Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1337: Fleeing heart

As soon as Qiancang opened the lid of the box completely, the fear in his heart had been suppressed by him.

Now, he wants to see if there are any obvious scars on the corpse in the box. If there are, maybe he can take precautions in advance.

As for the murderer who killed the person in front of him, in all likelihood, it was Fan Yuantang who was staying at Po Chen's house.

Why are there two Fan Yuantang? Is it possible that they are twins? Or something else?

There are many problems, but there are not enough clues. Qian Cangyi doesn't want to make a conclusion for the time being. With the current confusing situation, he can only take one step.

He slowly stretched out his right hand, touched the chin of the corpse with his fingertips, lifted his head, no obvious strangulation was found on the neck, and then moved his right hand down, intending to take off the clothes of the corpse, but at this time, the corpse unexpectedly Began to move.

Qiancang quickly withdrew his right hand, and at the same time stepped back, keeping his hands in front of his chest, ready to deal with emergencies.

The corpse in the black box slowly floated upwards at a slow speed, but it was only relatively speaking. At this time, the corpse in the box had a tendency to leave the box. Wait two more seconds, and maybe leave the box completely.


Qian Cangyi had planned to continue to observe, but he suddenly thought of one thing.

His current body is the body of a child. If the corpse continues to float upward, it may reach the top of the attic. At that time, the corpse will no longer be able to hide in the box.

Even if he can find a way to pull the corpse down, it will take some time. During the time he is looking for a way, Fan Yuantang may come back, which is very detrimental to him.

So he hurriedly stretched out his hands and grabbed the corpse's arm. However, at this time, he couldn't drag the corpse down with the strength of his hands alone. The upward force was a bit big for a 10-year-old boy, and it seemed to be gradually increasing. Signs.

As soon as Qiancang saw it, he stretched his hands up and crossed the chest of the corpse, trying to hook the corpse, then jumped up with his feet vigorously, pressing his entire body on the corpse.

The body began to move down gradually, Qiancangyi also breathed a sigh of relief.

"this is?"

Qiancang suddenly caught a glimpse of the corpse's right hand, which seemed to be holding something. He stretched his hands forward and tapped his feet on the ground to let the body go a little further. Then, his hands squeezed the corpse's right hand away.

However, the corpse's right hand was already stiff and it was difficult to open it.

"I remember I still have a dagger."

Qiancang raised his right hand, and then, a bright gold dagger appeared in his right hand.

Concentrated daggers can be used as ordinary daggers. They are one-handed weapons and can also be thrown after aiming at the target, and have the effect of correcting the flight trajectory.

Qian Cangyi inserted the focused dagger into the clenched fist of the corpse's right hand, and then pried it open.

At this time, the corpse had returned to the black box, which made it easier for Qiancang's hands to exert force.

He gritted his teeth and continued to increase his strength.

The corpse's clenched right hand was finally pried open a gap, Qian Cangyi's left thumb and index finger quickly reached in and pinched things out.

The next second, he retracted the dagger, then covered the black box, and hung the lock to prevent the body from floating again.

At this time, he finally had time to look at what he took out of the corpse.

A white square piece of paper lies in the palm of his hand.

"Is this... a post-it note?"

Qiancang Yi's left hand touched the back of the white paper, and a slight sticky feeling was heard, and on the front of the white paper, there was a line of words written:

Remember to pick up your grandson!

The moment he saw this line of words, Qiancang was in a daze, and there was a roar in his mind.

The passage from waiting at the station to opening the black box came to mind one by one.

"I remember Liang Ping's mother called Fan Yuantang the day before yesterday, that is, when Fan Yuantang died..."

"Is it just yesterday afternoon?"

Suddenly, a picture emerged in Qiancang's mind.

Yesterday afternoon, Fan Yuantang lying in a black box was about to pick up Liang Ping, but was intercepted by the new Fan Yuantang halfway, and the new Fan Yuantang found the black box in the attic in order to find a place to hide the body. , And then go to the platform to meet Liang Ping.

At this moment, the script appeared in my mind.

Qiancang immediately looked at it.

[Liang Ping's hands trembled, his eyes moistened involuntarily, tears streaming down his face. 】

[Liang Ping held the black box with both hands, and then slowly put his left ear on top of the box: Grandpa, I will definitely help you take revenge, but I can't expose it yet. When I left Fuluo Village, I immediately called the police. You are here waiting for me! 】

[There was a slight collision in the black box, which seemed to be an injustice and death. Fan Yuantang was responding to Liang Ping. 】

[Liang Ping put the note in his pocket, wiped away the tears with his left elbow, then locked the lock of the black box, then turned and left. 】

[When Liang Ping turned around, a slight noise came from the black box again. Although it was very light, it could be clearly heard in the quiet attic. 】

[Liang Ping turned his head, his eyes became firmer and firmer. 】

At this point, the script is over, very short, but it is extremely difficult for Qian Cang Yi who wants to improve the character's score.

He was really moved when he first saw the note, but he was not moved to tears. After all, he had also experienced a lot of life and death. Although he could not be called a will of steel and a heart of iron and stone, he was also an extremely calm one.

This is also impossible. The dangers in **** movies are various, and some are very strange. Instead of expecting oneself to be near death, it is better to think about how to solve the problem and how to plan a safe escape route.

If he were to perform according to the script, the most important thing now is to brew tears.

Qiancang started thinking about the pros and cons.

Is it dangerous to act according to the script? No.

Can acting according to the script improve the score? It can be done in most cases.

Will raising the score help in the future? Obtaining the upper limit of vitality rewards, can release skills more times, and the risk of releasing skills will be reduced.

Do I have any obvious losses? No!

Qiancang is single-minded and decided to get these points!

He began to bring himself into Liang Ping, and pretended that Liang Ping and Fan Yuantang were dependent on each other.

After two seconds, his eye sockets were still not wet.

Here comes, the tears are coming!

Qiancang started sobbing, and the tears finally gathered into a drop and flowed down his cheeks.

it is good!

Qiancang yelled in his heart, and then placed his hands on the black box as required by the script, then turned his head to the right, and slowly approached the top of the box with his left ear.

"Grandpa, I will definitely avenge you, but I can't expose it yet."

As he said, there was still crying in his voice.

"When I leave Fuluo Village, I will call the police immediately."

At this point, his tone suddenly changed ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ into anger.

"You are here waiting for me!"

Just like the development in the script, as soon as Qiancang finished these words, there was a slight knocking sound inside the black box.

Qian Cang frowned slightly, he felt that things were not normal, but it is currently script time, and he still plans to finish this part first.

There was no difficulty in the following script, he finished it quickly, and he didn't walk to the black box again until the last look at the black box was finished.

"Inside, what happened?"

Qiancang Yi held the iron lock in his right hand and was about to take it off. At this moment, Ran Ya's shout came from outside the house.

If Ran Ya came to inform, it means that Fan Yuantang is on his way home.

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