Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1333: Busy night

who is she? What does she want to do? Should I run?

These three questions flashed through Qiancang's mind.

Suppose that the old woman by the bed is a ghost and has unique hobbies, such as eating only screaming children.

In this case, running will make you more dangerous.

The cold feeling gradually approached the right face, and Qiancang couldn't help trembling because of the coldness like ice cubes.

He didn't open his eyes now, but he knew what the old woman was doing to him at this time.


Qiancang opened his mouth like a murmur in his sleep, but he still didn't open his eyes.

After shouting, he turned over and turned his face to the right, where the old woman was standing.

The icy feeling on his face is no longer strong, and gradually returned to normal temperature.


Qiancangyi was not sure, but he didn't want to spend his life on observing the old woman, because just one glance would not solve the problem at this time.

According to normal development, Liang Ping should go to Fan Yuantang, but because of Fan Yuantang's strange behavior, Qian Cangyi is reluctant to get too close to Fan Yuantang until he collects more information.

As time passed, the room seemed to have returned to normal.

Qiancangyi's heartbeat returned to normal, and then he opened his eyes.

The room was dark, and nothing could be seen clearly.

As soon as Qiancang turned on the helmet light, the whole room was immediately illuminated.

He looked around and scanned the room from right to left, except for the closet and the bottom of the bed, the rest of the room could be seen clearly.

The weird old woman was gone.

Qiancang breathed a sigh of relief, and touched his face with his right hand, nothing unusual.

"Speaking of which, helmet lights are very practical."

Qiancang said softly.

Although it only has a lighting function, it can cope with many situations.

Suddenly, he felt that the quilt beside him moved unusually, as if something was hidden in the white quilt.

Qiancang swallowed, grabbed the quilt with his left hand, and then ran out of the bed.

He has watched a lot of ghost movies, and now he is still looking at the quilt at this time, which is no different from looking for death.

After getting out of bed, he ran to the door, but before he ran two steps, he creaked and the door closed heavily.

As soon as Qiancang pulled the door handle, the brown wooden door did not move.

Then, he turned his head and looked at the gradually bulging quilt, as if the person hiding inside was slowly standing up.

Qiancang ran to the window in a flash, opened the window, and the night wind whizzed by, blowing his hair.

The windows can be opened.

Qiancang immediately climbed to the window, and with the help of the helmet light, he could see the situation below, not the grass, but the concrete floor.

However, his feet have an equipment, blessed insoles, which can properly reduce the impact, plus the second floor, as long as it is not too unlucky, there will be basically no problems, and it will not affect subsequent actions.

The coldness behind him became stronger, and the ghost hiding in the quilt seemed to have taken action.

Qiancang jumped with his feet hard.

At the moment he landed, his knees bend, then he rolled forward following the momentum, and then climbed up.

However, it was not safe yet. He immediately ran to the distance. After about ten meters, he turned his head and looked at the second-floor window where he had jumped down.

By the wide open window, the white quilt clung to the window, like a ghost.

As soon as Qiancang felt a chill in his back, he quickly accelerated under his feet, while shouting loudly in his mouth:

"Grandpa, grandpa!"

"Fan Yuantang!"

If he could, he hoped that Fan Yuantang could hear it. However, there was no movement in the house.

It is impossible for him to rush in to find Fan Yuantang, unless there is a script requirement, and Qian Cangyi does not think Liang Ping has such courage.

Who knows if the old lady just now will be at the door, or, now that he has followed out, he needs to find another place.

Since I can't go home, where should I go in the middle of the night?

The only thing to be thankful for now is the weather. The hot weather during the summer vacation saved him from the embarrassment of being frozen to death.


The cry of the wild cat came.

Qiancang glanced around and saw the wild cats in the alley with the help of the helmet light.

These wild cats looked at Qian Cangyi as if they were looking at their prey.

There are fewer and fewer people in Fuluo Village, and the streets become more and more desolate. With the counterattack of nature, it is more suitable for animals to live. The only drawback is that there is too little food.

"I remember Fan Yuantang told me not to go out at night. Is it because of these animals?"

"By the way, it's a cat. If it's a dog, I'm afraid it's really dangerous. After all, he's only ten years old."

Qiancang shrank his neck and moved on.

Just when he didn't know where he was going, the script came to mind again.

As soon as Qiancang stopped, he immediately looked at it.

[Liang Ping: How could this be? Was it a ghost just now? I wonder what happened to Grandpa? He must be fine. 】

[Liang Ping kept comforting himself while looking for light at night. Before long, he saw the obvious light and ran over at a faster speed. 】

[He saw the source of the light. It was a small courtyard with wide open doors and white wreaths on both sides. 】

[Liang Ping came closer and saw several old people playing poker in the yard. 】

[Liang Ping: They look like human beings. Forget it, it's better to be careful. Let me ask first. 】

[Liang Ping (yelling): Hey, my name is Liang Ping, can I go in and sit down? 】

[The old people in the yard turned their heads, some squinted, some stood up, and one of the old people walked to the entrance of the yard. 】

[Old man: Why are you a kid running around in the middle of the night? 】

[Liang Ping: I... I met a ghost. 】

[The old man blinked, looking at Liang Ping's eyes like a ghost. 】

[Liang Ping (thinking about it): Uh... I'm lost. 】

[Old man: Come in, I'll get you a chair. 】

This concludes the script.

"Is it Po Chen?"

Qiancang thought of what Fan Yuantang said.

He quickened his pace, and soon, the courtyard in the script appeared in his eyes.

The side of the yard is full of weeds, and it seems that no one has taken care of it for a long time. Two white wreaths are placed on both sides of the yard gate.

Standing in front of the courtyard can see the situation in the courtyard clearly.

About 4 or 5 people gathered at the square table and were playing poker.

After following the dialogue in the script, Qiancang walked into the hospital ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and sat in a chair. At the same time, he looked around and became familiar with the surrounding situation.

An unclosed black coffin is placed in the living room inside the house.

As soon as Qiancang found that the old man playing cards didn't care about him, he sneaked over.

When he came to the coffin, he looked around and was surprised to find that the person in the coffin was the old woman who had just appeared in the bedroom.

At this moment, the corpse in the coffin suddenly opened his eyes and stared at Qian Cangyi's face.

Qiancang quickly backed up a few steps, however, the corpse in the coffin suddenly sat up.


Qiancang yelled, hoping that the old people in the yard could help him, but his voice seemed to be heard by no one.

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