Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1665: Dream tree

   Qian Jiangyue feels that the dream flower under his feet has become an extension of his limbs. He only needs to consume a very small amount of life force to control the swing of the petals of the dream flower, so that the dream ship starts to sail forward. He told the shadow puppet show the notice of the **** movie.

   "Why are there hints in the **** movie?" The shadow play was very surprised, "Is it possible that Menghua is something from the **** movie? Is it related to the actors?"

   "If it has something to do with an actor--" Qian Jiangyue frowned, her lips pressed tightly, and she was preempted by the shadow puppet show before she could say anything else.

"—The Caution Club." The shadow puppet took a deep breath. This conclusion was unexpected, but it was reasonable. If strong strength is a direct manifestation of the Caution Club, then in terms of intelligence and resource accumulation, the journey back to **** is even Not even qualified to compare.

   "The warning will..." Qian Jiangyue turned to look at the employees aside, "...what are you going to do?"

When the dream boat began to move forward, these employees sat around the petals and chatted about interesting events in their life experiences. Some were embarrassing moments in the lush years, and some were mistakes caused by their youth and ignorance. They told each other about their regrets, like a conversation. meeting. At the beginning, the employees’ conversations were limited to regrets, and their expressions were mostly regretful, but soon, as the topic came to sleep, the expressions on their faces suddenly became relaxed and happy. For some reason, Qian Jiangyue looked at these employees like They were looking at the lambs being slaughtered, and the dream boat they rode on was the caterpillar slowly sailing towards the slaughterhouse.

   The dream ship moved forward slowly, and the semi-circular passage became wider and wider. Although it does not require much vitality to control the dream ship, it still requires a lot of energy to maintain it for a long time. Therefore, the two decided to rotate every half an hour. Now, it's the turn of the shadow puppets.

   Qian Jiangyue sat next to the petals, focusing on the staff aside, the face in front of him overlapped with the happy and strange expression in his memory, which made him feel an extremely strange drop in his heart.

  Is it really so happy? Are they really dead, or are they equivalent to crossing?

   he thought. For him, when employees know that they are living in a dream and regard dreams as reality, they are undoubtedly dancing on the tightrope between the dream and reality. If they are not careful, they will fall back to the real world and die, or Completely controlled by the dream world and become a part of the dream, but as long as it can be maintained, you can enjoy... "happiness" that no one can enjoy.

"Heh." Qian Jiangyue shook his head slightly, looked away, and fell on the colorful river outside the dream boat. In the flowing water, red and green mixed together to turn yellow, and then separated again. In the process of color separation and combination, Some transparent areas appeared. This transparent area seemed to be the original color of the river. From the occasional transparent area, he found a row of stiff faces underwater. "This is..." He held his breath and grabbed the hard petals with both hands. To the edge, slowly stretch your head into the water.

  The underwater scenery is completely different from the water surface. Under the water surface, the color disappears without a trace, leaving only a clear and transparent piece. At the bottom of the river, there were countless corpses lying neatly and neatly arranged horizontally and vertically. There were men and women of all ages and genders, and the bodies were all in the same posture-hands folded on their chests. The bottom of the river is like a lonely cemetery, but from another angle, it looks like a rare reunion of the dead.

   Qian Jiangyue felt an inexplicable panic in his heart. He raised his head, left the water, and turned to look at the employees who were chatting again, his deep eyes full of questions.

   "What's wrong?" The shadow play noticed that Qian Jiangyue's expression was wrong, and asked with concern.

   "Is it because I saw the cemetery at the bottom of the river?" The previous employee walked over, sitting carelessly beside Qian Jiangyue, like a close friend. The employee did not wait for the two to answer, and continued to speak: "Anyone can get what they want in their dreamland, but they can't stay in their dreamland forever. Just like people have a life span, life is only a hundred years or so in the world. Similarly, we are in a dreamland. The life span is about a hundred years. When the life span is reached, we will sink to the bottom of the river and become the cornerstone of our dreams."

   "There are corpses below." Qian Jiangyue said to the shadow puppet play.

   The shadow play was stunned and turned to look at the river.

"However, I heard that only ordinary people are a hundred years old. People like you who can control the dream ship may live for two hundred, three hundred, or even five hundred years. After all, you are different from us." The employee added. In a word, there was a look of envy in his eyes.

   Qian Jiangyue and the shadow puppet looked at each other, and said nothing. Although in the eyes of the employees, they are the people who control the dream ship, but they know in their hearts that the reason why they are special, or that they are truly special, is because they are actors in **** movies, and there are **** movies deep in their souls. The imprint left behind.

  The dream ship is still moving forward slowly, and there are fuzzy human-shaped reliefs on the walls of the semi-circular passage. The reliefs are held up and held hands. They are arranged neatly and extend to the distance, as if they are in line to welcome the return of the dream ship.

   A few minutes later, the dream ship left the semi-circular passage, and the front suddenly opened up.

   The warm sunlight shining on the surface of the water, sparkling, coupled with the bright colors of Menghe, people have the illusion of being above the rainbow. Farther away, the color of the water surface gradually faded and turned back to clear and transparent river water. The river bends forward, narrower and narrower, until it finally gathers under a huge tree towering into the clouds. This unusual tree has a spiral trunk, a huge crown, covering the sky, and a radius. At least more than a kilometer.

   "What the **** is this...?" The shadow puppets kept their eyes open, and all their attention was attracted by the tall trees in the distance.

"Mengshu!" The employee headed by placing his right palm horizontally on his eyebrows, looking into the distance, his eyes are full of expectation~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Let’s go there quickly, Mengshu is the entrance to dreamland, as long as you board Mengshu , You can fall asleep. "His tone was very excited, like a long-distance devout believer about to reach the holy place in his heart.

"Go and take a look." Qian Jiangyue's tone is the same as usual, with a little contempt, but his thoughtful expression is completely different from usual. His heart is very cautious, and his tone of contempt is just a little trick to relieve stress. .

   The dream boat docked and came under the dream tree.

Standing on the shore, the two people really felt the magnificence of the dream tree. The tree canopy covering the sky and the thick trunk that could not see the boundary were combined together, like a towering mountain, even though they had seen countless shocking ones. The scene, but this scene, still made the two of them excited.

   After the employees went ashore, they ignored the two of them, and they rushed toward Mengshu in a swarm. From a distance, the trunk of the tree is a spiral pattern. After approaching, I found that the pattern is not just a simple pattern, but a tree path that can climb to the height of the dream tree, like a circling mountain road.

"I feel like I'm in a dream." The shadow play subconsciously said these words, and she looked up at the top, but as soon as she said the words, she froze in place. She realized that something was wrong, "Wait. , I’m obviously in a dream, but why do I take this place as reality? And I said, "It seems to be in a dream"?"


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