Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1335: Friendly?

Liang Ping himself has yin and yang eyes and is Fan Yuantang's grandson. Assuming that forgetfulness is related to ghosts, then Liang Ping's forgetfulness is even greater.

The Hell Movie does provide Qian Cangyi with Liang Ping's life, but in fact there are only some basic information. In addition, even Qian Cangyi himself cannot remember everything, so it is impossible to break through in this regard.

As for the performance of forgetfulness, Qian Cangyi suspects that it has something to do with Liang Ping's condition last night.

Only one person saw Po Chen from beginning to end, and that person was Liang Ping, or Qian Cangyi.

The so-called seeing is believing, in the case of acting alone, you need to put a question mark at the end.

Assuming that Liang Ping’s yin and yang eyes are due to Liang Ping’s mental problems, rather than real yin and yang eyes, Qian Cangyi will also see filthy things.

This can be corroborated to some extent in "The Vanished Kingdom".

At that time, Qian Cangyi, Qian Jiangyue and Yingyan shared the same body. When Qian Jiangyue was in control of the body, Qian Cangyi and Yingyan, who were also the recipients of the information, could see Nanyuan's figure.

"It should be, the person I saw yesterday is Po Chen." Qian Cangyi continued to say to Fan Yuantang, with a very positive tone.

"But, Liang Ping, Po Chen is dead." Fan Yuantang frowned, lips pressed tightly, not convinced, "Did you confuse things? You... sleepwalking in Po Chen's last night? Inside the coffin."

"I want to go and see!" Qian Cang looked in the direction of the hall, "Go and see Po Chen."

Fan Yuantang's face was uncertain, he stood up and comforted softly:

"You take a good rest, and I'll take you there in the afternoon."

"If it's really sleepwalking, I have to ask your mother to take you to the doctor."

After speaking, he bent over and lifted the plastic bag, turned and walked towards the kitchen, seemingly not allowed to question Qiancang.

Qiancangyi continued to lie on the sofa.

What Fan Yuantang said just now surprised him very much.

Fan Yuantang believes that Liang Ping slept in the coffin last night because of Liang Ping’s sleepwalking, and his treatment of sleepwalking was to ask Liang Ping’s mother to take Liang Ping to see a doctor instead of finding a remedy for treatment.

This means that Fan Yuantang's thinking is more inclined to materialism.

Of course there is no problem in the real world, but in the movie world, the consequences of not believing in ghosts are usually very serious.

In other words, Liang Ping's yin and yang eyes are more like hallucinations or nonsense in Fan Yuantang's eyes.

In the afternoon, Fan Yuantang took Qiancangyi to Po Chen's house.

The route is the same as in the middle of the night, the only difference is that the wild cats are not scary at night.

The yard with a wreath in front of the door has arrived. It is the yard that Qiancang entered last night.

The card tables in the yard, the types of chairs, the placement of them, etc., are not much different from last night.

"Pharaoh, Pharaoh!" Fan Yuantang shouted twice.

A few seconds later, an old man walked out of the house with a round face and a blessed figure. He wore a white vest on the upper body, gray pants on the lower body, and blue slippers on his feet. When he came out he was still holding a fan in his hand.

Qiancang looked at Old Wang up and down, compared him with the face in his mind, and confirmed that the person in front of him was the one who made the yard and talked to him last night.

Lao Wang walked up and was about to say hello to Fan Yuantang when he suddenly saw Qian Cangyi.

"Oh, Lao Fan, isn't this your grandson? How did you bring it here? It's not good to stay at home and rest." Lao Wang stopped quickly.

"Pharaoh, my grandson doesn't remember those things at all. He said that he saw Po Chen and was arguing to come and have a look. I couldn't help it, so I brought him." Fan Yuantang took a step forward and pointed his left finger at the same time. With Qiancang one.

Qiancang opened his eyes wide and asked:

"Grandpa Wang, did you see me crawling into the coffin last night? I only remember that you were talking to me at the gate of the courtyard last night."

Having said that, he turned and pointed to the front of the courtyard.

"Nonsense, I don't remember what I told you yesterday? How many people are there in Fuluo Village." Lao Wang shook his head and shook the cat fan with his right hand.

Did he not see me yesterday?

Qiancangyi didn't know whether what Pharaoh said was true or not.

The truth and the false are not the fact that Lao Wang himself thinks, but whether he has seen it last night, because he can tell from the expression of Lao Wang that Lao Wang has not lied.

"Forget it." Fan Yuantang made a round of rounds, "Pharaoh, just let my grandson have a look, and then I will take him back."

"Alright, come in." Old Wang turned and walked into the house.

Subsequently, Fan Yuantang followed Lao Wang, and Qian Cangyi followed Fan Yuantang.

In the empty hall, the black coffin was placed in it, and the coffin lid was not closed.

As soon as Qiancang walked over, he stood by the coffin and saw that the body in the coffin was Po Chen, and Po Chen's face was exactly the same as the face he saw in the bedroom last night.

"Is that her?" Fan Yuantang gently held Qian Cangyi's palm.

"Yeah." Qiancang nodded heavily.

Fan Yuantang's eyes became more worried.

Lao Wang looked at Qian Cang with a stern face and said:

"Why do you kid like to lie so much? How long have Chen Po been dead? Where did you see her? And, how did you climb into the coffin?"

Lao Wang's tone was very strong.

Qian Cangyi can also understand this. After all, if he didn’t lie, then the person who lied was Pharaoh. Conversely, when Pharaoh thought he did not lie, he would subconsciously think that when Qian Cang lied, and the child who lied, Not popular.

"He didn't lie!" A naive voice came from the bedroom.

As soon as Qian Cang turned his head to look, the person who was talking was a little girl, about the same age as Liang Ping, about 10 years old, with shawl and long hair, wearing a blue skirt and pink sneakers on her feet.

"I saw Po Chen too!" the little girl added.

"Xiaoya, what are you talking nonsense?" Old Wang turned his head, somewhat surprised.

"Is she?" Qian Cang asked softly.

"She is my granddaughter." Lao Wang glared at Qiancang.

"I'm not talking nonsense, I saw Po Chen when I slept last night." Xiaoya looked firm, clenched her right hand and placed her fist on her chest.

"Or, let the two of them go out to play? Maybe it's too boring?" Fan Yuantang had an idea.

Lao Wang didn't even think about it, and shook his head quickly, "No!"

At this time, Xiaoya ran directly, grabbed Qiancangyi's hand, and ran outside the house.

Qian Cangyi had naturally reacted, but he didn't think of the reason for his refusal. Obviously, whether Xiaoya lied or not, it was more suitable for communication.

The two ran out.

"Xiaoya!" Lao Wang wanted to chase it out~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but was held back by Fan Yuantang.

"Let them go, Pharaoh, you are a bit big-tempered, they are mad at you." Fan Yuantang said softly.

Qiancangyi was dragged into an alley by Xiaoya. After that, Xiaoya released her hand and turned to look at Qiancangyi.

"Introduce yourself, my name is Ran Ya, you can call me Xiaoya." Ran Ya stretched out her right hand.

Qian Cangyi also stretched out his right hand, "My name is Liang Ping."

"Have you really seen Po Chen?" Ran Ya was straight to the point.

"Well, how about you? I saw it too?" Qiancang nodded.

Ran Ya nodded repeatedly, then put her hands on her chest and looked at the ground, seeming to recall the fear she once had.

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