Horror Studio

: Written at the end of volume 17

Hello, everyone, I'm seeing you again.

Recently, Ayou found a writing guide book on fantasy novels, and personally feel that he has gained a lot.

Why do you say this way? The main point is that it fits the current situation of the book very well.

Any novel is divided into three parts: the opening-the dark and gloomy middle part-the climax (end).

Currently, the book is in the dark and gloomy middle part. How dark is it? Probably the black hole is so dark that you can't see the light. Of course, the darkness in the instruction book simply refers to the writing aspect, but the darkness here is also mixed with other reasons.

Simply put, it can be attributed to internal, external and practical reasons.

Internal cause refers to the problems encountered in the writing process. I will talk about it below, and I will only talk about this aspect.

For external reasons, the external pressure that the book type itself faces, not much to say, the supernatural is dead, and the suspense is standing!

For practical reasons, I can only say...Life is so **** fucking.

So, let’s talk about internal factors, which are the ones that have the closest relationship with everyone.

If the whole book is likened to a castle, then the beginning of the chapter is to build the castle from the first brick, regardless of the previous foreshadowing. The author is full of enthusiasm.

The ending (climax) is to cover the last brick. The author can see the end and feel excited.

The middle part lies between the two. It is the most difficult and complicated part of the process of building a castle, and it is also the part that takes the longest time. However, there can be no surprises and excitement in building a castle, but writing is not good.

Therefore, change to a more appropriate metaphor, for example, amusement projects.

If it is likened to a swamp tour project, then the author is a guide who leads the way, and the reader is a passenger sitting on a skateboard.

The reader's purpose is very clear, want to have a pleasant journey while passing through the swamp, and what the author has to do is to take the reader through the swamp, and at the same time make the reader always willing to sit on the skateboard.

If the reader feels boring (taste) of the target, he will choose to leave; if the reader steps in the pit (poison spot), he will also leave; if the reader finds himself staying in place (water), or in a circle, Will also choose to leave.

An experienced author can usually handle this.

When readers feel boring, they will take a long journey and take them to see the elves in the swamp, the seven-colored flowers, and the skeletons with green light, so that the readers will regain their interest, temporarily forget the boring journey, and are willing to continue sitting on the skateboard on. Moreover, in this process, the author will always lead the reader towards the goal, only occasionally reminding where the goal is and how far it is, and at the same time avoiding big holes on the road.

Finally, when the reader stands at the end and recalls the entire journey, there is not only a sense of accomplishment through the swamp, but also various twists and turns on the way.

What a satisfying journey! Readers will think so.

And inexperienced authors will have various problems.

Because they saw that readers liked elves, they led the readers to search for elves in the swamp, and ended up missing the most important goal. In fact, the readers were not interested in elves. Later, the readers chose to leave; or because they were worried that the readers might meet halfway Not interested in the goal, so he rushed all the way to the goal. Readers feel like they are riding a roller coaster. From start to finish, they are worried about whether they will fall into the swamp and are not in the mood to appreciate the scenery along the way. Some authors forget where the goal is. , Turn blindly...

Ayou, belongs to an inexperienced author.

The journey is currently proceeding at a very slow speed, so slow that even I have forgotten something.

Where does my hero (protagonist) want to go? What do you want to do? What is his goal? Is he working hard for his goal?

In the words of the instruction book:

A lost writer no longer controls the conflict structure, allows the conflict to turn into a circle or completely collapses, and allows the characters to only talk aimlessly. Because they are traveling section by section, they are always on an unimportant task. They procrastinated and slowed down the storyline, dragged the incident too far, leading to total loss in the dark swamp.

Of course, having said so much, there may be readers who want to ask, "What on earth do you want to say?"

To put it simply, I am "Cavin" because of the weak connection between the sub-volumes of the infinite stream, which is like a clear terminal, so until now, the readers' interest can be maintained, but it is also because of the infinite stream. , So that I can not reach the end smoothly.

There are many reasons for the current predicament, and I will not elaborate on them one by one.

Instead of entangled in the cause of the problem (actually it does need to be entangled, but it is the author’s entanglement, not the reader), it is better to think about how to solve the current dilemma.

After clarifying the situation of the problem, the solution is ready to come out.

Since he has been lost in the swamp for too long, the remaining time is naturally to rush to the end as soon as possible.

In the world of fiction, the number of words represents importance, so there are many problems in doing so, such as top-heavy, digging holes and not filling them, etc., but there is no doubt that this is the best and only solution at present.

If this is not the case, it won’t be long before the result is only one, and the person and the car will turn over in the swamp, and will never reach the end.

I do not like this.

The novel should have a dramatic ending.

What's more, I am writing a commercial fantasy novel. Therefore, the protagonist should succeed after going through so many hardships, should achieve his goals, and realize his dreams, otherwise the result is no different from "rollover".

Since this matter is published in a separate chapter, it is set, that is, the objection is invalid (haha).

Next, let’s talk about the first two volumes. The first volume is about the factory. When I wrote it, I was thinking about whether it would be harmonized. Now it doesn’t seem to be the case. Of course, is it true that the content does not violate the rules or whether the results are too bad and no one pays attention ( Laugh), I don't know.

Although the beginning was a little suspenseful and supernatural, it basically turned into a battle later, so the last volume, the volume of "Forgetfulness", paid special attention to this point.

Regarding the ending of the volume of "Forgetfulness", perhaps readers still don't understand which one is the truth.

I want to say that suspense novels always leave a little suspense unrevealed, and what I want is this effect.

There may be readers who think that Cavan is a question of inspiration. In fact, I want to say that no author lacks inspiration. What they lack is stories that readers are interested in, and ways to show them that excite readers.

In fact, there are many ideas. I collected a bunch of them in my writing software, and I will give you two examples.

In cafeterias, ghosts are hidden in the food, and customers other than actors are treated as cannon fodder. The more people die, the more powerful the ghost. At the beginning, the reader definitely wanted to investigate one by one. You can follow this line of thought. Going further, set the ghost to a mixture of several foods to appear. The way to crack is to use other foods. Of course, some of them must be set. Wrong wires, add some haunted plots of going to the toilet.

Or set up a doomsday scene. Humans must stay in tall buildings. Ghosts will appear on the lower floors. Humans can only be connected by a flying device and a bridge between two tall buildings. Something happened during this period. The actors need to go downstairs to save people or deal with it. Some things, and then continue to explore downward. Of course, this range is too wide, there are too many words in the expansion, and the writing is not expanded and the writing is not clear, and it is basically not used.

There are ideas, but when I write, I always feel tied and unable to use them. I can only let the protagonist advance little by little. The reason is that the subject matter itself and the type are too restrictive to create suspense and horror (crossed out) ) Feeling ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ And it is mainly to be calm and handsome, love to think, but also to feel the horror, and be scared, really can't do it!

In addition, it is a net article, and the perspective of the protagonist needs to be maintained at all times, and the protagonist is immortal...

Of course, it’s not wrong to say that I’m not good at pen. I admit that I can’t control it. Maybe someone can control it, but I just don’t know if he can write this subject. No, even if I want to write, I can’t write it (hehehe).

In short, after talking so much and going around a few times, I actually want to say one thing, the book is about to end, movies that don’t matter much, you can jump as long as you can, 20 volumes or something, it’s just an expectation, what everyone should know It is a "force majeure factor".

Then, please look forward to Qiancangyi's wonderful performance.

"Who didn't crawl out of the dead?"

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