Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1666: Selected

At this moment, the back of the shadow play was cold and shuddering. What she was afraid of was not the dream tree or other things, but her inner thoughts. She actually subconsciously regarded the world she was in now as the real world, even though the dream tree and the surrounding scenes did not have any weirdness. And the gloomy place, but she felt that the dream tree was more terrifying than the dark forest.

Even though there are all kinds of weird and weird conditions in the gloomy forest, she at least has the idea of ​​escape. As long as the thought is still there, she is still her, or shadow puppetry, but now, she has no intention to escape, but will Everything you see, hear, and everything is taken for granted. Before she knew it, her stance had changed. There was no sign of this change, and it was almost impossible to notice.

   "We were transformed unconsciously." Qian Jiangyue's gaze followed the movement of the employees in front.

   A series of questions appeared in his mind, what is dreamland? What is the function of dreamland? Who is it that created the dreamland?

   But no one can answer these questions.

   "There is no other way anyway, let's start, too." Qian Jiangyue took his right foot.

   The way back is no longer feasible. Even if they can control the dream ship to return to the underground space, and then climb to the open space, there is no way to return to the original woods, and naturally they cannot return to the dark forest. This is a one-way ticket, they can only find another way. This situation is very similar to when I came to the dark forest.

   "Hmm." The shadow play nodded heavily.

   The two followed behind the employees and stepped onto the spiral road outside the tree trunk. Although it is relatively steep from a distance, the footsteps on the tree path are like walking on the ground. This also means that the tree path will be an extremely long road, like an ancient pilgrimage path, screening believers along the road.

  The employees in front of them have become much more stable than before. Even though their expressions are still excited, they all have a tacit understanding of not speaking, as if they are worried that the noise will be disrespectful to this sacred tree. In this way, the silence remained for about half an hour, and then it was broken with an exclamation.

   "I, I'm going to sleep!" An employee raised his hands and shouted loudly. There was a joyful smile on his face, as if he had won the first prize for the first time he bought a lottery ticket. In the process of shouting, his body turned into fine sand mixed with seven colors. The fine sand drifted away like smoke and dust under the breeze, and finally merged into the air until it disappeared completely, leaving no traces. It seems that fine sand has never existed. Most of the employee's body is lost, just like a sculpture that has been baptized by the years, and only the mutilated body remains.

   When other employees saw this scene, instead of being afraid and nervous, their faces were full of envy and expectation. They slightly nodded, not only a blessing to the employees selected by Dreamland, but also a respect for Dreamland. They didn't continue to walk up the tree path until the employees who turned into wind and sand completely disappeared.

   Qian Jiangyue glanced at each other with the shadow puppet show, and there was a worried look in their eyes. There is no sad atmosphere in the whole process. Whether it is an employee who has disappeared from the wind and sand, or an employee who is still standing on the tree road, the expressions on their faces are always positive, expectant, comfortable, and at ease. Gladly accepted.

  The team continues to move forward. As time goes by, more and more employees turn into sandstorms. There is no sign of this change, and there is no biased choice. Anyone in any position of the team may change. However, excluding Qian Jiangyue and the shadow play at the end, for the changed person, after being selected, he will be ecstatic, because this is a pass to sleep. Dreamland is their only purpose here.

   "How long do we have to walk?" The shadow puppet murmured, she suppressed the voice very low to prevent the employees in front from being able to hear, "We should have been walking for three hours, but I feel that we haven't walked halfway."

   "Maybe there is no end at all." Qian Jiangyue whispered back.

   On the tree road, the speed of time seems to be different from usual, which makes people feel very long, but it is not difficult. It seems that the best time of the day is fixed at this moment forever. With the right angle of light and the gentle breeze blowing across your face, you will not feel tired even if you walk for a few hours.

   As time goes by, there are fewer and fewer employees in front, until there are only two left, the situation changes.

The shadow play stopped and stretched out her hands. Her fingertips were gradually turning into colorful sand, "I..." She wanted to say something, but for some reason, she didn't feel any danger in her heart. Instead, she felt relaxed. This kind of thrill is like the feeling of returning to the real world after surviving in the movie world.

In an instant, she felt as if she had returned to "home", a distinctive sense of belonging. She felt that her consciousness was merging into an extremely powerful collective consciousness. Suddenly, a scene of overlooking the dream tree appeared in her eyes. , It’s just different from the last time I saw it. This time, the dream tree is shining with extremely dazzling golden light. With the dream tree as the center, the sky and the earth begin to bend and revolve around the dream tree. At this moment, the dream tree is the center of everything.

   "Shadow puppet show?" Qian Jiangyue quickly grabbed the shadow puppet's wrist. To prevent this, he could only hold the colored sand with his right hand. The fine sand flows down the fingers and dissipates into the air. He tried again, this time grabbing the arm of the shadow puppet, and the result was still the same.

  Like the previous employees, the body of the shadow puppetry has become like a sculpture gradually eroded by wind, and soon she will disappear completely.

   Qian Jiangyue frowned, but didn't think of any solution for a while, he tried to tie the waist of the shadow puppet show with a chain~www.wuxiaspot.com~ trying to use the effect of skills to "connect" the two.

   Although there was no expected effect, the shadow play seemed to be affected. She blinked and her eyes returned to normal. Then, she looked at Qian Jiangyue and said hurriedly:


   When it comes to the word "jue", the body of the shadow puppetry has completely turned into sand and completely dissipated in the air. The last two words resounded in the air like an echo.

   Qian Jiangyue waved his hand and grabbed forward, but could only grab a cloud of air. The shadow play has indeed disappeared, but one thing is certain. She is not dead. Qian Jiangyue can clearly feel this. What's more, the **** movie did not give an explanation of the death of her teammate.

   "A real illusion?"

   Qian Jiangyue thought carefully about what the shadow puppet said.

"At the last second, she must not be able to say too much, she will definitely use the most straightforward words to express. Reality and illusion contradict each other, I am afraid what she really wants to say is that the illusion is too real, almost reality. This is true. The situation is the same as it is now. It seems that the so-called dreamland should be a big dream with a length of time spanning lifespan. If there is no interference, the dream of death is the end of everyone."

   Having said that, he turned his head and looked at the river below, his eyes deep.


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