Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1440: Way out

The vampires who ambush in advance are gradually approaching. They have used this method to kill many actors. Of course, they have also lost a lot of people themselves, but at the root of all, they have lost "people". Whether it is a low-level vampire or an actor, or some ordinary people who die, they are essentially human beings.

   "If I count to 3, you throw it away." Qian Jiangyue said to the shadow puppet show.

   "Hmm." The shadow play nodded.

"The plan is very simple. You will cover us with a grenades, and then you will use your skills to come over, but there is one thing you should pay attention to. We may not have time to wait for you. We will blow up the exit when we reach the exit, so you have to hurry up." Qian Jiangyue exhorted.

   "Don't worry, no problem." The shadow play is full of confidence.

   "You are ready." Qian Jiangyue looked around, and after confirming that no one had commented, he started counting, "1,2...3!"

   The shadow play opened the grip of the grenade and threw it upward with his right hand. Qian Jiangyue and his party ran out directly. Except for Qi Yue, the slowest runner, who needed a little help, the rest were as if they were participating in the 100-meter race. Even with backpacks on their backs, they were not slow at all. After all, if you are an actor There is really something far more than ordinary people, there is no doubt that it is escape.

The surrounding vampires turned their guns and aimed them at the actors who fled from the back of the bunker, but at the same time, the grenade exploded and a huge wave of air swept through the cave. The explosion sounded constantly in the cave. All the vampires who came to besiege were lying. On the ground, two-thirds of his body began to burn, apparently dead.

   "So powerful?" The shadow play felt a ringing in his ears.

In order to cover the teammates, the shadow play took out the remaining two grenades, pulled out the pull ring, and threw both left and right hands out at the same time. This time, they threw farther, even closer to the waste bunker where the vampire was hiding. Then, she ran from behind the bunker. Out, amid the huge explosion of the grenade, rushed towards the exit.

   On the other side, as soon as Qiancang ran ahead, he rushed directly into the hole**, sparse gunfire came from a distance, but the distance was too far, and the bullets hit the wall. He rushed into the cave, and quickly turned on the helmet light. The light of the flashlight and the light of the helmet light gave a clear view of the narrow cave. However, he did not relax his vigilance, nor did he stand where he was waiting, but continued to run forward. .

   There may be an ambush inside.

   With this idea, Qian Cangyi intends to clear the obstacles.

   A few seconds later, the rest of the actors came to the cave one after another, Qian Jiangyue stopped, took out the grenade from his backpack, "Come here!" He turned his head and shouted at the shadow puppet show.

   After the air wave, the vampire fired again, and this time it was more violent than before. There were even machine guns. The bullets poured out like a flood, almost impossible to avoid. As long as ordinary people were wiped, their lives would be lost here.

   Vampire reinforcements have come to support.

   In the process of running in the shadow puppet show, her body seemed to melt. She penetrated into the shadow, and the speed of her hiding in the shadow did not decrease, but a few minutes faster.

   Qian Jiangyue waved his left hand backward, and said to the person behind him: "Hide away."

After that, he backed up a few steps and put his left hand on the pull ring, ready to pull it away. After seeing the fast-moving figure on the ground, he pulled the pull ring away, threw it at the entrance of the hole, and then immediately turned back and ran away. A few seconds later, behind him was burning hot. There was a wave of air that almost overturned him. He stumbled and stopped to stabilize his body. When he bowed his head, he just saw the shadow of the shadow puppet sliding past him.

   "I'm dizzy, why are you faster than me." Qian Jiangyue couldn't help but complain.

   The cave began to collapse, and the stones fell as if agreed upon, and at the same time, they completely blocked the entrance, but the collapse did not stop and continued.

   Qian Jiangyue did not look back. After taking a deep breath, he continued to run forward. He slowed down until he saw his teammates gathered in front of the hole.

   "How did you stop?" Qian Jiangyue asked. At the same time, a huge boulder fell five meters behind him, completely sealing the way back.

   Xiao Zuifeng turned around and said, "The road ahead is not easy, but it's not a dead end."

   "Huh?" Qian Jiangyue stepped forward and stretched his head to look.

   There is a bottomless abyss ahead, and they, trapped in place, can only think of an unusual way if they want to leave.

   Qian Jiangyue looked at Hawkeye and asked, "Don't you have a'flight attendant'? Let it take us, we are almost squeezed, let the fable hang outside."

   "Hello." The fable immediately disputed.

   "No, there is no place to stay, the flight attendant can't get out." Hawkeye shook his head.

   "Is there any other way?" Qian Jiangyue stretched out his hands, and suddenly, he found that everyone around him was looking at him, "How do I feel..."

A few minutes later.

   Qian Jiangyue steps on the cliff with his left palm facing upwards, a chain extends from the palm to the cave above, and his right hand grasps the chain, and the whole person is moving downward little by little.

   At this time, he couldn't help but recall what Hawkeye said:

"I just saw it with Eagle Spirit. There is a foothold below, but it is far away. Your skills can ensure your own safety. When you get there, we will use your chain to pass. The only problem is that your skills can support it. Is it such a long distance?"

   "I will try." This is Qian Jiangyue's answer.

Since he is only the least dangerous, he can only do it. Therefore, now he will act like the protagonist of an action-adventure game, relying on a few supports on the cliffs, and using chains with hooks to force him where he can’t go. Pass, after arriving at the designated place, then fix the chain so that the actors behind can come directly through the chain.

After falling to the specified height, Qian Jiangyue began to move to the right, supported by the pulling force from above, he moved easily, until after turning a turn, because of the angle problem, the upper part could not provide pulling force, he had to rely on his own strength support.

   "Okay, it's okay over there, and the right foot should be reachable." Qian Jiangyue slowly stretched out her right foot and stepped on a hemispherical rock~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yes, it is very exciting. "

As the center of gravity gradually shifted, the weight of his body moved to his right foot. Then, he adjusted the position of his right foot and turned slowly, but it was counterproductive, and his right foot suddenly slipped down. Suddenly, all the weight of his body was pressed on the left half. Suddenly, it eventually caused the body to lose balance and fall downward.

Qiancang first class was pulling the black chain of his left hand on it, and he was not directly underneath at this time, so the whole figure seemed to be swinging, swinging to the left, swinging back and forth twice, finally stopped. .

   "Insanely." Qian Jiangyue stepped on the cliff with both feet, his heart rate has already exceeded the normal range, and the whole person was afraid for a while.

   "Are you okay?" Qiancangichi's voice came from above.

   "Pull me up!" Qian Jiangyue climbed up.

   A few minutes later, he returned to his original foothold. After his feet were down to the ground, he sat directly on the ground, and sweat dripped onto the ground.

   "Can you do it?" The fable took a step forward, stood up, arrogantly.

   "I can't, you can do it." Qian Jiangyue tilted her head and looked at the fable, with a sneer on her face.

   The fable's smile stiffened on his face, and he walked back calmly.

   "Will it work?" Qiancang asked.

   "It's a bit difficult, take a break and try again." Qian Jiangyue shook his head, and then he looked at Eagle Eye, "Can I use Eagle Spirit to determine the route first, it's very troublesome to find the destination, it's not a game."

  :. :

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