Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1585: Desuetude

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Behind the figure, the purple-black slowly extending outward burns like a flame. Above the flame, his head is still painted, but the angle is to look sideways, compared to the bottom bust, the face is sideways. The lines of the are thickened to a certain extent to make the face look tougher. It is worth mentioning that the eyes are part of the eye. The eyes in the picture below are frightened and afraid, but there are black flames burning in the eyes in the middle picture, although it is just a way of expression , But with the processing of the lines, it can be seen that although the "Cang Yi" in the middle looks calm as usual, but his heart has been ignited by anger. Although he does not know the reason for the anger, he wants to express exactly this meaning.

Qiancang stretched out his right hand and gently touched the picture in the middle. He felt a burning sensation in his hand. The emotion that accompanied the burning sensation was not anger, but determination.

He continued to look up. Behind the second picture, a golden light curtain was intermittently inserted among the white paper, looming, and the atmosphere of the whole painting suddenly became "sacred", changing from one style to another.

The third picture, which is the top picture, also shows his face. The person in the picture wears a green wreath with blue, purple, and red flowers dotted with a little vitality. However, this picture In the middle, the angle of the character is neither facing the outside of the album nor the picture with the side face in the middle, but between the two, with the character inside looking to the lower left.

The look in his eyes is neither fear nor determination, but a kind of compassion and compassion like a saint, giving people a sense of loneliness that has tried their best but still fails.

Qiancang frowned slightly. After seeing the top painting, he subconsciously rejected it. Although the person on it had the same face as him, he lacked humanity, not like a living person, but more like a character in the story, alienated. The feeling is too strong, and he doesn't like failure.

He hates failure.

After reading the second page, Qiancang Yi felt a sense of fatigue, as if he had gone through a battle, and was exhausted physically and mentally. However, he still resisted the exhaustion and continued to turn to the next page.

Compared with the first two pages, the content of the third page is much easier to understand.

For example, the first photo in the upper left corner is 1 inch in size and has a black background. His head is placed obliquely, his eyes are on the upper right, his eyes are wide open, his pupils are dilated, his complexion is blue, and his face looks like a dead end.

On the right, in the second photo, the head fell in the pothole, his eyes were horrified, his face was muddy, and his death was miserable. In the third photo, with an old face, half-white hair, closed eyes and tight lips, it seems unwilling, but helpless.

Most of the following photos are of the same content, some have a hole in the head of a steel pipe, some turn into a corpse, and some faces are covered with maggots.

Qiancang held back his stomach upset and turned to the next page. Even though he has seen many miserable deaths, when the protagonist of all the deaths is himself and displayed together in the form of a collection, his body still feels uncomfortable instinctively.

The content on the next page is the same, except that the photo is bigger, there is not much difference, there are more and more deaths, and more and more weird. Yes, there are white lines attached to the joints of the limbs, and the whole person is made into a puppet; some have three more eyes on the forehead, but their eyes do not have any charm, as if they are parasitized by alien creatures; some, the whole person is posted On a piece of paper, it becomes a two-dimensional creature, except that there is a big hole in the chest.

Qiancang swallowed and continued to turn the page. The situation remained the same in the new page.

Seeing this, he understood that this gift was essentially "Cang Yi’s 101 ways to die." In this regard, he had mixed feelings in his heart. If he was judged by the standard of "love to the depths of natural black", it would be obvious , The fans who left this album must love him "deeply".

Because there are too many ways to die, Qiancang speeds up the page turning speed. After a few pages, the content of the photo has changed and it becomes more difficult to understand.

In one of them, there is no image of him and no representative signs. There is only a string of pure numbers with different colors, the numbers from 0 to 9, pieced together like a code, and there are some separating spaces in the middle.

"Is it a message, a gift or something?"

As soon as Qian Cang didn't know, he tried homophonic and digital pinyin conversion, but he didn't get any meaningful words, so he turned the page again.

On the next page, he is sitting on the sofa with his legs apart, his hands on the backrest of the sofa, and a black remote control in his right hand.

Seeing this scene, Qiancang moved the album a little to adjust the angle of the light. He found that as the angle gets smaller, the person in the photo gets closer to the shadow formed by the dark fog, and there are two more around him. The shadow resembles a human shape, except that neither of these two shadows has a head. They have significantly more limbs than humans. The limbs of these two shadows are wrapped around the "Cang Yi" in the middle. Then, "Cang Yi" is in front of his right hand. Stretch out, press the remote control, and the photo suddenly turns to pure black.

"Wait~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Is this... any special peripheral?"

Qian Cangyi was not sure, but he did think of this in his mind. Moreover, making actors into peripheral sales is also very in line with the style of **** movies. However, fans deliberately put this thing on the last page, which is quite certain. The meaning of "spiritual connection with idols" is in it, although it actually causes "mental pollution", but for fans, Qian Cangyi's personal feelings do not seem to be important.

He continued to turn back and found that the album had reached the last page. Then, he put his head out the window and looked behind the coach. I don’t know when the fans have been thrown away by the **** movie. Only one passenger’s coach was alone. The wilderness moves forward, empty and desolate.

Ahead, the blood-colored vortex slowly emerged, quickly becoming larger, and in a few seconds, the coach would be swallowed by the vortex.

Qiancangyi received the album in the special prop carrying compartment opened by Hell Movie, took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled it.

Not surprisingly, the front is the entrance to the next movie world.

The short break is about to come to an end.

The warm sunlight passed through the window, illuminating the side face of Qiancang by the window, as if a layer of golden light, but the face on the other side was hidden in the shadow.

As soon as Qiancang looked ahead, his eyes were clear and bright. Then, he turned his head slightly, looked at the ground outside the window, and fell into deep thought.

As the distance approaches, the scarlet vortex swallows the coach, first at the front, then the body, and finally at the rear. When the coach disappears completely, the blood vortex shrinks rapidly until it disappears completely.

Darkness covers everything, and in the silent time and space, the boundary between life and death has also become blurred.

As soon as Qiancang felt that his consciousness was stretched and distorted, he could not think, remember, or resist. It was not until the cross-shaped starlight appeared in the dark that everything gradually returned to normal.

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