Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1651: Flower Road

   Qian Jiangyue reached into his trouser pocket with his right hand, and took out a small police flashlight. This was not the equipment he was carrying, but the object found on the dead person.

   In the dark forest, there are not only actors, but other ordinary people. The numbers of the two are even contrary to what you imagined. In fact, actors only make up a small portion, but ordinary people from other worlds make up the majority. Some of these ordinary people are investigators, and some are civilians who strayed into the dark forest. Although they have different goals, most of them have very similar endings. First, they lost their way in the dark forest and could not find their way home. Then, they were either lucky. Find a place to live, expect a miracle to happen, or die in the forest due to various accidents or strange existence, leaving only an unclaimed corpse.

   In addition to the flashlight, he is also finding a hand-drawn map. The map is very scribbled, all made up of thick black lines. These lines make up terrain, roads, and some patterns that are suspected to be spheres of influence. After that, he tried to advance along the route marked on the map. There was not much gain on the way, but he did not encounter any danger. It was not until yesterday that he encountered the shadow puppet show.

  The bright white light of the flashlight disperses the darkness and illuminates the front fan-shaped area, including the tree trunk where the strange flowers are located. On the trunk, the petals of the strange flowers are becoming more and more beautiful, and the colors seem to flow out of the petals. It seems that soon, these colors will dye the pale gray trunk into its own color, making this tree become it. Prey.

   Regardless of where the flower grows, or the flower itself is not right, Qian Jiangyue is very vigilant. He believes that this flower is completely different from an ordinary flower, not like a flower, but more like something like a "fungus". He slowly approached, standing in front of the tree trunk, looking down carefully.

   "How is it?" The shadow play asked softly. She was standing at the campfire now, not following Qian Jiangyue. In the dark forest at night, instead of staying close together, two people who are traveling together should keep a distance that can support each other, so as to avoid being swept away in danger. Therefore, it is more appropriate for her to stay by the bright campfire as a coordinator.

"The petals of this flower are strange, with spiral patterns on it, and from the perspective of its distortion, the petals may be spiral before blooming, but I'm not sure. There are seven colors of petals, and rainbows. The same, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple. I haven’t seen this kind of flower anywhere else, I guess, even in the gloomy forest, this kind of flower shouldn’t be a wild flower that can be seen everywhere. If I’m not mistaken, we chatted just now. Time, I'm afraid something is already spreading in the dark forest."

   Qian Jiangyue pointed the flashlight at the petals of the strange flowers and observed them more closely.

   He did not wait for the shadow play to answer, and continued with the previous words:

   "There is only one question now, what is this flower?"

   said, he looked up and looked left and right. At two o'clock on the right, he saw a faint color light, about 5 meters away.

   "There seems to be something over there, I'm going to check it out." He looked back at the shadow puppet show, pointing his left hand to the bright spot on the right.

"Wait, do you think it might be a trap?" The shadow play was a little worried. After all, they did encounter a trap in the forest. Although it was just a very ordinary noose and lost its effectiveness, there is no doubt that there is a trap in the forest. , And now, in the face of the strange flowers that appear bizarrely in the middle of the night, it is obvious that you must be more careful.

   "It's possible." Qian Jiangyue nodded, "But I still have to go and see, but before that..."

   While talking, he walked back and came to the campfire again. Then, he bent down and picked up a few still burning branches from the ground, and then walked towards the tree trunk with strange flowers in full bloom.

   The shadow play watched all this silently, without asking, she knew Qian Jiangyue was going to test.

   Qian Jiangyue stood in front of the tree trunk, raised his right hand, adjusted his posture, and then pierced the fire-bearing branch to the strange flower. After the flame touched the petals, it burned more and more vigorously. At first, the strange flowers had no obvious response, but after two seconds, the petals began to twist and gradually turned back into a spiral shape. At the same time, the petals as a whole contracted toward the middle, and seemed to be renewed close.

   Seeing this scene, Qian Jiangyue did not stop, but tried harder.

   As time goes by, finally, the strange flower becomes the same as before blooming again, with spiral petals guarding the translucent stamen in the center.

   Qian Jiangyue raised the branch, squeezed her right hand, and then swiped it down hard, hitting the strange flower severely. This stick directly knocked the flower away from the trunk and hit the ground.

