Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1336: What's in the box

Qian Cangyi stretched out his right hand and placed it on Ran Ya's shoulder, comfortingly said:

"It's okay, we are all fine now, can you tell me about what happened last night?"

"Where did you see Po Chen? What happened after seeing Po Chen?"

"Maybe we can find some clues."

After speaking, Qian Cang poked his head over, then nodded slightly, indicating that Ran Ya need not be afraid.

"How do I feel that you are not afraid at all?" Ran Ya asked subconsciously.

Qiancang blinked, he had an idea in his mind, and replied:

"Actually, I can always see some dirty things, some are black figures, some are just a cloud of fog."

"Some of these dirty things will follow people behind, and some will hide in the corner. They will bring bad luck to people."

"In the beginning I was scared because some dark shadows would occasionally look at me. Later, when I got used to it, I stopped being scared. It was useless to be scared anyway."

Although the apparent reason is different, the inner essence is the same.

Qiancangyi is indeed not afraid when he sees more, and to be precise, he will not be overly fearful when he is safe.

At these times, his reason will prevail and he will think about countermeasures.

"Really?" Ran Ya covered her mouth, looked up and down Qian Cangyi, frowning, the expression on her face was not convinced.

"Really." Qiancang nodded, without any hesitation when answering.

"Then do you see behind me?" While speaking, Ran Ya glanced back.

"No, I will tell you if there is one. You will first tell me what happened when you saw Po Chen last night." Qiancang pulled Ran Yala back to the subject, or if he continued to ask at this rhythm, it would be endless again.

"Oh." Ran Ya nodded, "I slept at home last night and suddenly woke up in the middle of the night and saw a person standing at the door."

When Qiancang heard this, he thought of a little, so he asked:

"I remember it was dark at night—"

Before he finished asking his question, Ran Ya interrupted him.

"——I turn on the lights to sleep at night." Ran Ya stared at Qian Cangyi's face.

"Well, you continue." Qiancang nodded.

"I was so scared that I asked her who she was. The voice was loud. I thought Grandpa would hear it, but not at all." Ran Ya was a little angry when she said that.

Qiancang nodded and motioned to Ran Ya to continue.

"That person, Po Chen, came over little by little, and I started screaming. I didn't know what was going on. Maybe I didn't look at her. She disappeared in the blink of an eye anyway." Ran Ya said here. At that time, the body couldn't help shaking.

Qiancang thought of his experience last night and quickly asked:

"Po Chen didn't leave, she was actually inside the quilt?"

"How do you know?" Ran Ya looked surprised.

"Because our two encounters are similar, have you been caught by Po Chen?"

"Well... Po Chen caught me, and then I didn't know anything. I didn't wake up until the morning, but it was much better than you. I was sleeping in bed." Ran Ya smiled when she said that.

"How long have you been in Fuluo Village?" Qiancang changed his question.

"Four or five days." Ran Ya thought for a while.

Qiancang fell into deep thought.

If Ran Ya didn't lie, then, combining the encounters between the two can reveal some clues.

First of all, Po Chen did not kill, but just made people comatose. Of course, maybe she didn’t do anything for the time being, but maybe, it also means another situation. Po Chen didn’t want the lives of two people, and might even be warning them. .

As for the reason for the warning, Qian Cangyi guessed that there was a problem with Fu Luo Village itself, which might be related to Po Chen's death.

Secondly, after Po Chen appeared, the two people whom Po Chen liked seemed to be isolated from the outside world. Even though Qian Cang Yi had escaped for a long time and had spoken with Lao Wang in Po Chen’s yard, the result was still the same.

If it is a hallucination, there is a question, why Qiancang lay in a coffin instead of a bed when he fell into a coma.

Conversely, if it was not an illusion, why would Pharaoh not remember that he had seen Qiancangyi.

Finally, the person who saw Po Chen, who was also a child, also had just arrived in Fuluo Village not long ago. There should be some connection between them.

"What do you think?" Ran Ya's voice interrupted Qian Cangyi's thoughts.

"I have an idea and need your help." Qian Cang raised his head and looked straight into Ran Ya's eyes.

"What is it? How can I help?"

"Come with me, we said on the way." Qian Cangyi took Ran Ya's hand and walked towards Fan Yuantang's house.

After dozens of minutes.

The two came to the vicinity of Po Chen's house, but did not go in.

Qiancang hid away and looked at the old people chatting in the yard. Their grandfather was among them.

Then, he turned his head and said to Ran Ya:

"You help me look at them here. If my grandfather wants to go back, you immediately run to my house and tell me that I have very important things to do, and my grandfather can't find out."

Ran Ya didn't nod her head, the expression on her face was very confused, she asked: "What's the matter?"

"I can't tell you yet, but I promise you that I will tell you after I figure it out." Qian Cangyi still didn't tell Ran Ya about the box.

Although Ran Ya's performance was his companion before, it is still uncertain. At least, Ran Ya is definitely not an actor.

This situation can only be considered mixed.

Not being an actor means that reliability is reduced, but it also means that it will not be the person who exhorts the club.

"All right, you go." Ran Ya's face was not very happy.

"Don't be unhappy, I have a lot of snacks, I will reward you when the time comes." Qian Cang smiled, and then rushed to Fan Yuantang's home.

This time, he must know what is hidden in the box.

His encounter with Po Chen made him more and more uneasy. Being caught by Po Chen was indeed in no danger to his life. However, Qian Cangyi felt extremely dangerous because it was an uncontrollable situation.

What if there is danger next time?

No one can say it is bad.

He ran all the way back to Fan Yuantang's home, took out the key from the photo frame, and then went to the hidden attic.

Qiancang first put Fan Yuantang's shoes on the ground, and then walked towards the black box he had been thinking about wearing Fan Yuantang's shoes.

This will indeed leave clues, and Fan Yuantang will discover that someone has been there, but after experiencing what happened last night, Qiancangyi didn't plan to wait for a perfect opportunity anymore.

If you think about it the other way round, maybe the contents of the box will provide another useful clue.

He stood in front of the black box, then bent down and inserted the key into the keyhole ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then turned it counterclockwise, with a click, the bright yellow lock opened.

Lower the lock and place it lightly on the ground. Then, as soon as the money bin puts his palm on the box, he takes a deep breath, and then opens the box.

The Qiancang bowed his head and looked into the box. The light of the helmet light illuminates the box.

Inside, lies a male corpse.

"It's him!" When he moved his gaze to look at the face of the corpse, he couldn't help but utter a voice.

The corpse lying in the box is Fan Yuantang, Liang Ping's grandfather.

The face of the corpse was exactly the same as Fan Yuantang, the only difference was that blue-purple corpses appeared on the face.

At this moment, Qiancang felt a trace of cold air coming out of his back.

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