Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1441: 1 point camouflage

"No problem, but it takes some time." Hawkeye summoned the eagle spirit, and the bald eagle flew out of the darkness and landed on his shoulder, "...In addition, the distance may not be accurate, you can grasp it yourself."

   "OK." Qian Jiangyue nodded.

The eagle eye stretched out his right hand and allowed the eagle spirit to stand on his hand. Then, the eagle spirit spread its wings and flew out, but this time it was different from the last time. This time, the eagle spirit is close to the cliff and it takes more energy to control the eagle spirit. The general review before is too much.

After   , he took out his mobile phone, called up the drawing software, and then determined the location of the cliff that could be used as a supporting stone.

   It also consumes a lot of energy to control the eagle spirit and drawing at the same time. Hawkeye simply sits on the ground and draws slowly.

   Qian Jiangyue took out the mineral water from his backpack, unscrewed the bottle cap, and drank it.

   "Qi Yue, come here, I have something to tell you." Qiancang greeted Qi Yue and walked towards Dong**.

   Qi Yue had a face full of bewilderment, but he considered Qian Cangyi and the right to speak, as well as the face that was very similar to Ji Tianzong, and finally did not ask, but just walked over.

   "What's the matter?" Qi Yue asked.

   "What do you think are we people?" Qiancangyi raised a question.

"You? To be honest, I still believe you, but you talk very strange, you always say things I don't understand, and you don't call me when discussing things, I know I can't keep up with you, but after all I am the sun The heart, why is it useful? Uh, it’s far away. Anyway, I don’t think you are like people in this world. I can’t say that. I can only say that you are not ordinary people.” Qi Yue touched his chin with his right hand and fell into meditation.

"You guessed it." Qiancang nodded. "We are indeed not ordinary people. Strictly speaking, you are not ordinary people. Moreover, there is one thing I can tell you for sure. Those who can get here are also By no means ordinary people."

   Qi Yue blinked, without answering.

"What you have to do is very simple. Before the ultimate goal is achieved, you cannot let others discover the identity of your Sun Heart. Otherwise, we will not be able to protect you at all, and no one will be able to protect you. You will definitely become the center of the whirlpool. Therefore, if you want to live to the end, you now need to understand how to hide yourself and disguise your identity." Qiancang Yi placed his right hand on Qi Yue's shoulder.

   "Then...what should I do? Like you? I can't learn it." Qi Yue frowned, realizing that his situation might not be good.

   "First thing, give yourself a code name." Qiancang lowered his voice.

   "Code name?" Qi Yue repeated the word, "That's...Uh, what do you call each other? What code name should I use? What code name is better?"

   "Whatever, as long as it is not a serious person's name." Qian Cangyi said softly.

   "Then...just..." Qi Yue looked at the upper left corner and hesitated for two seconds before confirming his code name, "...let's call it Qilin."

"Kirin, yes." Qiancang nodded, "The second step, you have a special ability. Do you remember the broken pages I gave you? Don't tell others that your ability comes from the broken pages, but from yours. The soul, yourself, and, if you want, you can choose a name for this ability, but you don’t have to tell anyone, any name is fine."

   "Huh?" Qi Yue didn't quite understand.

"You don't need to understand, just remember this." Qian Cangyi wasn't sure how far Qi Yue's logical shielding was in the **** movie, but he knew that logical shielding had been affecting Qi Yue, otherwise Qi Yue would yell sooner. Run away, after all, Qi Yue couldn't see the actor's skills.

   "I...try my best, can I tell me the reason?" Qi Yue looked embarrassed, he raised his head and looked at Qian Cangyi, his eyes getting more and more confused.

"The third step, if someone tests you and asks you to watch or listen, and you don’t see or hear anything, you just tell them, “I’m from the movie world and I just became an actor”, use Answer them with this sentence, and then, don’t say anything else or explain, just say you don’t know.” Qian Cangyi slowed down when reciting key sentences and made sure Qi Yue’s attention was focused on him. .

   "Wh...what?" Qi Yue frowned into the word "Chuan", and his face was confused.

   "I repeat..." Qian Cangyi was very patient.

   About half an hour later.

"You repeat what I said, only the key points are fine." Qiancang sighed slightly. When discussing this matter, he was concerned about the effect of logical shielding. There are a few people around Qi Yue, and the invisible pressure from Hawkeye may make Qi Yue give up halfway.

"Uh... I will try again, how could I not remember this, the first is my name is Qilin, the second is that hiding in the wall is my skill, it has nothing to do with the broken pages, the third is that I was **** The movie was selected, but it didn't take long. By the way, I'm still a member of the movie world, right?" Qi Yue finished talking and looked at Qian Cangyi intently, with desire in his eyes.

Qiancang let out a "sigh" and the voice dragged on for a long time. Then, he nodded, "Okay, that's it." Then he turned around and walked towards the exit, "Come on, let me introduce you, Qilin! "Speaking, he turned his head ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ motioned for Qi Yue to come over.

   "Yo." Qian Jiangyue raised an eyebrow.

   "Yes, mythical beast." The fable began to applaud.

   "I don't think it's very good. The pronunciation of the first word of the code name and the last name are the same, it may be confused, or it is better to be completely different." Xiao Zuanfeng shook his head.

   "It doesn't matter to him." Jiang Ling expressed his opinion.

   "I think it's good." The shadow play showed a kind smile towards Qi Yue.

   "I remember it for a long time, it may not be useful, but it doesn't matter, how are you preparing?" Qiancang shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands.

"No problem, I'm about 80% sure. The route I took just now doesn't work. Look at this." Qian Jiangyue took out his mobile phone, and the map drawn by Eagle Eye had been sent to his mobile phone via Bluetooth. He pointed out Looking at the left side of the phone screen, "I just passed in a parallel way. You see, there is no road. In fact, I'm a few meters lower and then go around here. It's much easier."

   "Well, indeed, the difficulty has been lowered by one level." Qiancang nodded his head, turning his head to look at Hawkeye, and found that the latter was closing his eyes to rest.

   "He's tired, this kind of meticulous operation is very brain-intensive." Qian Jiangyue took a deep breath, "It's a pity, if Yingling can help me guide the way, I guess the success rate will be even higher."

"Then wait for Hawkeye..." Qiancang hadn't finished speaking, and another strange noise came from the direction of the collapse. He looked in the direction of the sound and found that the structure of the cave seemed to be unstable, "...you are still now It’s better to start!"

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