Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1341: You have a bad memory

Qian Cangyi's words surprised everyone present.

Lao Wang was not afraid, but snorted coldly and asked:

"How do I know where you are hiding your money? I said you are a little kid, why are you so temperamental? Oh, you also chopped your hands, do you know what it means to chop your hands?"

After speaking, Lao Wang let go, put his hands around his chest, stretched his right foot forward, and looked down at Qian Cangyi.

"It's good for a child to admit his mistake when he makes a mistake. It's to scare you by saying that the hand is cut off, so that you don't make any mistakes." The aunt hurriedly cut his hand, after all, he would cut his hand at every turn. It's like a primitive tribe. Come.

Qian Cangyi naturally didn't care. He deliberately created the current situation just to impose an impression of bad memory on Lao Wang.

This time, it is just a test. If it succeeds, he will use the same method on Fan Yuantang. Later, when the time is right, he will let Fan Yuantang see his corpse. Of course, it may also be seen by Lao Wang. Own body.

At that time, anything may happen, and it is impossible to predict now, but this is only one of Qiancangyi's plan. If there are major changes, the plan will definitely be revised.

"Grandpa Wang, you first said that your money was stolen, so how much was stolen? There should be a rough figure?" Qiancang took two steps back and looked up at Lao Wang.

"It's about 800 yuan." Old Wang thought for a while.

"Grandpa Wang, you have a bad memory, maybe you forgot after putting the money on your body." Qiancang paused when he said that, "I encountered this situation when I was in school, some students with poor eyesight I often wear glasses and ask my deskmates if they see their glasses, and some have pens in their hands, but they ask if they know where their pens are."

Faced with such obvious hints, Pharaoh would naturally understand.

The aunt who had just walked over also nodded and agreed with Qian Cangyi's statement. She said:

"You are right to say that. Sometimes I do, sometimes I carry a bag in my hand, and then I look for a bag everywhere at home."

After speaking, the aunt took two steps in Qiancangyi's direction.

Qiancang turned his head to look at the aunt, smiled, and said:

"Auntie, that's what I meant. Grandpa Wang is biased against me, so when the money is gone, I think I stole it first, but I only saw Grandpa Wang this afternoon. I can't figure out why I should steal his money. I am not short of money."

"My grandfather bought me snacks and a game console. If I want to buy something, I just ask for it. Why should I steal it? So..."

Speaking of this, he turned his head back and looked at Lao Wang:

"Grandpa Wang, do you want to touch your pocket, maybe the money is there."

From beginning to end, he spoke in an innocent tone, even now.

Now the 800 yuan is naturally on Lao Wang's body. As for the time to release the money, it was when Lao Wang walked to Qiancang No. 1 and then bent over to look at the back of Qiancang No. 1.

At this moment, Qiancang Yi used his skills.

The 800 yuan was already in his hand, and Lao Wang was standing in front of Qiancang in his posture at the time. Therefore, Qiancang could just put the money in his pocket.

When Lao Wang searched the closet, he found that there was no money. Due to Qiancangyi's weird behavior, coupled with Lao Wang's hostility, the first thing he thought was not that the money was on himself, but that it was stolen by two children.

If the child just goes out, if he doesn't catch up, the money may be spent or hidden, so he must follow up immediately.

"Impossible!" Lao Wang was serious and his tone was stern, and he did not allow any rebuttal.

"I said, just search for the child and see how big the matter is?" The aunt had already changed camp at this time.

"I certainly can't remember it wrong!" Lao Wang snorted coldly and turned to look at the road.

"You are 50 or 60? You still can't remember it wrong. I wonder who dares to pat his chest and say that he can't remember it wrong? Besides, if you remember it correctly, you will know it after searching. Still scornful." The aunt was very unhappy, pointed her right finger at Pharaoh, venting her dissatisfaction.

Just now, she said that she occasionally forgets where the handbag is, but now, Lao Wang actually said that she would never remember it wrong, and she didn't mean to verify it at all. This was just hitting the aunt in the face.

People in middle age love face the most.

As soon as Qiancang heard what Lao Wang said, his eyebrows frowned slightly, his eyes changed, and he did not show the sharp eyes of a child at all.

Lao Wang was impatient when his aunt said that he inserted his hands into his trouser pockets, took out his right hand first, and then took out the key to the anti-theft door, then took out his left hand, but at the moment he took it out, his left hand stopped and became black. Face, and then slowly take out his left hand.

Several hundred-yuan bills appeared on his left hand.

Under the sun, the brilliance of the banknotes turned into numbers with golden luster, and even some dazzling.

Pharaoh looked down at the money in his left hand, his eyes were surprised and the corners of his mouth trembled.

The aunt looked at Lao Wang's left hand, with one hand on her hips, with a triumphant expression on her face.

As soon as Qian Cang looked at Lao Wang's face, his expression was calm, as if everything was expected.

Ran Ya glanced at Qian first, then at Lao Wang, and finally fell on Qiancang I.

The onlookers booed. For them, the matter had already come to light. This was just a misunderstanding. It should stop here, so it gradually dissipated.

The aunt laughed twice, and then said:

"It seems to be a misunderstanding, and so are you. Why don't you touch your pocket first? What if you blame the child? How much shadow does the child have to leave behind?"

"Seriously, you almost ruined his life just now."

"You think, if this incident is passed to school, how will he go to school in the future? It's okay for adults, at least know how to distinguish, but children don't understand this, school violence, etc., there are quite a few."

"Although this is just a misunderstanding, as adults, we must lead by example and we must apologize to him."

Having said that, she turned her head and looked at Qian Cangyi, "I'm sorry, kid, the aunt blamed you by mistake before, can you forgive auntie?"

After speaking, she touched Qiancangyi's head.

"Auntie, it's okay, after all, you don't know that Grandpa Wang has a bad memory." Qian Cang smiled, then glanced at Pharaoh.

Suddenly, Qian Cangyi's mind flashed through the pages of the book.

The new script unexpectedly arrived at this time.

[Liang Ping is still thinking about what the old Wang said. Just as he was stunned, the old Wang strode over, then raised his right hand and waved it vigorously. 】

[With a snap, severe pain came from the left cheek, and then, Liang Ping felt the world spin, his whole person lost his balance and fell to the ground. 】

[Because this happened so suddenly, the onlookers did not react at all. 】

[Liang Ping puts his hands on the ground, and the corners of his mouth are red and swollen~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Turning his head to look at Lao Wang, his eyes are not at all scared. 】

[When Ran Ya saw this, she hurried to Liang Ping's side: Are you okay? 】

[Liang Ping shook his head slightly. 】

[Ran Ya looked up at Lao Wang: Grandpa, you have always had a bad memory. I was afraid that you were uncomfortable, so I didn't tell you. Is it so difficult to admit that you have a bad memory? 】

[Lao Wang raised his hand again, Ran Ya shrank her neck when she saw it. 】

[The onlookers hurriedly stopped Lao Wang, but with everyone's concerted efforts, Lao Wang still did not fight. 】

[Pharaoh's breathing is loud, and his chest rises sharply: I can't remember it wrong! 】

[After Lao Wang left this sentence, he turned around and walked to his home, not paying attention to Liang Ping and Ran Ya. 】

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