Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1342: arrangement

There is no red content in the script this time.

In other words, Qiancang can play or not.

Performing in accordance with the script can increase the score and life will not be in danger; if you do not perform in accordance with the script, you can be less slapped, but the score will definitely have an impact.

The distinction between pros and cons is quite clear, but the left face needs to suffer a bit.

When Lao Wang raised his right hand in accordance with the development of the script, Qian Cangyi had noticed this action, but now he could not avoid it.

In fact, with his dynamic vision, he can not only avoid, but also take the opportunity to fight back, but the score is more important than a slap.

Lao Wang swung down his right hand vigorously, Qiancang stood still, but tightened the muscles on his face.


The applause was clear and loud.

Qiancang shook, feeling a fierce pain in his left face, and then turning his upper body to the right, his body gradually lost his balance.

At this time, Qian Cangyi could easily stabilize his body, but in order to perform the scene in the script, not only did he not stabilize his body, but he also added a little force with his left foot.

In this way, he fell to the ground.

After lying on his side on the ground, he was puzzled, then propped his hands on the ground, propped up his upper body, and showed the grievance of a child being slapped by an adult.

In the next second, he turned his head, and his grieved expression was gradually replaced by anger, but before the anger broke out, it was pressured again, and finally, the expression on his face gradually returned to calm.

"Are you okay?" Ran Ya ran over and squatted on the ground, placing her right hand on Qiancangyi's left shoulder, while her left hand was pressing on the ground.

Qiancang shook his head slightly, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Ran Ya took a deep breath, looked up at Lao Wang, and asked:

"Grandpa, you have always had a bad memory. I was afraid that you were uncomfortable, so I didn't tell you. Is it so difficult to admit that you have a bad memory?"

Her voice was loud and clear.

The crowd onlookers all heard clearly.

Qiancangyi couldn't help laughing in his heart.

Originally, Lao Wang wouldn't be too disadvantaged in what he did. However, seeing Lao Wang's body had too much impact on Ran Ya.

For Ran Ya, the Lao Wang in front of her is no longer her grandfather, so Liang Ping, played by Qian Cangyi, is closer to Ran Ya instead.

In the end, Ran Ya's words became the last straw that crushed the camel.

No one in the crowd now believes in Pharaoh anymore.

Lao Wang raised his hand again, trying to slap Qiancang again, but was persuaded by the people around him.

As written in the script, Lao Wang left a sentence "I won't remember it wrong" and then turned and left.

The aunt lifted Qiancang up, lightly patted the ash on Qiancang's pants, and comforted:

"Is it okay? Tsk tsk, why is it so cruel?"

Having said this, she turned her head, pointed at the back of Lao Wang, who was getting further and further away, then turned back, and continued to say to Qian Cangyi:

"Look at how cute you are. Auntie will take you to apply some medicine, but don't break the picture, it won't look good."

After some tossing, Qian Cangyi took Ran Ya to Fan Yuantang's house, but halfway through, the two rushed into the alley.

The wild cats in the alley were relaxing in the sun. After the two walked into the alley, the wild cats scattered and fled.

"Does it still hurt?" Ran Ya asked concerned.

"It doesn't hurt, it's a small matter." Qiancang waved his hand, "Ran Ya, I want to ask you something, can you face your grandfather alone now?"

After Ran Ya heard it, she looked away and was silent for a while. After five seconds, the expression on her face changed several times before she spoke:

"I thought I could, but..."

"...It's too difficult, I don't know how to face my grandfather, his corpse, he...he is dead, then who is the person talking to me just now?"

"Liang Ping, how did you do it? Why are you not afraid at all?"

Having said this, Ran Ya turned her head and stared at Qian Cangyi's face, trying to find the answer from the latter's face.

Qiancangyi didn't answer right away, but took a few steps, leaning his back against the wall, then he put his left hand in his pocket, then raised his head and looked at Ran Ya's eyes and said:

"One thing I haven't told you yet, about my grandpa."

Ran Ya blinked and nodded, waiting for Qian Cangyi to continue speaking.

"My grandfather's house has an attic, and there is a black box in the attic. Inside the box... there is a corpse, my grandfather's corpse." Qian Cangyi's right hand tapped the wall lightly.

"Wh...what?" Ran Ya opened her mouth slightly, "When did you find out?"

"Just now."

"Could it be that you planned to leave Volo Village because you found your grandfather's body?"

"Well, that's it. I originally planned to leave, but you reminded me that it's useless to run out. You must find the reason." Qiancang turned his head and looked outside the alley when a passerby happened to pass by. .

"It turned out to be like this." Ran Ya finally understood the cause and effect.

"Now, you go back to my grandfather's house with me, find a way to adapt, talk to him more, and be careful not to show off your stuff. When there is no problem, you will go home alone." Qiancang had already anticipated the separation.

They are children, it is impossible to hide outside all the time, maybe Fan Yuantang will look everywhere, so it is inevitable to go home.

In this way, Ran Ya would definitely face Lao Wang alone, and because Ran Ya helped Qiancangyi before, she would definitely face pressure from Lao Wang.

If Ran Ya hadn't seen the corpse, she would naturally be fearless, but at this time she had already seen the corpse, so she would be nervous, and people, the more nervous, the easier it is to verbal errors, and verbal errors will reveal the fact that she has found the body.

Ran Ya's time at Fan Yuantang's house is equivalent to a buffer. After she can control her emotions, she will be able to get along with Lao Wang alone.

Qian Cangyi has already regarded Ran Ya as an ally, at least, until Ran Ya's body is discovered, he will not change this idea for the time being.

"Well, listen to you." Ran Ya nodded.

The two walked towards Fan Yuantang's house.

As soon as Qiancang turned the key, he opened the anti-theft door. After walking through the hall, he saw Fan Yuantang sitting on the sofa.

Fan Yuantang turned his head, his eyes were smiling, but after seeing Qian Cangyi's left face, his smile suddenly stiffened on his face, he asked:

"Liang Ping, what's the matter with your face? Who hit you?"

Qiancang had already figured out how to answer, and he replied:

"No~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I accidentally fell."

Although he said so, his tone seemed to have been greatly wronged.

"Tsk, Liang Ping, don't want to lie to Grandpa, can this injury come from a fall?" Fan Yuantang was full of expressions and expressions.

Qiancang turned his head and glanced at Ran Ya.

Before the corpse was announced, Lao Wang was Ran Ya's grandfather, and Fan Yuantang and Lao Wang knew each other, so it was impossible for this matter to be a big deal.

In that case, Qiancangyi might as well suppress this matter, anyway, his purpose is only to score.

When he was on the road just now, he had asked Ran Ya to talk about this matter.

"My grandpa played it!" Ran Ya stepped forward.

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