Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1344: I want to play a game with you

How did Fan Yuantang die? What did you see before you died?

Qiancang Yi felt his heart beating involuntarily, and at the same time, he easily turned off the light of the helmet light above his head to make the picture easier to see.

As the scene presented by the white light became clearer and clearer, the entire attic became quieter and colder, and there seemed to be a trace of cold air flowing in the attic.

In the white light, the desolate scene of Fuluo Village appeared, and then the screen turned left and right.

This is Fan Yuantang's first perspective.

The road in the picture is a bit run-down, with weeds growing on both sides, plants have begun to occupy the site, and the wild cats that occasionally jump out swaying across the road with mice in their hands, not afraid of humans, as if this is their site.

Not long after, about ten seconds, an intersection appeared in front of him, and Fan Yuantang stopped when he reached the intersection.

Then, he started to check left and right, then turned left, walked for a while, crossed the road, and then turned right into a deep alley.

The deep alleys are slightly different from other alleys. Because the population decreases year by year, the alleys in the remote areas of Fuluo Village are mostly covered with weeds and wild cats. However, the deep alleys are different. The roads are clean and tidy. I couldn't see any weeds and wild cats, but there was no sign of anyone. It seemed that only the weeds and wild cats were reluctant to come, so I could keep it tidy.

Fan Yuantang continued to move forward. After that, the screen stopped and then turned to the right. In front of him, a green single-sided iron gate appeared in the screen.

The picture gradually zoomed in, and then a right hand stretched out to the doorknob, gently pulling the door open.

The inside of the door was pitch black and nothing could be seen.

The next second, the picture entered the door, and obviously, Fan Yuantang walked in.

At this point, the picture began to blur, the white light gradually dissipated, and the vision of the dead ended.

"Where did he go?"

Qiancang recalled the scene he saw in his mind.

"Depending on the situation, it seems very remote."

Qiancang took a deep breath.

There are few signs that can be used as reference in the picture, and it is almost difficult to distinguish.

At least for now, he has not found similarities in his memory.

The only thing that can be determined is that Fan Yuantang's death must be related to the green iron gate and the things behind the iron gate.

Qiancang let out a long sigh, even if the new clue is vague, it is better than no clue.

"Look for it tomorrow. There should be a map in Fuluo Village. Look at the degree of desolation. Maybe it's the surrounding area?"

After making the decision, he began to deal with the finishing touches. After all, Fan Yuantang, who sent Ran Ya home, could return at any time. Just in case, the sooner he left the attic, the better.

Moreover, the attic is not safe. Fan Yuantang in the black box acted strangely, as if he had come to life, but only had basic mobility.

This incident worries Qian Cangyi very much. He is worried that the corpse in the black box will undergo new changes in the future, which cannot be estimated.

In addition, once the black box is opened by the fake Fan Yuantang, or simply boarding the attic, the traces in the attic will definitely reveal that someone has been to the attic and has done many things.

Considering that there are corpses in the black box in the attic, the corpse in the black box must be inspected. In this way, it is inevitable that the corpse will be exposed.

Boarding the attic is like a switch, as long as any clues are found, Qiancangyi will eventually be exposed.

Therefore, Qiancangyi must solve the mystery of Fuluo Village before Fan Yuantang pays attention to the attic.

The idea of ​​making Fan Yuantang think that he is forgetful is no longer feasible.

As soon as Qiancang handled everything properly, he left the attic and returned to the bedroom belonging to Liang Ping, and began to prepare for the next step.

What Fan Yuantang said earlier caught his attention.

Memory is the key. It cannot be said that Pharaoh has "bad memory". On the other hand, does it mean that Pharaoh has good memory? That being the case, why not test it, maybe Pharaoh's memory is indeed very good, and it is terribly good!

Considering the relationship between Qiancangyi and Lao Wang, it is naturally impossible to test Lao Wang, but he can test Fan Yuantang.

Just yesterday Fan Yuantang said that he would help Qian Cangyi arrange Liang Ping's summer homework. This was his opportunity.

As soon as Qiancang sat at his desk, he organized Liang Ping's summer homework into a list.

After that, he began to think about the method of testing memory and how to integrate into Liang Ping's identity.

Directly expressing the need to test Fan Yuantang’s memory is likely to cause counter-effects. It is best to combine it with homework and games so that Fan Yuantang does not realize that he is being tested.

About ten minutes later, the sound of closing the door came downstairs.

As soon as Qiancang knew, Fan Yuantang had returned.

In the next second, Fan Yuantang's vigorous voice came, "Liang Ping!"

"Eh!" Qiancang ran out.

"Come here, I bought you some fruit on the way, including apples and bananas." Fan Yuantang lifted the black bag in his hand, "By the way, Liang Ping, what are you doing? You didn't even play games."

"I'm doing summer homework." Qian Cangyi took the fruit bag.

"Oh, Liang Ping, you don't need to be so rushed. Take a good rest tonight, and you can do it tomorrow." Fan Yuantang nodded first, and then saw the injury on Qiancang's face, so he asked for a postponement of homework. Suggestions.

"Grandpa, I won't wait for me for the exam. Besides, this difficulty is nothing to me." Qiancang refused naturally. Liang Ping had a lot of time, but he didn't.

"Right..." At this point, Fan Yuantang frowned, "Forget it, arrange your last night first, and I'll talk about it tomorrow."

"What's the matter? Grandpa." As soon as Qian Cang was a little curious, his eyes began to change.

"Tomorrow, let me tell you." Fan Yuantang pushed Qiancangyi, "Let me take a look at your summer homework first."

The two came to Liang Ping's bedroom.

As soon as Qiancang took out the homework list, Fan Yuantang began to arrange it.

What you do and how much you do on a given day are all written in your notebook.

Evenly distributed, there are not many summer homework to do every day.

When Qiancang saw that the time was right, he asked, "Grandpa, do you want me to apologize to Grandpa Wang?"

"Huh?" Fan Yuantang was stunned and asked, "How do you know?"

How could I not know?

Qian Cangyi said in his heart ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Since Fan Yuantang and Lao Wang both have corpses, they are almost the same kind, and it is normal for the same kind to help each other.

"I don't want to apologize." Qian Cangyi already had an idea in his mind.

"Liang Ping, listen to Grandpa--" When Fan Yuantang said this, he was interrupted by Qiancang.

"--However, Grandpa, if you promise me something, I'll apologize." Qian Cang smiled at the corner of his eyes.

"What's the matter?" Fan Yuantang asked, his expression lightened a lot.

"Grandpa, I want to play a game with you." Qian Cangyi put his right hand on the table, his body sideways, and his left hand took out the square card he had prepared.

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