Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1714: regret

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Qian Jiangyue wanted to turn her head, but was held down by the claws of Steel Wings's chin, causing her head to tilt to one side.

"I don't want to waste too much time on you. I will give you 5 seconds to think about it." Hawkeye's tone is cold and his reason is always on. Even if the bones of his ankle are broken, he has no angry feelings towards Qian Jiangyue.

Qian Jiangyue's eyes turned, and as the eagle eye opened his mouth, he could feel the steel wings loosen a little bit of claws, but he also knew that this was not an opportunity to escape. Not a dead end, Hawkeye is interested in his origin and purpose. Perhaps it was because of his previous retention that Hawkeye was willing to spend more time on him. Of course, it was precisely because of his retention that it led to the current predicament.

What should i say?

Qian Jiangyue thought hard in her mind. Hawkeye is not an enemy, but a teammate. Now the fight is only because Hawkeye has forgotten the relevant memories. It is precisely because of this that Qian Jiangyue violated the usual principle and stopped expressing goodwill when he had almost won.

"Would you like to be harder? Maybe Hawkeye thinks you are very spine and admire you, so just let you go?" Xiaotai raised his mouth at an extremely inappropriate time.

Qian Jiangyue hesitated for half a second and decisively ruled out this option. In his understanding, Hawkeye has his own rules of conduct. Although he does appreciate the tough guy, he will not let the tough guy go. It will only give the tough guy a simple death, and he does not want to die.

Perhaps, what can I find from Hawkeye's code of conduct?

An idea flashed through Qian Jiangyue's mind. Now that two seconds have passed, he will focus all his attention on this issue for the remaining three seconds.

Just using the word cold heart and kindness can never generalize the eagle eye. Even if I only rely on the things in the dream territory to judge, this is not true. I entered the school before and was immediately fatally attacked after seeing the steel wings. However, Hawkeye is not a villain. Most of the time, he kills people with legitimate and reasonable reasons. Therefore, even if his hands are stained with blood, he does not feel cruel, and even shows an excessive self-discipline— —As long as you don't mess with him, there will be no trouble.

If you must use one word to summarize it, it should be-be alone. For strangers, as long as he does not affect him, he will ignore it. If there is a certain value, he will even save himself while ensuring his safety. However, he will show more kindness and patience to his teammates. . Now, the question is, what kind of person will he identify as a teammate?

Qian Jiangyue thought of this and was about to continue thinking, but was interrupted by Hawkeye.

"The time has come." Hawkeye's tone was like a judge in the court, beyond doubt.

"We used to fight side by side, I am your teammate." Qian Jiangyue gave his own answer.

Steel Wings' claws tightened, and once again clasped Qian Jiangyue's chin. At this moment, Qian Jiangyue felt her heartbeat speed up and her breathing became heavy.

Qian Jiangyue took the opportunity to use the breath and blood recovery treatment, if his answer did not satisfy Hawkeye, then he could only fight to the death.

Steel Wings did not move further, as if only to prevent Qian Jiangyue from taking the opportunity to escape when Hawkeye was thinking about true and false.

Qian Jiangyue waited silently. Even if he intends to fight to the death, the possibility of success is very small, unless Xiaotai gives him a skill effect that can instantly get away. When that time comes, the first thing he does after getting out is to leave the dream of Hawkeye. , Although Hawkeye is a very important combat power, he does not want to die here.

A few seconds later, a calm question came from not far away, and Hawkeye's voice eased a lot: "What teammate? I have never seen you before. Our ages are too different. We can't be teammates."

Although the words are full of distrust, Qian Jiangyue, who understands Hawkeye's personality, is relieved. With Hawkeye's personality, the result of disbelief must be to do it directly. He will never do it again after asking, but it is Qian Jiangyue himself. It might do. All Hawkeye needs is evidence.

After Hawkeye's words were finished, the Iron Wing's claws loosened a little, giving Qian Jiangyue room to speak.

