Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1345: Method of testing

The square cards have been drawn with grids of equal size, and each grid has a natural number written in it.

This is the memory test method that Qiancangyi knows about. The numbers in the grid are arranged in a 7x7 pattern from 1 to 49.

However, the sorting of numbers is completely disrupted, that is, the first grid in the upper left corner is not 1, and the last grid in the lower right corner is not 49, and the sorting of numbers is not regular.

The test method is very simple. Show the square card to Fan Yuantang. The time is 20 seconds. During these 20 seconds, Fan Yuantang needs to record the correct association between the grid and the number. Then, in a blank card, it will correspond to the grid. Write out the numbers.

For ordinary people, the 7x7 grid is the upper limit. If you want to be higher, you must be a genius or have special practice. Because of what Fan Yuantang said before, Qiancangyi started the test directly from 7x7.

If it fails, then reduce it to a 6x6 card, or lower. In this case, Fan Yuantang's memory is not outstanding, and there is a clear conflict with what he said before. "Forgetfulness" is not impossible.

If it can pass, and it is easy for Fan Yuantang, it means that Fan Yuantang's memory is indeed abnormal. Assuming that larger tables can pass, such as a 9x9 grid, then the situation becomes interesting.

"Game?" Fan Yuantang leaned back, his eyes widened, quite surprised.

"Yeah." Qian Cang nodded with a smile.

"Liang Ping, you mean that as long as you play this game, you promised me to apologize to Lao Wang tomorrow?" Fan Yuantang confirmed again.

"Yes, but if you can pass, Grandpa, I will definitely apologize. If it doesn't pass, I have to think about it again." Qian Cang looked at Fan Yuantang's eyes and his voice was steady.

"Okay, how do you play?" Fan Yuantang shook his right hand and knocked off the table.

Qiancang smiled and began to introduce the rules of the game to Fan Yuantang:

"Grandpa, look, there are 49 numbers on it. I will give you 20 seconds to write down the numbers on the card. After that, I will take back the card with the numbers and give you another one. Fill in the card with the number, and grandpa, you need to write the number you just wrote down in the grid corresponding to the blank card."

"Isn't it easy? This is a game my classmates played with me before. I think it's quite interesting."

After speaking, he covered the card with the number on the table and held it down with his hand.

Fan Yuantang looked at Qian Cangyi's palm and asked:

"Liang Ping, this is the game you are talking about?"

He smiled, indifferently.

"It will be tested three times in total, grandpa, how do you feel?" Qian Cangyi can't wait to see what Fan Yuantang's memory is.

"I'm fine." Fan Yuantang's tone was very casual.

"Let's start then!" Qiancang looked at the second hand on the alarm clock, and when he approached the number 12, he handed the card with the number to Fan Yuantang.

Fan Yuantang took the card and carefully looked at the numbers on the card.

During the whole process, Qian Cangyi did not relax his vigilance. He kept staring at Fan Yuantang without missing any details.

About ten seconds later, Fan Yuantang moved his gaze away from the card, then closed his eyes and thought for a while, then handed the card directly to Qiancangyi, "Grandpa has already written it down."

"Wow, really?" Qian Cangyi pretended to be surprised.

This situation was in his expectation.

"Of course it is true, Grandpa didn't lie to you." Fan Yuantang nodded heavily.

Qiancangyi handed the blank card and black signature pen to Fan Yuantang, "I have to write it down."

Fan Yuantang took the card and pen, lay down on the table and began to write. When he first started writing, he was stopped by Qiancang.

"Wait a minute, Grandpa, start writing from 1, you have to follow the order of numbers." Qiancangyi added a condition, and at the same time, he put the card with numbers in his pocket to prevent peeking.

Facing the temporary increase of the rules, Fan Yuantang did not care. He moved the signature pen with his right hand and wrote the number 1 in the bottom left box. After that, the tip of the signature pen moved to the box in the upper right corner of the card and wrote the number 2. .

Qiancang watched this scene silently, thinking about the next step in his heart, and at the same time becoming more and more worried about the time bomb in the attic.

Once Fan Yuantang climbed up to the attic, the fact that someone had been in the attic would definitely be exposed. However, there is a prerequisite for this, and that is in the past few days.

As time goes by, the exposure of the money warehouse will become lower and lower. The reason is that there is a lot of dust in the attic itself. As long as it is longer and does not go up in the near future, the dust will cover the ground again.

After about a minute, each of the blank cards was filled with numbers.

As soon as Qiancang looked at the numbers on the blank card, he reached into his pocket with his right hand and took out the original card.

"Let me check." He began to compare the numbers on the two cards.

It's exactly the same!

From 1 to 49, the number corresponds exactly to the position of the grid.

In fact, in the process of writing, the sequence is exactly the same.

Qiancang couldn't help taking a deep breath and started the second round of testing. Each of the 8x8 cards had the same preparation time of 20 seconds.

In the second round of testing, Fan Yuantang also passed, and it was equally easy.

According to the original plan, the third round of testing began, this time he temporarily added another rule.

"Grandpa, you have a good memory!" Qian Cangyi gave a thumbs up with his right hand. "However, I feel this is too easy for you, Grandpa. I want to make it more difficult. I saw it in an after-school reading before So, grandpa, can you fill in the grid after all 81 numbers have the root sign? Just take 1 decimal place."

Because Liang Ping was only in the fifth grade, Qian Cangyi used the term of extracurricular readings.

The reason why he temporarily added such a condition was to try Fan Yuantang's computing power.

With this step, Fan Yuantang's real situation can basically be forced out.

If Fan Yuantang's computing power is also quite strong, Qian Cangyi will probably once again seriously consider escaping from Fuluo Village.

"Huh?" Fan Yuantang frowned, very embarrassed by the sudden increase.

Qiancang's eyes lit up, "What's the matter? Grandpa."

"Liang Ping, this is too difficult. Grandpa can't do it." Fan Yuantang shook his head and put the pen down, seemingly unwilling to even try.

"That's it..." Qiancang rolled his eyes and smiled at the corners of his mouth, "It's okay to write to the root number 20."

Fan Yuantang still shook his head~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and didn't mean to lift a pen.

"What about the root number 10?" Qian Cangyi opened his eyes wide, with an expression on his face looking forward to it.

"No, Liang Ping, why do you add rules temporarily? No, it's too difficult." Fan Yuantang shook his head repeatedly.

Qiancang fell into thought as soon as he looked at the night outside the window.

Could this be the reason why they can't be tolerated that they have a bad memory? Their only self-confidence is their memory.

Thinking of this, Qian Cang blinked his eyes and turned his attention to Fan Yuantang.

"Grandpa, I think this game is too easy for you, so I temporarily added a rule." Qiancang put all the cards away, then he sighed and turned to look at Fan Yuantang, "I also want to have Grandpa, you have such a good memory, can you teach me, Grandpa?"

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