Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1650: Way of resistance

   Qian Jiangyue’s question silenced the air. In this silent late night, people feel a kind of sadness that is too thick to dissolve. It seems that from the beginning, everything they do is meaningless, countless persistence, countless struggles, just because they can make the story more. Wonderful, nothing more.

The shadow play finally understands that Qian Jiangyue did not tell Qian Cangyi the reason for his guess. This is not a truth that can be shared at will. Although it is just a guess, it is more than the idea that "the **** movie will be suppressed by the admonition everywhere." It may be the truth. If you use a coin toss as an analogy, when 20 consecutive toss are all heads, the former idea is like blaming the situation entirely on good luck, while Qian Jiangyue’s conjecture is that the coin has a problem, or Moved in other places. Although the latter idea is more real and more logical, in the long-term depressive environment of **** movies, most actors are more willing to believe the former.

  Because, if there is no motivation to move forward, then the only outcome for actors in the perilous movie world is death.

   As the branches rang out in the bonfire with a slight explosion, Qian Jiangyue sighed slightly, breaking the silence:

"Look, the shadow play, this is the truth. I told you to listen to it because you pay more attention to the present and the way back to hell. Although you must have other ideas, such as the secrets of your real world, I know you are a very pragmatic one. People. If life is a race, you will definitely be the kind of runner who steps on the ground steadily at every step and runs to the finish line. The toughness in you is not possessed by many people, at least...Fable Nothing."

   When giving an example, he hesitated, and before the shadow play answered, he added:

   "Of course, I also have another consideration. If I have an accident, at least someone still knows about it. Maybe it has some reference value."

  The shadow puppetry looked at the ground, her black eyes lit up with fire, and then she looked up at Qian Jiangyue:

   "Your worry is reasonable, but I don't think Cang Yi is so vulnerable."

   She has a firm tone.

   Qian Jiangyue was stunned. He did not look at the shadow puppetry or answer directly. Instead, he looked away and looked at the depths of the forest aside:

   "Do you think he will cry?" He asked, his voice is not loud, but in this silent forest, it doesn't affect his hearing.

   The shadow play searched in her mind, whether she had seen such a scene, Cang Yi's face flashed, but she couldn't connect with crying, she had never seen it.

"Everyone will cry." Qian Jiangyue did not wait for the shadow play to answer, "No one is exception. As long as you just touch the softest part of your heart, everyone will burst into tears, and the more you look forward to it, the more you lose it. Heartbroken."

   "Then what are you going to do?" The shadow play didn't worry about it anymore.

   "Which aspect do you mean?" Qian Jiangyue asked back.

   "Fate." The tone of the shadow play suddenly became tough. "Are you going to accept the fate? Accept the script arranged for you by the **** movie? Or, resist it?"

   Qian Jiangyue did not answer and chose to remain silent.

   "...flee?" The shadow play was a little frustrated.

   Qian Jiangyue stood up, turned his back to the shadow play, and said:

"I used to think about it, but in the end I didn't do it. Because I don't know if the idea of ​​a hundred is also the arrangement of the script, so I am still alive. You ask me if I continue to escape, yes, this is how I resist. My skills are related to the land of the end, which shows that I am very important in this movie called "the land of the end". Then, as long as I continue to run away, I can delay the time and let everything it arranges. It develops boring and boring, and can even interfere with its plans."

   At this point, there was an excited smile on his sad face, as if a gambler who had already ruined his fortune was throwing the last dice. At this moment, the outcome seemed to be irrelevant. The only thing that mattered was momentum.

   The shadow play opened her mouth, she didn't know how to answer or how to persuade, and she didn't even know whether she should persuade or not.

"But... I have another idea." Qian Jiangyue continued, "As long as I drag it long enough, maybe I will become the weight to unbalance the balance and become the most important vote. At this time, I can Choose the ending yourself."

  The shadow play suddenly understood, she asked:

   "Do you want to change the script? You want the script to follow your direction, and you want to...become the protagonist of the entire "Hell Movie"?"

   Although she herself thought this conjecture was incredible, she felt a strong feeling in her heart that this was indeed something Qian Jiangyue could do. If the magnificent movie "Hell Movie" really has a protagonist, at present, the protagonist is undoubtedly the leader of the warning club, and the rest can only be regarded as supporting roles or dragon suits, but now the warning club has fallen out with the **** movie. Coupled with the death of a large number of actors, if the **** movie does not want to continue admonishing, then the protagonist must be selected from the remaining actors.

   Qian Jiangyue folded her hands on her chest, nodded and replied:

"Remember, acceptance is also a way to resist. In that case, why don't I choose the result that is most beneficial to me? To be the final winner means to become a palace-level actor, which means more intelligence and power. I can let the **** movie block my feeling about'it'. Although this is still self-comforting and self-deception, it is quite good compared to before."

   At this moment, his previous sadness and depression seemed to be swept away, replaced by full of confidence.

  The shadow play frowned slightly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ touched his forehead with his right hand, and then said:

   "It's impossible, how do you deal with nothing? You can neither see him nor touch him, but he can easily kill you."

   Qian Jiangyue raised her right index finger and swayed it left and right, and at the same time she made a "tsk tusk" sound:

   "Shadow puppetry, you are still too young, can't the protagonist have a younger brother? Just let Cang Yi deal with nothing, his skills just can be restrained."

The shadow play rolled her eyes, and she didn't know how to answer the conversation for a while, but she found that after Qian Jiangyue turned the topic off, the atmosphere suddenly became much more relaxed, like things like "fate" and "hell movies". Become indifferent, become unnecessary to care, even if it is there, it has no effect.

   "Look over there." Suddenly, Qian Jiangyue pointed her right finger at the forest on the right and spoke quickly.

  The shadow puppet show followed Qian Jiangyue's finger. In the dark forest, there was a brightly colored flower blooming. The seven petals of the flower were of different colors, emitting faint fluorescence in the dark.

   "What will it be?" she asked.

   "I don't know, be careful." Qian Jiangyue stretched out her left hand, pressed it down, and signaled the shadow puppet show to stay in place. Then, he walked towards the strange flowers step by step.


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