"Really?" Qian Jiangyue asked, his brain full of power, searching for any clues in his memory that could persuade Hawkeye, he paused for two seconds, and continued:

"If you think about it, you have an eagle spirit, and I can see an eagle spirit, whether it’s a teammate or not, but that’s enough to show that we are a class of people, right? In addition, your combat experience, based on your age, you Do you think it’s possible? Fight experience, no matter how talented you are, you still have to fight to accumulate? The question is, where do you accumulate? And the elementary school in Pingan? I would say something that may be excessive, even if the teachers and students of the whole school are together You can’t accumulate combat experience because they are not threatening.”

The mismatch between age and combat experience allowed Hawkeye to show strong combat power, but it also became the basis for Qian Jiangyue's argument.

Qian Jiangyue knew that she was prying into the imprecise dreams in the depths of Eagle Eye's soul bit by bit.

If there is no interference from external forces, Hawkeye’s dream is the world he thinks, because he was "born" in the dream, and without a reference, something unreasonable would not arouse suspicion, because it was born like this, but now Qian Jiangyue is here. He is a reference. His appearance will make all the places in the dream that seem reasonable, like ridiculous stories, full of flaws.

Steel Wings clamped Qian Jiangyue's chin again, no matter whether Qian Jiangyue's words were true or not, Hawkeye always took the initiative in his own hands.

"Is there any other evidence?" Hawkeye asked, even with a little expectation in his tone.

The Wings of Steel released its claws in good time.

Qian Jiangyue frowned, always feeling that she had overlooked something.

Why does Hawkeye's dream state look like it is now?

Qian Jiangyue suddenly thought of this, because the fighting intensity was too high before, he didn't have time to think carefully about the special nature of dreams. Now, in this short peaceful time, he had to focus on this matter.

My dreams and Xiao Zuanfeng's dreams are incomplete and have no reference value.

The dream of the fable is very simple. He wants to live in a comfortable and unique world as a strong man, unexpectedly and logically.

The dream of the shadow play is ordinary, but it is very real. If Cang Yi can succeed, the ending is likely to be like this. She wants a happy ending on the way back to hell, although the last few actors are in different worlds and go to different things. Meet, but the results of other actors will not be much worse.

However, Hawkeye is different. Although he is a child, he does not need anyone to protect him. Usually, he is a child in his dream. Generally speaking, he is insecure and needs protection. This is very strange. Moreover, in a dream , His strength is still very strong, and he can even protect others. From the perspective of personality analysis, he is unlikely to have the same dream as the fable, because Hawkeye is like this in the real world.

As the analysis of the dreams gradually progressed, Qian Jiangyue realized that she might be gradually approaching the truth, a truth that was not paid attention to because of the high intensity of the battle.

Could it be... regret? Regret for the past? I remember he said before...

Qian Jiangyue had a meeting room scene in his mind~www.wuxiaspot.com~Hawkeye never talked about his past in detail, but simply said a few words when I had to mention it. It was very calm, so Qian Jiangyue did not pay much attention. But now, when I was in the eagle-eyed dream to recall those words, everything seemed to be connected in series.

...War is war. His life was changed by war. He was strong in childhood. I understand. Hawkeye retains combat experience and steel wings. All of this is to make up for the regrets of the year.

Qian Jiangyue swallowed, hesitated for a second, and said his guess:

"This is your dream. If what you told me at the beginning is true, then the reason your dream is like this is because deep in your heart you always want to change the past. Today is definitely the most critical day. In other words, if nothing happens, war is coming."

Regarding the progress of the dream, Qian Jiangyue is not very sure, he can only make vague predictions.

Hawkeye did not speak for a long time.

Qian Jiangyue didn't speak any more, he was worried that if he said too much, it might cause counter-effects, and he needed to let Hawkeye accept it.

Suddenly, the Steel Wings completely released its claws, and did not hold down Qian Jiangyue anymore, but fluttered towards the eagle eye.

Qian Jiangyue looked up, Steel Wings grabbed Hawkeye's wrist, flew to the sky, and then flew towards the school.

"Eagle Eye!" Qian Jiangyue yelled, but Eagle Eye did not respond, "Did he remember?"

"Not everyone wants to wake up." Xiaoma said, "He is resisting, you hurry up to follow, if he is killed by the dream, the dream is likely to restart."

Qian Jiangyue took a deep breath and climbed up from the ground. The pain in his back made him take a breath. He looked around and ran towards the road, but he couldn't fly.

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