Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1621: Rain 2

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Hawkeye didn't answer the question of the fable, and he frowned slightly, sinking into contemplation.

Seeing Hawkeye's reaction, Fable knew that the question he was asking was indeed very inappropriate.

Just now, even if the enemy facing the Zodiac is alone, they can only attempt to kill at a long distance. Strictly speaking, if there is a division of labor between the three leaders of the admonition, the Zodiac should belong to the category of making suggestions, belonging to the military division. For the same role, you don't need to act on your own when you usually execute the plan. Naturally, you have your hands to do it. The warning will cause a large number of casualties, coupled with the poor communication in the dark forest, and the dangers caused by other high positions. The situation of the ecliptic can be described as the most unfavorable point, even if it is described as Huluopingyang.

The other two people, Fake New Year and Wuyou, are all alone, judging from their appearance and personal behavior, which also means that they are completely confident that they can deal with any problems alone.

"In theory, any actor, as long as he kills him before he reacts, doesn't need to deal with it head-on." Hawkeye gave his own answer.

"Impossible? Wuyou, how did you kill him ahead of time, we all can't perceive his existence." The fable spread out his hands, his face full of helplessness.

Hawkeye was about to speak. Suddenly, a picture from a different perspective flashed in front of him. It was a bird's eye view of the dark forest from the sky. This was the picture sent back by Steel Wings. In the picture, there was an unusual sight not far away. The light was flying quickly, and the target turned out to be the boulder where the two of them were standing now. After he reacted, he quickly raised his foot and kicked towards the fable, and at the same time threw the sunglasses aside with his right hand.

The fable did not expect that he would be kicked suddenly, and the whole person fell from the boulder, and at the same time, he screamed.

"Eh eh!"

The black sunglasses hit the tree trunk 5 meters away, and then fell on the fallen leaves on the ground. Hawkeye immediately activated the equipment effect, and the whole person instantly moved to the position of the sunglasses.

After doing all this, Hawkeye looked back at the boulder where the two of them had just stood. A sharp golden spear was inserted obliquely on the boulder. The head of the spear was completely submerged in the boulder. The tail of the spear vibrated at a high frequency, making a "hum" "Buzzing" sound.

"Can you locate this far?" Hawkeye turned his head and looked at the direction where the spear was flying, just in case, he ran to the woods behind.

In the gloomy sky, the steel wings and wings that are responsible for the alert contracted, dived down, and accurately positioned the fable, grabbed its wrist and flew to the eagle eye position. After reaching the destination, Steel Wings put down the fable, then turned and flew towards the boulder.

After the fable fell to the ground, his knees were bent to dissolve the impact. Then, he rubbed his **** and said to Hawkeye:

"Brother Eagle, just remind me next time, I can react, or be lighter."

After speaking, he patted the leaves on his body with his right hand.

"Keep the distance first, I'm worried that'he' will catch up." Hawkeye looked at the steel wings flying back, and reached out to catch the black suitcase and the sniper rifle. Then, he squatted on the ground and disassembled the sniper rifle. He said: "If he still hunts us down, find a way to kill him."

"Isn't he? He doesn't protect the zodiac, but chases us?" The fable glanced left and right.

"There is no protection method more effective than killing the enemy." Hawkeye looked up at the fable. "The purpose of the admonition meeting is to drag us all in the dark forest. Now we can't bypass the admonition meeting. It is better to let the fish in the sword first. Fight with them and wait until the situation reaches a critical point before taking action. Cang Yi and I have already exceeded the warning meeting, so there is no need to fight recklessly."

"I don't think so." The parable folded his hands on his chest. "I think the admonition is not just going to hold us down, I think the admonition is going to kill us all."

Hawkeye thought about this question carefully. After two seconds, he replied, "Are they in the dark forest? I'm afraid they are not so strong yet."

"The caveat will not only be the actors. "The End of the Land" will start ahead of schedule, and this time it will bring other actors to the same movie world. This is something that **** movies do not allow, but they can still do it, so I I think they may not just want to hold down other actors. After all, they are prone to accidents. Instead of worrying about when they will be overtaken, it is better to kill them all." The fable is serious and serious.

Hawkeye frowned slightly and blinked, then he closed the black suitcase and stood up.

"If this is the case, there is only one possibility. For the actors, there is only one exit from the dark forest. Only in this way can the admonition club do what you said. In other words, as long as we follow the admonition club, we will definitely find an exit. Let's go!"


In the dark forest, the zodiac is backed by the sturdy tree trunks, looking down at the reincarnation dream flower in his hand, the spiral petals seem to unfold a bit~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The color has become more vivid. There is a red mark on his forehead, exactly where he was hit by the bullet.

"The accuracy of a kilometer away, perhaps the accuracy of the firearm is very high, but it can't be reached without auxiliary aiming. From the intelligence of the investigation, it seems that Yuzhongjian does not have this actor. Remember in "The Funeral of the Sun" Among the members on the way back from **** is an actor named Hawkeye who is qualified, skilled in the use of firearms, and an eagle spirit who can be used as an auxiliary aim.

Having said that, the corners of Zodiac's mouth raised slightly and he chuckled. It seemed that this discovery did not make him feel that the situation was worse, but there were some surprises, like his previous conjectures were verified.

"If there is no needle rain to trap me, he should not have the shooting conditions, so don't worry, he should keep it for now. The value of his life is greater than that of death."

As soon as his words fell, the clouded sky again thundered, and soon, the next rain will come.

The ecliptic looked forward and moved slowly to the right until it fell on the trunk of an elm tree. In the next second, the trunk of the elm tree shook slightly. Then, the middle of the trunk was crushed into pieces by an unknown force. There are blood stains and minced meat.

"Did you run again..." Zodiac looked up at the sky and walked forward. After a while, he stopped and looked at the right side.

There is an unusual clearing in the dense forest. There is no weeds in the clearing and it is clean. However, in the middle of the clearing, there is a modern building incompatible with the forest—the entrance to the underground passage.

At this time, the rain of needles fell from the sky again, and after hitting the thick leaves, each drop of water turned into smaller needles to pierce the ground.

The Zodiac glanced, and there was no place to hide around, except for underground passages. He shielded Menghua with his right hand and walked towards the underground passage. Whether it was a trap or not, he had no choice.


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