Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1583: serious

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Three injury transfers, the treatment effect is fast, plus it can treat other people and gain effects, although the cost performance is not high, but it is very suitable at the moment when the pay is sufficient. More importantly, it is not listed separately in the description of the injury transfer. In the case of limb disability, this means that even if the hand or foot is broken, or even the lower body disappears directly, it can be directly transferred. Counting this, it can prevent the occurrence of a situation where the limbs affect the movement when the need to experience multiple worlds.

After confirming one, Qiancang checked it again. He also planned to bring a special functional item with a choice between "risk-free" and "protective". The former can successfully avoid the situation of being besieged. The scope of application is wider. There is one column left, and he intends to buy a regular treatment item to deal with general situations. Since the pay is sufficient, he can purchase a "luxury item."

During the selection of special props, a brand new message appeared on the screen of the console, and the signature in the lower right corner was "Xiaotai", and the content read:

"How did it feel to be in contact with fans for the first time?"

Suddenly, Qiancang recalled the scene of yesterday. Since he participated in the movie, **** film has rescued him many times, but the scene of yesterday was completely different. The **** movie seemed to block the other party in a very formal way, instead of sneaking into it like before. He took it away.

"Is that a fan?"

Qian Cang frowned. He didn't expect that the first time he met his fans was such a scene. The eyes in the crack of the door and the black footprints full of oppression, no matter from which angle he thinks of it, he will be with the word "fan". It doesn't matter, even if there is, it is a "illegal meal" level, which can scare the celebrity to move that night.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door. It was light, but rhythmic. After three consecutive beeps, there was a pause, followed by three more beeps, continuously looping.

Qiancang turned his head and looked at the door, remembering the instructions of the **** movie:

Do not open the door at will!

Now combined with the news from the little wife, a scene suddenly appeared in his mind. An actor who had no idea about fans went to a foreign country alone and chose an ordinary hotel to stay. The tired star took a very relaxing night to rest, but he didn’t know that the rooms around him had already been advanced by fans who knew his itinerary. Make a reservation. After the celebrity came, these fans took a peek at the night, took a group photo at the door, and some squatted at the door, ready to give a hug at any time, or, the "paparazzi" in the high position has already taken a place. , Ready to record breaking news at any time.

The knock on the door became louder and louder, but Qiancang Yi still had no idea of ​​opening the door. There is no doubt that this room is definitely the safest place in an unmanned hotel.

Suddenly, the knocking outside the door disappeared, without any signs at all, as if losing interest.

Qiancang swallowed and licked his lower lip. Then, he put his hands on the console and after two clicks, he found that he could reply to Xiaoma's message.

He entered a few words, and after thinking about it, he still chose to cancel. Originally, he planned to ask "What did you say before?"

However, because Xiaotai’s performance has always been very unusual, although she is an agent, the relationship with the **** movie is only between the superior and the subordinate, not a completely controlled relationship. In fact, Xiaotai has been using her own Identity profit-making, and may even make transactions with other high-level existences. For example, the previous time Qiancang Yi was "forced" to participate in a small movie was a proof.

Based on this, Xiaotai specifically asked Wan Jie to leave a message, indicating that these words may not be suitable for public speaking.

Therefore, Qiancangyi revised the content of the question to:

"Not bad, what can you do with me?"

Even though I felt like I was dead for a lifetime, as an actor, it was not shameful to disguise myself for the sake of my own face.

"So confident? I came to you this time. No, it's called a call. I'm here to tell you something. The **** movie caught an inner ghost. Although it's still unclear what the inner ghost did, but "The Funeral of the Sun" It is absolutely related to it, and it has also made some arrangements that may cause you to force contact with the warning. The specifics are not yet clear. In short, be prepared."

Compared with the lightheartedness before, Xiaotai's remarks are extremely serious, even if they use a lot of vague words, but looking at the whole passage, plus the last sentence, it is basically concluded that this event will inevitably happen.

The warning club even has a back hand!

Qiancang Yi held the empty space on both sides of the console with both hands, his eyes fixed on the screen, several thoughts flashed in his mind, and then he sent another message.

"Are the other members on the way back from **** alive? Did they inform them of this incident?"

Since the previous movie was performed with Eagle Eye, it can be determined that Eagle Eye is alive, but Qian Jiangyue, shadow play, Xiao Zuanfeng and fables are not known at present, and may be able to learn about other people through Xiaotai.

"They are still alive, and they will be notified when they arrive at the rest stop." Xiaoma's answer was very brief ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Qiancang felt a little more relaxed when she saw it.

Suddenly, a loud noise came from the side and the door was opened. In the dark corridor, black fog gradually poured in and moved quickly in the direction of Qiancang Yi.

Qiancang turned his head to look at the black mist, and stepped back cautiously. The thing he had been worried about finally happened. As for the **** movie failed to protect this, you must know that the "fan" itself is a high-ranking existence at the same level as the **** movie, although it is confronted Just like an individual against a group, there is almost no chance of winning, but it is impossible for the **** movie to use all the power to protect him, and the "fans" can naturally find a way to break through.

The black fog is getting closer and closer, and it also carries a unique sound, like the sound of a dragonfly flapping its wings, which is not loud at first, but as the distance gets closer, the sound becomes stronger.

"Am I going to be the first actor to die tragically in the hands of fans?" Qian Cangyi used the time to lead the way. However, it had no effect. At least for the "fans" in front of him, his ability was a joke. .

Suddenly, plate-sized snowflakes appeared in the black fog, the snowflakes were crystal clear, and the tip exuded golden light, very beautiful. After the snowflake appeared, the black mist became entangled with it, continuously merging and separating, as if in a fight!

"Fans" are fighting!

This thought came to Qiancang's mind. At this moment, he glanced at the door, then at the "Hell Store", and then moved cautiously, after which he saw a message from Xiao Taixin appearing on the console:

Run now!

I'll change the special items for you, hurry up!

Seeing this message, Qiancang felt that the slots were full, but he also felt that Xiaoma’s words were very reasonable, so he had to put his back against the wall, in the entanglement of black fog and snowflakes, after a circle, slowly Slowly approach the door.

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