Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1622: underground tunnel

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Zodiac stood in front of the underground passage, needle rain fell behind him, he shook his right hand, and looked at the underground passage at the same time.

The underground passage is about 3 meters wide. The gray marble steps extend to the ground. There are drains on both sides of the steps. The needle rain falling on the underground passage flows into the passage along the drains. There is no light at the bottom of the steps. Standing at the entrance and looking down, you can only see pitch black. Even though it is daytime, it is hardly helpful for lighting due to rain.

The zodiac's right hand turned left and right, and the powerful light came on from the wrist, shining into the underground passage.

The darkness was dissipated, and the place illuminated by the wrist lamp was covered with puddles, which reflected a scaly luster as the light swept across.

"A trap? Just wait here for the rain to stop."

The zodiac does not mean to start.

"In the case of Hawkeye, Nayun should have passed by and won't be sniped again...Huh?"

Having said that, he turned his head slightly and looked at the woods behind him. Because of the shelter of the needle rain, he could not see clearly what was too far away, but this time it was different. At a position about a hundred meters away, there seemed to be a man in a black hood passing by the woods on a maroon horse. The strange thing is that the rider, the maroon horse, and the emerald tree are like impression paintings, stitched together in a long way. It looks very strange at first glance, but because of the needle rain, the eyes can Seeing the entire scene is like sitting in a high-speed car and looking at the scene behind a fence.

"Did you notice? Zodiac." A gentle female voice came from the underground passage.

The ecliptic glanced at the underground passage, and suddenly, a surging force swept the steps and rushed underground like a violent storm. The middle part of the marble steps directly turned into powder, forming a ravine the size of a basketball. Half of the rainwater that originally flowed into the underground passage from the drains on both sides was diverted and flowed in from the newly formed ravine.

"Don't let'it' get close to you, otherwise it will take away your soul directly." The female voice was not affected at all.

"Do you want the sword in the fish? What do you want? What can **** movies give you?" Huang Dao's right hand blocked the Samsara Menghua, and asked rhetorically.

"Isn't we supposed to ask you this question?" This sentence is very meaningful, even with a little ridicule in his tone.

"We?" Zodiac repeated the word.

"Of course, don't you think we will fight you alone?" The actor hiding in the underground passage spoke very confidently.

"Actually, it should be better for you to die in the final place." Huang Dao sighed, his calm eyes changed slightly, but it was not anger, but pity, as if the other party had missed a very good opportunity.

"Really? It sounds like we should thank you."

A citrus swallowtail flapped its wings and slowly flew out from the underground passage. The black and white stripes were very beautiful, and the orange spots at the end looked like two deep eyes. The citrus swallowtail came to the ecliptic, circled around the ecliptic, and finally landed on the shoulder of the ecliptic. However, at the moment when it was about to touch, a suction force came from the needle rain, sucking the citrus swallowtail into the needle rain. After entering the needle rain range, the citrus swallowtail butterfly fell to the ground like a broken kite. After its wings flop twice, it turned into a pool of black liquid and melted into the rain.

"I guess." Huang Dao said, "The **** movie saved you. In exchange, you need to kill me, right?"

"You." The other party added.

"Really? I want to ask, what will you do after you succeed?" Zodiac looked down at the Menghua in his hand.


"Regardless of the result, the **** movie will come to an end for a while, and you will also become the new hall-class actors. I want to know what will you do after you become hall-class actors?" Zodiac's right index finger gently fiddled with the reincarnation dream flower. Spiral petals.

For a while, the entrance of the underground passage fell into a short silence, leaving only the dense sound of needle rain knocking on the soul.

Zodiac looked back, and the horseman in the woods behind was still staying in place, not moving any position, neither approaching nor far, as if silently observing.

"What? Of course it is to enjoy the power of a palace-level actor. Do you want to continue to be tortured in the **** movie?" The female voice in the underground passage broke the question, and the tone was not as gentle as before.

"Oh?" Zodiac raised his eyebrows slightly, "Will you choose'forget' then?"


"There are many choices. You can choose to forget all the things in the **** movie, so that everything has never happened before, or choose to forget a part of it?" On this question, Zodiac became in no hurry. He seemed to want to know the other party very much. s answer.

"Zodiac, what did you choose to forget? Did you forget your name?" This time, the answer was quick, and the actors hiding in the underground passage wanted to know the answer to this question.

"Name, past...I don't even remember, I don't remember the world where I was born, or what happened before I became a grand actor. I don't have a name, and I don't have a past, but in my heart I never wanted to go and search. "Zodiac paused here, "Do you know why?"

No one answered in the underground passage.

Zodiac ignored it and continued:

"Perhaps, this is my choice. An ordinary person, no matter how unforgettable experience he has in **** movies~www.wuxiaspot.com~ As long as he can return to his own world and breathe the familiar air again, then, the previous experience Everything in this can be regarded as an exciting dream. From this perspective, it is impossible for people to fight for the identity of an'actor', just like getting on a bus without thinking about the people who are crowded, the'actor' is right Ordinary people are just a coat of identity. Eventually, they will take off their clothes and go back to'home' to sleep.

Actors are not so much ‘actors’ as they are slaves, slaves of **** movies.

Although everything is just my guess, I have always acted with this kind of thinking. I deliberately forget everything I used to, and only retain the identity of the'actor', in order to cut off the back road and use the rest of my life to liberate the'actor' And struggle. "

Speaking of this, the calm and calm face of the zodiac moved slightly, and his eyes were full of hope, as if he saw a bright tomorrow.

"Hehe, I started to say these high-sounding words again. I used these words to deceive a lot of people before?" A mockery came from the underground passage. "I ask you, since you want to liberate the actor, why keep attacking other actors Why are you planning "The Funeral of the Sun"? You kill more actors than there are leaves in this forest!

Speaking of which, on the way home, you were well protected. You are very sorry for your life, but you still call yourself so great. I think you are too deep in the drama and need to be sober! "

Zodiac is not angry, he whispered back:

"I know that you will only remember the evil of the admonition club. Once, Wuyou and the fake year asked me,'What are you willing to give for this?', I still remember the original answer,'everything!'"

"Then, we are here to take everything from you!" The female voice in the underground passage became cold.

Flocks of citrus swallowtail butterflies emerged from the darkness and rushed towards the ecliptic.


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