Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1332: Quiet loft

In the house, only Qiancang one is left.

There is no script at present and he is completely free to move. He can either eat, drink, and play according to Liang Ping’s personality, or he can investigate in the house according to his own ideas.

Qiancang chooses the latter.

Tonight, he wants to find out if there is anything worth noting in the house.

So he ran to the window and watched Fan Yuantang leave. After confirming that he was far away, he started investigating again.

The whole house is not small. In order not to omit, Qiancang Yi chose an order, living room, bedroom, kitchen and toilet.

First floor, then second floor.

Until he came to a bedroom on the second floor, he found a long stainless steel ladder behind the cabinet in the corridor on the second floor, so he started to check the ceiling.

"From the layout of the house, there may be a loft."

Qiancang thought about the entrance of the attic, and it didn't take long for him to find it.

After that, he moved the stainless steel to the entrance with difficulty, and then climbed up.

The entrance of the attic is not locked. As long as you push it upwards, you can push away the white wood board that matches the color of the ceiling.

As soon as Qiancang saw the hidden attic above, he smiled at the corner of his mouth, and then he crawled in.

The light of the helmet lamp illuminates the attic.

Qiancang looked around for a week and found a lot of sundries, such as old-fashioned radios, piled up in the attic.

Among them, a strange box placed in the corner caught his attention.

The box is two meters long, half a meter wide, and half a meter high. The four corners are reinforced with iron plates, reflecting the metallic luster. There is a big silver lock hanging in front of the box, it is impossible to open it without a key.

The reason is strange because there are only ladders from the second floor to the attic. It must be very troublesome to get the box to the attic, unless the contents of the box are very important.

He wanted to check the box, but before that, he glanced at his feet.

There is a thick layer of dust on the soles of the feet, and at this time, small footprints are printing on it.

"Once Fan Yuantang came to check it out, I would definitely find that I was in the attic."

Qiancangyi did not move on, but temporarily left the attic.

A few minutes later, he returned to the attic again, only this time he brought Fan Yuantang's shoes.

After using the big feet to cover the footprints of the little feet, a difficult problem lay in front of Qiancang.

Even if he uses Fan Yuantang's shoes to search the attic, he will still leave obvious footprints, which is different from the entrance of the attic.

Suppose Fan Yuantang comes to the attic. No matter what he wants to do, as long as he comes to the attic, he will leave footprints at the entrance. In other words, Fan Yuantang can't find anyone has been in the attic unless something special happens.

However, if Qian Cangyi continues to investigate in the attic, even if it leaves Fan Yuantang's footprints, it is not at the entrance, so Fan Yuantang can find someone searched in the attic.

"If Fan Yuantang does have forgetfulness, then I just need to point out this point, and then use his shoes to investigate."

"Even if he suspects me, I can disguise the past successfully as long as I refute it with'Grandpa, you won't forget it again.'"

Qiancangyi already has an idea.

So he left the attic temporarily and returned when he was ready. During this time, he was also able to find the key to the box.

Two hours later, the sound of the door lock turning came.

Qiancang put down the game console and looked at the hall.

Fan Yuantang was walking over, but his expression was not normal, and he seemed to have serious concerns.

"Grandpa, what did you do?" Qian Cang said casually, as if asking casually, in fact he cared very much.

"Liang Ping, do you remember what Grandpa said before? I have something wrong, so I picked you up so late. Just now, I was going to deal with this matter." Fan Yuantang said as he walked to the sofa.

So what is it? Unless you hate your grandson Liang Ping, how can you not pick it up first?

Although Qian Cangyi was crazy in his heart, he did not speak, but kept looking at Fan Yuantang, waiting for the latter to make it clear.

Fan Yuantang sat on the sofa and said softly:

"Poor Chen in the street next door is gone."

"There are fewer and fewer people in Fuluo Village. Sometimes, no one knows about the old man's death a week."

"When I was helping, I accidentally forgot to pick you up, so I went so late."

"No, after I took you back, I hurried over immediately."

After saying this, Fan Yuantang was very worried when he said this.

"That's it..." Qian Cangyi had an unknown premonition in his heart. This feeling came for no reason, and there was no trace at all.

"Yeah." Fan Yuantang patted Qian Cangyi's hand. "It's late, go to bed, haven't you finished your summer homework yet?"

"Uh... there is a little left." Qiancang looked away and did not look at Fan Yuantang.

Liang Ping’s summer homework, according to the memory given by the Hell Movie, has not moved a word from the summer vacation to the present.

According to Liang Ping's past habits, he usually starts writing three days before the end of the summer vacation, and may even stay up until 3 am on the last day.

If it is too late, the copy will be over.

"You will start to do it tomorrow. Tell me what homework you have. I will help you plan. Do a little every day. When the summer vacation is over, the homework will be finished." Fan Yuantang looked at Qian Cangyi's eyes.

"Yeah." Qiancang nodded.

"By the way, don't go out at night, just stay at home." Fan Yuantang suddenly leaned over.

"Why?" Qiancang pressed his back against the sofa, looking nervous.

"Not safe." Fan Yuantang did not explain.

Half an hour later, as soon as Qiancang lay on the bed, the night outside the window was like black gauze, blocking all the light.

There is no moon or stars tonight, turn off the lights, and you can't see your fingers.

Qiancang did not fall asleep as soon as he lay on the bed.

On the first night into the movie world, he planned to go to bed later, and if it was not necessary the next day, he would choose to wait until early morning.

It was summer vacation for Liang Ping anyway, and summer vacation children...wasn't it too much to get up until 12 o'clock?

The hands move every minute and every second.

The sound of the door lock turning was very soft, but in the night when the needle fell, the sound of the door lock turning was extremely clear.


The door was pushed open, and footsteps came.

Someone walked to the bed.

As soon as Qiancang closed his eyes, he was waiting, waiting for the other party to approach.

Until the other person walked to the bed, he used the guide of Time Tomb again, then opened his eyes, and made the helmet flash a bit at the same time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At this time, he saw the person next to his bed clearly. , However, he didn't know this person.

This is an old woman. The old woman’s face was full of wrinkles, she was old enough to be Liang Ping’s grandmother, but she was not Liang Ping’s grandmother, because Liang Ping’s grandmother had already passed away.

Fan Yuantang lives alone.

For a short second, Qian Cangyi had already written down the face of the old woman.

The old woman seemed to be smiling, but her smile was not kind, but a smirk without a smile, like a needle-piercing mother, which made people feel terrified.

The skill duration ends, and the bedroom plunges into darkness again.

As soon as Qiancang felt his heart beating faster, his hands under the quilt clenched unconsciously.

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