Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1369: Successful promotion

【Name: Qiancangyi】

[Code: Cang Yi]

[Participating in the movie: "Forgetful"]

[Movie Type: Advanced Movie]

[Actor Rating: 86 Points]

[Promotion movie passed! 】

[Actor Qiancangyi is promoted to a third-line actor, and the upper limit of the special item carrying column is increased by 1. Please check with the agent for the permission of the actor level. 】

[The promotion movie reward has been sent, the score is 86 points, and the reward is 10.5% of the upper limit of vitality. 】

[Promotional movie rewards special props, Shi Yi Ling's mask, this special prop does not occupy the special prop carrying column. 】

【Acquired reputation value: 5000】

[Message from the agent: I wish good luck and a long life! 】

Seeing the last time, Qiancang almost sprayed water. He didn't expect that an agent would suddenly come to send a message. It was too much of a drama, not to mention the phrase "Long Lives a Hundred Years" in it.

It is a normal blessing to watch it as an ordinary person, but watching it as an actor in a **** movie is more like a satire.

Qiancangyi collected the assessment form, and the team members returning from **** sent congratulatory messages.

[Shadow play: Congratulations! 】

[Qian Jiangyue: Not bad, are there any new discoveries? Come share it. 】

[Small Diamond Wind: Congratulations. 】

As for Hawkeye and Fable, they are not online.

The fable is not online, Qiancang feels normal, but Eagle Eye is not online, the situation is a bit strange.

The development of the main world has been able to meet most of the needs of the actors, and even one month's rest time can stay in the main world.

Because Hawkeye forcibly uses the power of Cursed Doll to help him do things, the real world is also dangerous, and the real world is not a movie world, and will not finish everything after completing a specific goal and leaving. Therefore, Hawkeye has been staying in the main world recently. .

After replying one by one, Qian Cangyi said that he needed to rest. If there is nothing urgent, wait for him to go online before talking.

After leaving the main world, he sat at the desk with his hands behind his head, and scenes from "Forgetfulness" flashed through his mind.

"Is it true that what I experienced is true, or the last scene I saw is true? There is a very simple way to tell, just go to Fuluo Village to see it."

"Are the villagers whose bodies have been ascended to heaven are still alive? If they are alive, it is Liang Ping's own problem. If it disappears, it means that the last picture seen is fake, and it is a modified memory that controls Shi Yiling's existence."

"The problem is that the Hell movie does not give the situation of Fu Luo Village, and it is impossible to judge from the final diagnosis and treatment. After all, Liang Ping's mother may also be controlled."

"It seems to be deliberate."

In this regard, Qiancangyi didn't want to deliberately pursue a specific answer.

The films provided by Hell Movies have never been a story of justice over evil. Although the characters arranged are all on the right side, Qian Cangyi is more inclined to the justice side and the weaker side, so the Hell Movies are arranged like this.

The garden outside the window has been renovated.

After living in the villa, Qiancang felt that his mentality in his leisure time was much better, and his anxiety was relieved a lot. Suddenly, he remembered that the money in the black card was not given out all at once. After every official and above film was over , Can also automatically get a sum of money.

"6.66 million?" Qian Cangyi raised his right eyebrow and couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth.

The feeling of being rich... is so good.

"What skills are you good to learn? Flying a helicopter?" Qiancang put an elbow on the table, his palm straightened, and his fingertips touched his nose.


A few days later, as soon as Qiancang boarded the main world, he happened to be alone. He first checked the gift of special props, Shi Yiling's mask.

[Item Name: Shi Yi Ling's Mask]

【Category: Function】

[Effect description: After use, the actor's own memory can be deleted. The scope of deletion is limited to the movie world participating in the performance. The specific scope can be determined by yourself, but it cannot be divided into multiple segments. The deleted memory will be restored after the movie ends. 】

[How to use: just wear it]

[Use object: self]

[Available times: 1 time]

[Whether to occupy the special item carrying bar: No]

【Payment required for redemption: 8000】

[Whether it is recyclable: not recyclable]

The image of Shi Yiling's mask is Shi Yiling's face. His pale face has three pairs of eyes, without eyebrows, nose, or ears, and his lips are tightly closed.

After reading the Qiancang, he noticed the item "Whether to occupy the special item carrying column". For most of the special items, this column is written as YES.

After getting used to it, I will hardly care about this. However, this special prop is written. If the actor has enough strength, he can even deliberately accumulate such special props and directly use the special props to smash them when they are promoted to the movie.

Although it is difficult, the possibility is not zero.

"Delete memory... there may be special props for exploring memory."

Qiancang always went to the **** store.

In the familiar cabin, Xiaoma is still sitting in the rocking chair, her black cloak has more gold threads than last time.

"Special item carrying bar, 1000 pieces of remuneration." After seeing Qiancangyi, the little lady said directly.

As soon as Qiancang did not grind, he directly handed over the payment, and then took out the Shi Yi Ling mask.

However, before he spoke, the little wife already knew what he thought, "I'm not selling here."

Faced with this situation, Qiancang suddenly felt very weird. Although Xiaotai's attitude was very bad before, she would suggest consumption in various ways, but now, Xiaotai seems to be no longer interested in his pay.

Is it because I asked him to deal with Hawkeye's things that made him angry? Isn't it?

Qiancang first looked at Xiaoma, then he put his right hand in front of his mouth and said:

"Ahem, I want to see if there are any suitable special items. You should have new items here, right?"

Xiaoma didn't answer, the green flames in her eyes were beating strangely.

"Or, draw a prize?" Qiancang frowned.

Xiaotai stood up and walked towards Qiancang.

Qiancang took a step back in consciousness.

I don't know when, Xiaotai has an ancient book with a blue cover in his hand.

"this is……"

Suddenly, the previous picture came to mind, Qiancang immediately checked his inventory to confirm whether it was consistent with his guess ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In the inventory, he had been lying quietly and didn't touch the presence of items very much. , Has disappeared.

The ancient book in the hands of Xiaotai is the entrance ticket to the large-scale team movie "The Funeral of the Sun".

"The journey back from **** has been designated to participate, but there is still some time. If you can advance, hurry up and advance."

"I received news that there will be big moves in the near future, try to survive."

Having said that, Xiaotai turned and walked towards the black mist, and after a few steps, he stopped a few steps.

"You didn't go wrong, but there is only one fruit. Whoever gets it will be the winner."

After speaking, his figure was swallowed by the black mist, leaving only the rocking chair still swaying slowly.

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