the whole world turned around, and when everything turned into darkness, he felt his feet were on the ground again.

He opened his eyes, and the scene in front of him was exactly the same as in the promo.

The simple bus stop signs, the natural scenery on the outskirts of the town, and the roads with him alone.

In the next second, Qian Cangyi had a memory that didn't belong to him. This was the memory of Liang Ping, who he played.

Liang Ping is a student in the fifth grade of elementary school. His parents need to go out to deal with official affairs during the summer vacation, and it is not convenient to take the children with him.

Among these memories, there was one thing that made Qian Cang Yi very notice.

Liang Ping's eyes can see some unclean things, such as black shadows lying on people's backs, or weird people hiding in the corners of stairs.

At first, Liang Ping shared it with his classmates and friends, but after knowing that they couldn't see him, he stopped mentioning these things.

"There are yin and yang eyes?"

Qiancang blinked and glanced around, but he didn't see the vague shadow in his memory.

At this time, the voice of the **** movie sounded in my mind, and the content was related to promotion.

[You are currently participating in the promotion movie-"Forgetful", now explain the promotion requirements. 】

[The score line for successful promotion is 70 points: 70 points or more, the promotion is successful; less than 70 points, the promotion fails, after participating in an official movie, you can be promoted again, and you need to pay a certain fee. 】

[Promotional rewards: the actor is promoted from the fourth to the third, and there is a special item carrying bar, and the actor's authority is increased. 】

【Depending on the score, there will be different levels of upper limit rewards for vitality. 】

[When the score is between 80 and 84 points, 4% to 5% of the upper limit of vitality will be awarded. 】

[When the score is between 85 and 89 points, 10% to 12% of the upper limit of vitality will be awarded. 】

[When the score is between 90 and 94 points, 15% to 18% of the upper limit of vitality will be awarded. 】

[When the score is between 95 and 99, 20% to 30% of the upper limit of vitality will be awarded. 】

[When the score is 100 points, 50% of the upper limit of vitality will be awarded. 】

Qiancang was surprised when he heard this.

The reward of the upper limit of vitality made him very excited, after all, his skills are all vitality consumers.

The leader of the Time Tomb and Hezerac’s gaze both consume a lot of vitality.

Among them, the leader of the Time Tomb is less burdened on the body due to physical adaptation, and can use it once or twice more. Hezerak's gaze will consume the green part of the vitality gauge only once, not to mention the usage of instruction 3 in the skill description.

At this time, Qian Cangyi also thought of rice paper. The actors in the last official movie were probably second-line actors.

The use frequency of rice paper skills is much higher than that of him, especially in the last sneak attack, used more than 5 times in a short period of time.

There may be factors that do not consume much skill, but Qian Cangyi is more inclined to have more vitality than him.

Now, Qiancangyi knows part of the answer.

He vaguely remembered that he scored 76 points in his last promotion movie. Although he exceeded the passing line of 60 points, he did not reach 80 points.

80 points, the lowest score for the upper limit of vitality reward.

This is Qiancangyi's desired goal. It is a bit low, but it is very real. After all, living is the most important thing.

The reminder of the **** movie sounded again, this time about the description of the movie.

[In this movie, the actor's body shrinks, and his strength and speed will be affected by age, but his thinking style and reaction speed are the same as those of an adult and will not be affected by age. 】

[This movie will provide key scripts. The content of the script marked in red is the part that must be performed, and the remaining content actors can choose according to the situation. 】

When Qiancang saw the first article, the stone in his heart finally fell.

The description of the **** movie clearly tells him that only the physical concept will be affected, and the rest are the same.

Of course, it can also be understood in reverse. If you fail to qualify for the movie, it is your own problem. Don’t blame others, don’t blame the gravity for not being able to pull the shit.

The second one is more common. It only provides scripts for key parts, not daily life, etc., and the actors explore themselves.

Regarding this article, Qiancangyi's focus is on the part marked in red, but he is not too worried.

Qiancang waited for a while, determined that there were no more hints, and decided to follow the path.

Liang Ping had been to his grandfather's house before, and he still had the impression that he could find his grandfather's house as long as he found the landmark.

However, as soon as Qiancang found that he could not leave at all, he was confined in place.

"It seems that it is not time yet."

Qiancang calmed down and looked at the surrounding environment.

As time went by, the distant sunset gradually fell below the horizon, and the sky became darker.

According to the picture on the promo, a black figure will appear in front of him soon.

Who is the figure? What is it?

Qiancang didn't know, but now, he can only wait.

When the sky turned dark, the figure in front appeared on time.

The figure's footsteps were steady, approaching the stop sign bit by bit, close to the position of the Qiancang station.

At this time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Qian Cangyi's mind came up with the music in the promo, that kind of weird music that makes people nervous and chills behind.

The figure is getting closer and closer, and finally, close enough to be able to see clearly.

Qian Cangyi searched Liang Ping's memory and confirmed that the person in front of him was Liang Ping's grandfather, Fan Yuantang.

Fan Yuantang is normal, thin, and wearing a black jacket. After seeing Qian Cangyi, he quickened his pace.

Qiancang pretended not to see it, and stepped back a few steps. At this time, he found that he was able to leave the stop sign.

Suddenly, the script came to his mind.

This means that what happens next is the key.

Qian Cangyi bowed his head slightly and took the time to browse the content of the script.

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