Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1584: gift

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Although Qiancangyi was extremely careful, he was discovered by a "fan" before reaching the door.

The black mist and snowflakes approached together, a few minutes faster than before.

Qiancang Yi's back was close to the wall, and he felt his heart seem to be jumping out of his throat. He had indeed thought about "fan meetings" before, and also considered what the scene would be. Based on his experience of watching TV programs and occasionally glimpses of videos, his "fans" may appear as human beings, which is equivalent to disguising. Everything else is the same as on TV, with a few bodyguards guarding him, and he As a star actor, although he wanted to shake hands with fans, he could only do his best to express his "thank you" because of the bodyguards blocking him-shaking hands with one or two fans, and then being dragged into the car by the bodyguards.

However, the situation now is completely different from what we imagined, or in other words, there is only one difference, that is, the bodyguards are useless, allowing fans to break through the line of defense. As for the handshake, Qiancang glanced at the dark fog and snowflakes. He firmly believed that he himself If you touch any of the black fog and snowflakes, it will either be corroded into a skeleton or an ice sculpture in an instant. These fans don't seem to be planning to shake hands with him, more like they want to make him a collectible.

In the next second, a red dot appeared in front of Qiancang. Then, the red dot rapidly expanded and rotated until it turned into a blood-red vortex, with a diameter of one person. Hell movies appear at critical moments.

Qiancang glanced at the Scarlet Vortex and found that the scene inside the coach could be seen in the center.

"Can you go directly to the coach?"

Qiancang's gaze focused on the black fog and snowflakes. He had no time to think about it. Although he was thinking about the surprise attack at the transfer station, it was definitely not the case at the moment, but the iconic black color of the end. Chain rain.

He bent his legs and leaped towards the **** vortex. After his upper body passed through the vortex, he saw the situation inside the coach. After confirming the situation, he made a decisive action and used the "double jump" to accelerate his lower body through the vortex.

The whirlpool closed the moment his feet left, intercepting the black fog and snowflakes trying to pass in the unmanned hotel.

A soft sound rang in the coach.

Qiancang lay on the ground on one side, gasping for breath, cold sweat on his back.


The engine sounded loudly, like a reminder of someone lying on the ground.

As soon as Qiancang got up, he held the back of the nearest chair with his right hand, and then sat down heavily.

The fan’s thing was recalled in his mind. A hidden idea gradually emerged, but he was immediately suppressed. Now, he does not intend to think about this issue, or that he dare not think about it in an "righteous" way. , The mind is not absolutely closed in front of **** movies, "Heart Time" has proved this.

Whether passionate fans are absolutely inaccessible, Qian Cangyi is not 100% sure, but he knows that if **** movies are not going to fulfill their promises, then, for him, there is only one way to go, but strictly speaking He doesn’t like accidents very much. Although accidents sometimes bring surprises and even get unexpected gains, in many cases accidents bring more risks. He is not a gambler, at least, it’s not worth it now. Go gamble.

With the passage of time, the heart rate gradually returned to normal, and the coach was still moving forward at a constant speed.

As soon as the money bin opened the car window, the probe looked back.

The tumbling mud rushed in with black mist and snowflakes, and the sphere formed by the mud was like a snowball on a snow-capped mountain, gathering and getting bigger. In a few seconds, the body was already a quarter bigger. According to At this speed, within ten seconds, the mud ball will catch up with the tourist car controlled by the **** movie.

"Really passionate..."

Qiancang stretched out his right hand and waved it, as if saying goodbye to the fans, and as if he was declaring that he had successfully escaped. However, in this situation, he was not sure what he was doing, and what was the meaning of waving.

He couldn't do anything about the struggle on this level, he could only wait for the situation to develop, and then take the opportunity to find a safe place to stay.

He retracted his head and looked around, only to catch a glimpse of a black photo album on the front left seat. Strangely, his photo was pasted on the cover of the photo album, but it was not a photo from a certain movie, but his real life. Photos in.

In the photo, he seemed to perceive something, and he was looking back, his eyes wary and worried.

For a while, he recalled the situation in his mind. It was a rest time after the performance of "Forgetfulness". During the running, his "intuition" kept reminding him that something was wrong, just like being ghosted in the movie world. Focusing on the same thing, but because it is the real world and no other special circumstances have been encountered, he has not done anything other than shortening the exercise time.

"It's not like what a **** movie would do, could it be..."

Qiancang opened his eyes wide and looked out the window, but this time, he didn't stick his head out again. An invisible suffocation entangled him. At this moment, he seemed to be strangling his throat by an invisible hand, almost unable to struggle.


I always feel that something is wrong. By the way, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~The arrangement of the **** movie, is this really not intentional? Is it a hint? Is it a threat?

Qiancang's pupils contracted, his breathing increased, and the possibility that he had already deduced countless times in his heart began to collide.

The coach is still moving forward, unaffected by the slightest impact.

Qiancang closed his eyes, emptied his brain, and took a deep breath. Then, he opened his eyes with a calm expression, and then stretched out his left hand to hold the album in his hand.

[It seems to be a gift that fans secretly put in the car last night. It can be stored in a separate special item carrying compartment, but it has no other effect and can only be viewed. 】

The hint of the **** movie sounded in my mind.

Qiancang Yi ignored it, pinched the album cover with his right index finger and thumb, and opened it gently.

At the top of the first page is a photo of him lying in bed sleeping. The shooting angle of the photo is on the ceiling and it is only the size of a post-it note. The content of the photo below is the same, but it is gradually getting closer. The next one is always better than the previous one. A little closer, only to the end of the page, the content of the shot is no longer the face, but the cells that have been continuously enlarged, the last one, and even the color-processed genes.

The entire group of photos are prying, even at the cellular and genetic level, Qian Cangyi still doesn't notice anything.

Sweat ran down his temples, Qiancang raised his right hand and wiped it lightly. After calming down his fears and worries, he turned to the second page.

There is no photo on the second page, but a hierarchical painting with a realistic style, but with a unique fantasy style. His face is drawn at the bottom of the painting. At this time, his eyes are looking out of the painting in horror, and his hands are swinging to the sides, as if he is retreating. There are special shadows around the eyes, which look like dark circles, as if the people inside. I haven't slept for 48 hours, but the red twisted lines in the shadows are like some kind of curse, a terrible curse that can't be avoided.

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