Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1713: Victory or defeat

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The student climbed up from the ground, wearing a blue and white school uniform stained with a lot of dirt. He had short black hair, his big bright eyes were very clear, and his round face was slightly immature.

A student who shouldn't show up nearby, deliberately hid under the black plastic bag during the dark night effect. All these add up, Qian Jiangyue can almost conclude that the student in front of him is the eagle eye he has been looking for. Although there are basically no traces of adulthood, the only person around who meets the conditions is the one in front of him.

"Hawkeye, it's time to wake up, we still have things to do." Qian Jiangyue is straight to the point. He doesn't want to have many dreams at night. If he can wake up Hawkeye, at least the teammates on the same team don't need to kill each other anymore, not to mention, even in **** movies, except In addition to the problems of the warning club, it has never advocated letting actors kill each other. What **** movies have always made actors experience is the actor's self-help when facing unknown fears.

"Uh...it's that...Hawkeye, who kept me here, I don't even know him." Hawkeye shrank his neck, and there was a timid look in his eyes.

Qian Jiangyue frowned slightly, and his eyes moved on Yingyan. The student in front of him was indeed different from what he had imagined, lacking a sharp feeling.

Suddenly, he suddenly reacted. If Hawkeye retains combat experience, then perhaps he also retains the "acting skills" that **** movies have almost never mandated.

Deception, lies, and calculations, Qian Jiangyue, who is familiar with this aspect, immediately launched the skill effect divination. The target was the child student he identified as an eagle eye. The moment the skill took effect, an independent window appeared in his mind, inside the window. The picture is exactly the opponent's action three seconds later.

A student who lied that he was not an eagle-eyed student suddenly fisted out his right hand, and a large piece of chalk dust floated in the air, blocking his vision.

"Do you still dare to say that you are not an eagle eye?" Qian Jiangyue no longer doubts. The reason why he made this judgment is not to say that the trick is an eagle eye, but based on previous speculations, plus early Be prepared for this, apart from Hawkeye, it is impossible to be other unrelated personnel in the dream. This is not a movie world, but a dream world. There are only two special people, one is himself, and the other is naturally the master of the dream, Hawkeye.

After hearing this, Hawkeye's eyes drenched, and the original panic and fear disappeared in an instant. He stepped back step by step, and at the same time asked:

"I don't understand what you are saying, but one thing is for sure, as long as you kill you, it means you have never appeared."

His tone was cold, without a trace of anger, as if he was performing a task, but also as if he was making a private judgment.

"What are you waiting for? Your eagle spirit? I can get rid of you before he escapes." Qian Jiangyue stretched out her right hand, and the iron chain with fist wind effect flew out of her palm.

He has been paying attention to the abnormal noise just now, not after taking a look at it. In his memory, Hawkeye was never an arrogant person. He chose to approach even after he had lost his strongest weapon. This shows that he has enough confidence to counteract. It is naturally not the strength and speed of a child to counteract. It is the eagle spirit that can escape the imprisonment of the iron barrel.

After seeing the chain, Hawkeye swooped to the left. The strong wind pressure cut his trouser legs into rags, and his black sneakers became ragged.

"Don't really kill Hawkeye, either the dream will restart or he really died in the dream." Xiaotai suddenly reminded.

Qian Jiangyue frowned and manipulated the chain to turn, aiming directly at Hawkeye's ankle. Although he just said the word "solve", he didn't kill him, because the thing Xiaoma reminded was exactly what he was worried about.

Hawkeye saw the iron chain turn, his face solemn, even if he was aware of the coming crisis, but had lost the means of coping, he could only watch the iron chain fly by, but from beginning to end, he did not close his eyes. Instead, he took this opportunity to control the Wings of Steel and forcibly tore open the iron barrel.

The victory or defeat was only a moment, and in a few seconds, Steel Wings would be able to kill him from the abandoned building, but... he might not be able to last a few seconds.

The chain hits Hawkeye's ankle, smashing the joints and directly incapacitating Hawkeye.

Hawkeye snorted, his face pale.

Qian Jiangyue was not idle while the chain was moving. He strode to the position where Hawkeye was lying, clenched his fist with his left hand, and swung it at Hawkeye with all his strength. This fist would not kill Hawkeye. But it can make Hawkeye faint.

"I see, let's go." Hawkeye's gaze softened, and his hands were placed on both sides of his body, without the slightest defense against Qian Jiangyue's fist.

Qian Jiangyue was taken aback for a moment, his left hand lightened a little, but he still hit Hawkeye's face.

Hawkeye was in pain, his head tilted to the side, perhaps because of strong willpower, or perhaps because Qian Jiangyue kept his hands, he didn't faint.

Qian Jiangyue took a deep breath, and then exhaled softly: "I didn't say it early--" Before he could finish his words, his eyes suddenly became white, and there was a tingling sensation in his eyes, which made him close his eyes. .

Could it be that……

The feeling of extreme danger made him stand on his back~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He immediately activated the night effect and made evasive actions. However, his body only flew halfway, and a huge force pressed him to death. On the ground.

"Stop immediately, or you will be killed." Hawkeye's cold voice came.

Qian Jiangyue struggled twice, but his shoulders were already clamped. Even if he let his body separate, there was no way to avoid it. After all, he couldn't completely turn his body into a pure iron chain, but could only separate the joints.

When Qian Jiangyue was struggling, the sharp claws of Steel Wings pierced into the muscles and gradually contracted, threatening, and at the same time he felt a cold metal on the back of his neck. He knew that if he didn't end the night effect, blood would be spilled on the spot in the next second, and there would be no chance of healing. He had to end the night and let the light re-illuminate the surroundings.

After the dark night effect disappeared, the claws of Wings of Steel loosened a little, and then turned Qian Jiangyue hard to make Qian Jiangyue face up. Then, its paws pressed Qian Jiangyue's neck, making it almost impossible to breathe , However, it seemed that after receiving Hawkeye's order, the sharp claws of Steel Wing didn't grab Qian Jiangyue's throat, but pressed.

"Don't move, I don't want to say it a second time. Don't kill you for half a second with the Wings of Steel." Hawkeye warned.

Wings of Steel, the name of the Eagle Spirit?

Qian Jiangyue coughed twice and turned his head to make himself feel better, but under the weight of the steel wings, he could not move at all. He looked at Steel Wings and his gaze fell on Steel Wings’ eyes. This time, he finally had the opportunity to observe closely. He was surprised to find that he actually saw eagle eyes in Steel Wings’ eyes, and he even had An illusion, perhaps the real eagle eye is the steel wing in front of him.

"Answer my question, who are you?" Hawkeye began to interrogate.

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