After the strange flower hits the ground, it begins to rot from the root at a speed visible to the naked eye. After about ten seconds, the whole flower becomes brownish-gray, and the petals are not as vibrant as before, just like withered leaves, the strange flower at this time It looks no different from other ordinary flowers.

Qian Jiangyue looked to the right and walked over, but this time, he didn't try to destroy the Qiyi Flower. Instead, he started with the second flower as a starting point to find new flowers. Originally, he was only planning to try, but he did. He found that on the left, deeper into the dark forest, there was a new spot of light, but this time, he did not choose to go forward alone, but shouted towards the campfire:

   "I found out that these flowers seem to be showing the way and should take us to a place!"

   Qian Jiangyue turned around and walked back to the campfire place again.

   "Huh?" The shadow play was a little surprised, "Why did it suddenly appear? Why did you show the way? Are we being targeted?"

"It may be, or it may not. It is not yet certain for the time being. However, if we are targeted, even if we do not go, I am afraid it may not be safe. There is nothing to protect us." Qian Jiangyue looked at the bonfire, although it seemed safe. , But the dark forest is not an ordinary forest. Whether it is the ferocious beasts living in the forest or the high position in charge of one party, it is impossible to be restricted by the mere fire.

  The shadow play looked up, and the night in the dark forest was darker than the night in other worlds.

"You mean, we are going to investigate in the middle of the night?" She was very puzzled, and she didn't understand Qian Jiangyue's decision. On the one hand, it was because there was basically no light in the middle of the night. Although the dark forest was not bright in the daytime, at least her eyesight They will not be disturbed. Although they now have lighting equipment, they have a charging time limit. Once they are used up, they will be gone. On the other hand, they have walked a lot during the day, and it was only a little bit earlier. Taking a rest, neither body nor spirit recovered to the best condition.

   "I said, it's not that we are going to investigate, but from the moment Caihua appeared, we must go to investigate." Qian Jiangyue shook the flashlight lightly, paused slightly, and then continued:

"Shadow puppetry, you should know that we are hiding by the campfire, it is not safe at all. The safest way is to leave the dark forest as soon as possible and go to the transit station to rest. The longer we stay in the dark forest, the more danger we may encounter. Many. Having said that, even if these flowers are traps, they also represent a way to leave the dark forest. We can't let it go."

   "Let's go." The shadow play sighed. She knew she couldn't convince Qian Jiangyue and asked Qian Jiangyue to explore by herself. She couldn't rest assured, so she bent down and lifted the sackcloth backpack and put it on her back.

   The two left the campfire and proceeded along the path of the strange flowers. As the distance from the bonfire gets farther and farther, the light that can support the two of them becomes weaker, and the light from the bonfire is completely invisible until tens of meters later. At this time, the surrounding darkness was like a beast that had been dormant for a long time, swarming up to the two. In the originally silent forest, there were cicadas singing from time to time, and two birds singing occasionally. At a distance of only a few tens of meters, they seemed to have come to two different worlds.

   "How do I feel that something is staring at us?" The shadow play glanced behind him, but saw nothing.

"Perhaps." Qian Jiangyue didn't care, and continued to move forward. He lifted his left hand ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and pushed away the branch in front of him. After walking past, he did not let go. When the shadow puppetry came over, he slowly put it down. "But we can only move on."

   "I know." The shadow play nodded.

   As the distance gets farther and farther, the number of strange flowers slowly increases, and sometimes three to four flowers appear in a row, forming a flower path in the dark night. The two moved faster and faster. After staying in the dark for a long time, they became more adaptable, until there were no new flowers in front of them, and the two stopped.

   "It's gone." Qian Jiangyue raised his right hand, shaking hands with the flashlight, illuminating the front.

   The tall trees in front are arranged in a horizontal row, and the branches are criss-crossed, almost blocking the way forward, but not far from the right, there is a tree-sized vacancy, like the only entrance to go forward.

   Qian Jiangyue walked to the entrance, and the shadow puppetry followed him.

   "Are you going to go in?" The shadow play turned her head and looked at Qian Jiangyue. Although Qian Jiangyue didn't say a word now, she could see the desire for adventure in Qian Jiangyue's eyes.

   "Do we have a choice? Can't we go back?" Qian Jiangyue turned to look at the shadow puppet show, showing a mysterious smile, then stepped out with his right foot and stepped on the only way in front of him.

   The shadow play sighed lightly, lifted the **** his shoulders, and walked in.


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