Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1334: New 1 day

The old man sitting in the yard watching the night did not move, his eyes fixed on the card table.

The corpse in the coffin had stood up, Qiancang turned around and fled as soon as he saw it. However, before he could take a step, his right shoulder was caught.

A huge force came, and the bones creaked.

Just when Qiancang wanted to use his skills, it suddenly became dark in front of him, and he couldn't see everything clearly.

I don't know how long it took, and the noisy sound was endless, and then there was a feeling of shaking in the body.

"Liang Ping, Liang Ping, wake up!"

A calm voice came.

As soon as Qian Cang heard the voice, it was the voice of Liang Ping's grandfather Fan Yuantang.

He slowly opened his eyes, their eyes bright and dazzling.

The slightly yellowed white ceiling came into view, followed by Fan Yuantang's worried face.

And he is lying on the sofa.

"Huh..." Fan Yuantang breathed a sigh of relief, "Liang Ping, how are you? Do you feel any discomfort?"

Qiancang blinked without answering. He slowly sat up and found himself back to Fan Yuantang's home.

I don't know the specific situation for the time being, so I'll pretend to be a fool.

After having an idea in his mind, Qiancang asked:

"Grandpa, what's wrong with me?"

After speaking, he looked at Fan Yuantang, his face was full of innocence.

"You..." Fan Yuantang hesitated, he thought for a while, and then went on, "You slept at Chen Po's house last night..."

"Poor Chen?" Qiancang's corpse lying in the coffin appeared in front of him.

The face with a stiff smile still made Qian Cangyi feel a chill in his back.

Just as Qiancang looked down and thought, Fan Yuantang added, "Lying in Po Chen's coffin."

However, when Qiancang turned his head to look at Fan Yuantang, his eyes widened and his face was full of unbelievable expressions, Fan Yuantang added, "I still hold her."

There was a boom, as if something exploded in his head.

Such a weird picture appeared in Qiancang's eyes. Last night, in the dead of night, he was lying in Po Chen's coffin with his body sideways, his hands tightly hugging Po Chen's arm, and he was sleeping soundly.

In front of the card table in the yard, several old people didn't realize this at all, and they still played cards by themselves.

The biting cold air suddenly penetrated from the soles of the feet and spread all over the body along the blood, causing Qian Cang to be shocked.

After the fear, reason returned to Qian Cangyi's mind.

Although what Fan Yuantang said may not be true, at least at the moment I was discovered, it was indeed possible that I was lying in a coffin. what should I do?

Qiancangyi thought about the next plan.

Fan Yuantang saw this scene, "It's okay, it's okay."

Fan Yuantang hugged Qiancangyi in his arms, pressing Qiancangyi's back with his left hand, and patted Qiancangyi's back with his right hand.

"What do you want to eat at noon? Grandpa will buy it for you."

After speaking, Fan Yuantang stopped speaking, waiting for Qian Cangyi's answer.

As soon as Qian Cang looked at the landscape painting hanging on the wall in the distance, he said in a trembling voice:

"I want to eat chicken drumsticks."

Soon, Fan Yuantang left home.

As soon as Qiancang got up from the sofa, he picked up the apple on the fruit plate and took a bite, and then walked upstairs.

He came to the bedroom where he slept last night. The window had been opened and the breeze was blowing. On the floor in front of the window, the white quilt was thrown on the ground at will.

The scene from last night came to his mind.

Everything is right.

Qiancang walked slowly to the quilt, then bent over to pick up the quilt.

He was very careful during the whole process. Although it was daytime, it might not be without danger.

He raised the quilt and looked around, then put the quilt on the bed, and then he held the window sill with both hands and looked out the window.

For the first time, the scene of Fuluo Village appeared before his eyes.

The building with yellowed walls stretched far away. After reaching a certain place, the yellow-green weeds increased, and even the inside of the building could be seen, just like a deserted scene.

On the side of the road not far away, several elderly people in their fifties were walking their dogs, while on the other side, a middle-aged woman was carrying a child into the house.

This is the Fuluo Village where Fan Yuantang lives, a place gradually deserted, full of the breath of nature, but lacking the prosperous and hustle and bustle familiar to mankind.

It hasn't been a day since Qiancang arrived in Fuluo Village, but he has already felt the desolation of Fuluo Village.

Whether it is the prosperity of the city or the freshness of nature, it can make people feel comfortable. However, the existence between the two, when civilization and nature meet, makes people feel very uncomfortable.

Suddenly, Qiancang thought of the box in the attic.

Even though there were more and more doubts in his mind, he still did not confuse them.

"Chen Po's matter is not yet clear, but there are many secrets in the box in the attic. If clues related to Fan Yuantang can be found in it, it may be helpful for the rest of the matter."

"Where will the key... be?"

Qiancang turned and left the room and walked to Fan Yuantang's bedroom.

Fan Yuantang's bedroom gives Qiancang a clean and tidy image. The quilt on the double bed is neatly folded, and the desk next to the bed is placed with a desk calendar and a family photo.

The characters in the photo are Liang Ping's grandfather, Liang Ping's grandmother, and Liang Ping's mother.

Qiancang picked up the photo and glanced at the back, which marked the shooting date, the summer five years ago.

"Speaking of which...this frame is a bit too big."

Qiancang glanced at the side of the photo frame and then turned on the switch. Just as he was about to take the photo out of the photo frame, a bright yellow key fell out from the bottom of the photo frame.

Ding! Ding Ding Ding.

The key fell on the ground and made a series of noises.

Qiancang bent over and picked up the key. He found that the size of the key matched the lock of the box in the attic.

Because at the time the attic could only be viewed from the entrance, and the light was not good, it could only be blurred and compared.

At this time, the sound of opening the door came from outside.

As soon as Qiancang put the key back into the photo frame, he stepped back a few steps and stood at the door. Then he matched the scene in his eyes with the scene in his mind to see if there was a big difference. After confirming that there was no problem, he ran out of the room.

The sound of closing the door rang.

"Liang Ping!"

Fan Yuantang yelled.

"Eh!" Qiancang finished shouting, holding slippers in both hands, ran back to the sofa barefoot, and then lay down.

When Fan Yuantang walked over, he opened his eyes.

"How about it, is it better?" Fan Yuantang put the plastic bag in his hand on the side of the sofa.

"Well, it's better." Qian Cangyi put his hands on the sofa and let himself sit up, "Grandpa, yesterday, I seemed to see Po Chen."

"What!" Fan Yuantang's face was shocked~www.wuxiaspot.com~The calm words were like a depth bomb at this time.

This idea was born not early, even less than 3 seconds.

The reason Qiancangyi did this is to give himself a reasonable step down when he encounters trouble in the future.

He can create an image of Liang Ping with mental problems. What's more, Liang Ping has yin and yang eyes and can see some dirt.

Originally, he planned to use Fan Yuantang's "forgetfulness" to safely explore the attic. However, so far, Fan Yuantang has not shown any forgetful characteristics, but instead, Liang Ping, who he plays, has encountered various troubles.

People who are truly forgetful may... not Fan Yuantang.

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